Project Details
Nástroje pro podporu formální specifikace a verifikace UML diagramů
Project Period: 1. 1. 2003 - 31. 12. 2003
Project Type: grant
Code: FR838/2003/G1
Agency: Fond rozvoje vysokých škol MŠMT
formal specification, object oriented design and modelling, UML, theorem proving, higher-order logics
The project focuses on object-oriented techniques for development and specification of computer systems. Currently, the most used
industrial techniques of this area is UML. The UML provides a set of diagrams for support of analyzing and modeling
various aspects of computer systems. Nevertheless, a lack of formally defined semantics has invited several group
of researches to attempt providing a suitable formal basis. The proposed project aims at selecting of
currently available formal tools and theories for formal specification and developing of a formal theory interpreting of the UML meta-layer definitions to provide a formal foundation for the UML semantics.
Dvořák Václav, prof. Ing., DrSc. (DCSY FIT BUT) , team leader
- BUREŠ František and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. A Graph Representation for Use Case Specifications. In: Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences. Salzburg: World Scientific and Engineering Academy, 2004, p. 5. ISBN 960-8052-95-5. Detail
- RYŠAVÝ Ondřej and BUREŠ František. A Graph Representation for Use Case Specifications. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, vol. 2004, no. 3, pp. 686-690. ISSN 1109-2750. Detail
- RYŠAVÝ Ondřej and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. A Minimal Formal Language for Object-Oriented Specifications. In: Proceedings of the IEEE TC-ECBS and IFIP WG10.1 Joint Workshop on Formal Specifications of Computer-Based Systems, 2003. Huntsville, AL: University of Stirling, 2003, pp. 35-40. ISBN 1-85769-189X. Detail
- RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. A Survey on Formal Represenation of UML. Brno, 2003. Detail
- BUREŠ František and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. Declarative Behaviour Description of Selected Class from Standard IEEE 1451.1., vol. 2003, no. 6, p. 6. ISSN 1213-161X. Detail
- BUREŠ František and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. Formal specification of IEEE1451.1 fragments. In: 11. International Conference on Software, Telecommunications & Computer Networks. Split: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , University of Split, 2003, pp. 282-287. ISBN 953-6114-64-X. Detail
- ŠČUGLÍK František. Visualizing formal specifications using diagrams. In: 11. International Conference on Software, Telecommunications & Computer Networks. Split: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture , University of Split, 2003, p. 5. ISBN 953-6114-64-X. Detail