Project Details

Mezinárodní mobilita výzkumníků Vysokého učení technického v Brně

Project Period: 1. 3. 2018 - 30. 9. 2020

Project Type: grant

Code: EF16_027/0008371

Agency: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic

Program: OPVVV PO2 Mezinárodní mobilita výzkumných pracovníků

English title
International mobility of researchers at the Brno University of Technology

mobility, researcher, research, post-doc, junior, senior, foreign


The project is focused on the realization of the mobility of BUT researchers on foreign research institutions and the mobility of foreign researchers at the BUT research institute. Four types of mobility will be realized: arrivals of foreign researchers - postdocs to the CR - 12 mobilities; arrivals of foreign researchers into seniors to the CR - 12 mobilities; Exits of junior researchers from the Czech Republic - 46 Mobility; Outgoing Researchers - Seniors from the CR - 12 Mobility; a total of 82 mobiles.

Team members
Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c. (BUT) , research leader
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT) , team leader




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