Project Details
Daty řízené a antropické kódování a rozpoznávání řeči
Project Period: 1. 9. 2002 - 30. 8. 2005
Project Type: grant
Code: GP102/02/D108
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
English title
Data driven and anthropic coding and recognition of speech
speech processing, coding, recognition, data-driven methods
Data driven and anthropic coding and recognition of speech
Team members
Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing.
, research leader
- SZŐKE Igor, SCHWARZ Petr, BURGET Lukáš, FAPŠO Michal, KARAFIÁT Martin, ČERNOCKÝ Jan and MATĚJKA Pavel. Comparison of Keyword Spotting Approaches for Informal Continuous Speech. In: Interspeech'2005 - Eurospeech - 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. Lisabon, 2005, pp. 633-636. ISSN 1018-4074. Detail
- SZŐKE Igor, SCHWARZ Petr, MATĚJKA Pavel, BURGET Lukáš, FAPŠO Michal, KARAFIÁT Martin and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Comparison of Keyword Spotting Approaches for Informal Continuous Speech. In: 2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. Edinburgh, 2005, p. 12. Detail
- SZŐKE Igor, SCHWARZ Petr, BURGET Lukáš, KARAFIÁT Martin and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Phoneme based acoustics keyword spotting in informal continuous speech. In: Radioelektronika 2005. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2005, pp. 195-198. ISBN 80-214-2904-6. Detail
- SZŐKE Igor, SCHWARZ Petr, BURGET Lukáš, KARAFIÁT Martin, MATĚJKA Pavel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Phoneme Based Acoustics Keyword Spotting in Informal Continuous Speech. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2005, no. 3658, p. 8. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- MATĚJKA Pavel, SCHWARZ Petr, ČERNOCKÝ Jan and CHYTIL Pavel. Phonotactic Language Identification using High Quality Phoneme Recognition. In: Interspeech'2005 - Eurospeech - 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. Lisbon: International Speech Communication Association, 2005, pp. 2237-2240. ISSN 1018-4074. Detail
- SZŐKE Igor. Smooth Pitch Tracker Based on Harmonic and Noise Model. In: STUDENT EEICT 2005. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2005, pp. 673-677. ISBN 80-214-2890-2. Detail
- ČERNOCKÝ Jan and LAMPA Petr. Teaching signals - making it automatic, making it fun. In: Proc. Radioelektronika 2005. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2005, p. 4. ISBN 80-214-2904-6. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr, BURGET Lukáš and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. VISUAL FEATURES FOR MULTIMODAL SPEECH RECOGNITION. In: Radioelektronika 2005. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2005, pp. 187-190. ISBN 80-214-2904-6. Detail
- MATĚJKA Pavel, SZŐKE Igor, SCHWARZ Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Automatic Language Identification using Phoneme and Automatically Derived Unit Strings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2004, no. 3206, p. 8. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- MATĚJKA Pavel, SZŐKE Igor, SCHWARZ Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Automatic Language Identification using Phoneme and Automatically Derived Unit Strings. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference Text,Speech and Dialoque 2004. Brno: Springer Verlag, 2004, p. 8. ISBN 3-540-23049-1. Detail
- MATĚJKA Pavel, ČERNOCKÝ Jan and SIGMUND Milan. Introduction to Automatic Language Identification. In: Conference Proceedings of Radioelektronika 2004. Brno: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2004, p. 4. ISBN 80-227-2017-8. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Multimodal Phoneme Recognition of Meeting Data. In: 7th International Conference, TSD 2004 Brno, Czech Republic, September 2004 Proceedings. Brno: Springer Verlag, 2004, pp. 379-384. ISBN 3-540-23049-1. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Multimodal Phoneme Recognition of Meeting Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2004, no. 3206, p. 6. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- SCHWARZ Petr, MATĚJKA Pavel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Phoneme Recognition from a Long Temporal Context. In: poster at JOINT AMI/PASCAL/IM2/M4 Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms. Martigny: Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence, 2004, pp. 1-1. Detail
