Project Details
Biometrické bezpečnostní systémy
Project Period: 1. 1. 2003 - 31. 12. 2003
Project Type: grant
Code: FR0835/2003/G1
Agency: Fond rozvoje vysokých škol MŠMT
English title
Biometric Security Systems
Biometric, Security, System
Biometric security systems are systems which automatically enabled or disabled access of persons to data or to protected areas pursuant to analyze of their biometric features (fingerprints, voice, retina, palm geometric etc.). The aim of the project is to create a complex biometric system based on concurrent analyzes a few different biometric features by using soft computing methods.
Team members
Orság Filip, Ing., Ph.D.
, research leader
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Zbořil František V., doc. Ing., CSc. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Zbořil František V., doc. Ing., CSc. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin and SMOLÍK Luděk. Biometrické certifikáty. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 8, no. 5, 2004, pp. 20-22. ISSN 1211-8737. Detail
- BONFIG Karl Walter and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometrie. Sensorpraxis, Band 5. Kreuztal: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2004. ISBN 3-933609-02-X. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Nutzung biometrischer Daten zur Gewinnung personenbezogener kryptographischer Schlüssel. In: BIOSIG 2004. Darmstadt: Fraunhofer Institute - Graphic Data Processing Institute, 2004, pp. 1-30. ISBN 3-88579-360-1. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin and NÖTZEL Ralf. Sensoren zur Fingerabdruckerkennung. Sensoren, Signale, Systeme. Messen, Prüfen, Automatisieren, Band 5. Kreuztal: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2004, pp. 49-60. ISBN 3-933609-19-4. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, ORSÁG Filip and SMOLÍK Luděk. Biometric Security Systems. In: Sborník Mikulášské kryptobesídky 2003. Praha: ECOM-MONITOR, 2003, pp. 1-10. ISBN 80-903083-3-3. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin and ORSÁG Filip. Biometric Security Systems: Fingerprint and Speech Technology. In: Proceedings of the 1st Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Tallahassee: Indian International Conference of Artificial Intelligence, 2003, pp. 703-711. ISBN 0-9727412-0-8. Detail
- ORSÁG Filip and ZBOŘIL František V. Endpoint Detection in the Continuous Speech Using the Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of 37th International Conference MOSIS´03 Modelling and Simulation of Systems. Ostrava, 2003, pp. 10-16. ISBN 80-85988-86-0. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, ORSÁG Filip and SMOLÍK Luděk. Entwurf eines biometrischen Sicherheitssystems. Bonn: The Office for Security in the Information Technology, 2003. Detail