Project Details
Czech National Quantum Communication Infrastructure
Project Period: 1. 3. 2023 - 31. 8. 2027
Project Type: grant
Code: 101091684, 101091684
Agency: European Comission EU
Program: Digital Europe Programme
Czech title
Vybudování kvantové komunikační infrastruktury CZQCi
quantum communication infrastructure; Digital Europe; Connection European Facilites
The deployment of European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) in the Czech Republic will be implemented and financed through a series of project financed by Digital Europe Programme (DEP), Connecting European Facilities II (CEF II) and co-financed using funds reserved in the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
Team members
Ryšavý Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
, research leader
Hajný Jan, Doc. Ing., Ph.D. (UTKO FEEC BUT) , team leader
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Hajný Jan, Doc. Ing., Ph.D. (UTKO FEEC BUT) , team leader
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)