- SCHWARZ Petr, MATĚJKA Pavel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Towards Lower Error Rates in Phoneme Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2004, no. 3206, p. 8. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- SCHWARZ Petr, MATĚJKA Pavel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Towards Lower Error Rates in Phoneme Recognition. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference Text,Speech and Dialoque 2004. Brno: Springer Verlag, 2004, p. 8. ISBN 3-540-23049-1. Detail
- KARAFIÁT Martin, GRÉZL František and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. TRAP based features for LVCSR of meeting data. In: Proc. 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. Jeju Island: Sunjin Printing Co,, 2004, pp. 437-440. ISSN 1225-4111. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. All-Pole Modeling for Definition of Speech Features in Aurora3 DSR Task. In: 6th International Conference, TSD 2003 České Budějovice, Czech Republic, September 2003 Proceedings. České Budějovice: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2003, pp. 295-300. ISBN 3-540-20024-X. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Autoregressive Modeling based Feature Extraction for Aurora3 DSR Task. In: Proc. EUROSPEECH 2003. Geneva: Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence, 2003, pp. 1801-1804. ISSN 1018-4074. Detail
- HEŘMANSKÝ Hynek, MATĚJKA Pavel and SCHWARZ Petr. On Use of Temporal Dynamics of Speech for Language Identification. In: Proceedings of Language Recognition Workshop 2003. NIST Gaithersburg, MD USA, 2003, pp. 56-62. Detail
- MATĚJKA Pavel, SCHWARZ Petr, GRÉZL František and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Phoneme Classification using Temporal Patterns. In: Proc. 13th International scientific conference Radioelektronika 2003. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2003, pp. 1-4. ISBN 80-214-2383-8. Detail
- MATĚJKA Pavel, SCHWARZ Petr, HEŘMANSKÝ Hynek and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Phoneme Recognition using Temporal Patterns. In: Proc. 6th International Conference Text, Speech and Dialogue, TSD2003. Ceske Budejovice: Springer Verlag, 2003, pp. 465-472. ISBN 3-540-20024-X. Detail
- SCHWARZ Petr, MATĚJKA Pavel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Recognition of Phoneme Strings using TRAP Technique. In: Proceedings of 8th International Conference Eurospeech. Geneve: International Speech Communication Association, 2003, pp. 1-4. ISSN 1018-4074. Detail
- BURGET Lukáš and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Recognition of Speech with Non-random Attributes. In: 6th International Conference, TSD 2003 České Budějovice, Czech Republic, September 2003 Proceedings. České Budějovice: Springer Verlag, 2003, p. 6. ISBN 3-540-20024-X. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Temporal processing for feature extraction in speech recognition. Vědecké spisy VUT. Edice Habilitační a inaugurační spisy, sv. 112. Brno: Publishing house of Brno University of Technology VUTIUM, 2003, pp. 1-30. ISBN 80-214-2395-1. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Time-domain based Temporal Processing with Application of. In: Proc. EUROSPEECH 2003. Geneva: Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence, 2003, pp. 821-824. ISSN 1018-4074. Detail
- SCHWARZ Petr. Would You Like To Make Your Programs Understand Human Voice?. In: Proceedings of 9th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2003. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2003, pp. 231-235. ISBN 80-214-2379-X. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr. Application of Mel-scale Filter bank for Noise Estimation in Speech Processing. In: 12th International Czech-Slovak Scientific conference Radioelektronika 2002. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2002, p. 4. ISBN 80-227-1700-2. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr and BURGET Lukáš. Efficient Noise Estimation and its Application for Robust Speech Recognition. In: 5th International Conference, TSD 2002 Brno, Czech Republic, September 2002 Proceedings. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2002, pp. 229-236. ISBN 3-540-44129-8. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr. Feature Extraction in Speech Coding and Recognition. Portland: Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, 2002. Detail
- ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Temporal processing for feature extraction in speech recognition, habilitation thesis. Brno, 2002. Detail