Tento projekt je spolufinancován se státní podporou Technologické gentury ČR v rámci 3. veřejná soutěž programu Doprava 2020+
Výzkum užitečný pro společnost.

Project Details

Ochrana letectví před nízkoenergetickými lasery

Project Period: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025

Project Type: grant

Code: CK03000036

Agency: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Program: 3. veřejná soutěž programu Doprava 2020+

English title
Aviation protection against low-energy lasers

Aviation, low-energy lasers, Police of the Czech Republic


The primary goal of the project is to design the structure of technical equipment with an associated algorithmic base and experimentally verify the possibilities of using an optoelectronic system for detection and localization of low-power laser sources, which threaten air safety. The device will be tailor-made for the application guarantor (CZ Police). Another goal is to verify the possibility of using this system for UAS detection so that it can be connected to the system of the current infrastructure administrator. Such a system can be placed in the vicinity of any airport and will cover not only the RWY itself but also the area of arrival and departure routes STAR and SID, where the aircraft are most vulnerable, which will be processed as an extension of additional system functionality

Team members
Kolář Dušan, doc. Dr. Ing. (UIFS FIT VUT) , research leader
Burget Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (UIFS FIT VUT)
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (UITS FIT VUT)
Dyk Tomáš, Ing. (UPSY FIT VUT)
Goldmann Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. (UITS FIT VUT)
Kanich Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D. (UITS FIT VUT)
Malaník Petr, Ing. (UITS FIT VUT)
Mika Monika, Ing. (UITS FIT VUT)
Orság Filip, Ing., Ph.D. (UITS FIT VUT)
Regéciová Dominika, Ing. (UIFS FIT VUT)
Rydlo Štěpán, Ing. (UITS FIT VUT)
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