Project Details
Služby pro systém řízení a monitoringu vody v retenčních nádržích
Project Period: 1. 11. 2022 - 30. 4. 2023
Project Type: contract
Partner: Logimic, s.r.o.
dashboard, smart city, IoT, retention basin, sensor
The aim of the project is the development of a dedicated service for the research and development of a prototype software component for visualisation of sensor data and creation of programming logic between sensors, in the framework of an innovative software for the management of retention basins with the aim of saving drinking water. The software component will enable data processing and visualization on the web dashboard or mobile application. It will allow the definition of programming logic between the connected (displayed) devices, where (depending on the water level or the gradient of water loss in the retention basin) it will be possible to control the power circuit of the pumps. The program logic of the dashboard will be designed to be intuitive for the user and device agnostic, supporting different devices such as level gauges and switching relays from different manufacturers.
John Petr, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Moravčík Tomáš, Bc. (FIT BUT)