Project Details
Vývoj aplikace pro vyhodnocení značení dílů
Project Period: 1. 3. 2021 - 31. 12. 2021
Project Type: contract
Partner: ŠKODA AUTO a.s.
English title
Development of an application for evaluating the marking of parts in automotive
Mobile applications, QR codes
The application compares read structure of bar and QR codes with reference values according to the original and current standard VW01064. Evaluates the IO or NIO status with a detailed listing of errors found. Verifies the data structure according to the original and current standard VW01064 and definitions of BG (Baugruppen) according to the BGOnline catalog.
Team members
Sadovský Petr, Ing., Ph.D.
, research leader
Rozman Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Torbin Evgeny, Bc. (FIT BUT)
Rozman Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Torbin Evgeny, Bc. (FIT BUT)