Project Details

Výzkum efektivních kryptografických metod pro zvýšení bezpečnosti nastupujících komunikačních technologií v oblasti Internetu věcí

Project Period: 1. 3. 2018 - 28. 2. 2019

Project Type: grant

Code: IGA FEKT/FIT-J-18-5434

Agency: Brno University of Technology

Program: Vnitřní projekty VUT

English title
Research of effective cryptographic methods to enhance the security of incoming communication technologies in the Internet of Things

Vernam algorithm, Smart City


The Low-Power Wide Area Network is a field of completely new wireless communications technologies that provide connectivity for high-end devices, mainly in the Internet of Things (IoT), such as Smart Grid and Smart City. A big challenge in this perspective is the issue of ensuring reliable security of sensitive data. This project aims to research efficient cryptographic methods based on the Vernam algorithm and to enhance the security of these modern, promising communication technologies.

Team members
Lichtner Ondrej, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT) , research leader
Sláčik Ján, Ing. (FEEC BUT) , team leader
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