Project Details
Trusted Revocable Biometric Identities
Project Period: 1. 2. 2008 - 31. 1. 2011
Project Type: contract
Partner: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 7th Framework programme
Biometry, revocable biometrics.
TURBINE (TrUsted Revocable Biometric IdeNtitiEs) is a research project awarded 6.3 Million Euro funding by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research and Technology Development.
Lasting three years, TURBINE aims to develop innovative digital identity solutions, combining secure, automatic user identification thanks to electronic fingerprint authentication and reliable protection of the biometrics data through advanced cryptography technology.
Research efforts will focus on transformation of a description of fingerprints, so that the result can only be re-generated by the person with the fingerprints. TURBINE will hence provide the assurance that:
- the data used for the authentication, generated from the fingerprint, cannot be used to restore the original fingerprint sample
- the individual will be able to create different "pseudo-identities" for different applications with the same fingerprint, whilst ensuring that these different identities (and hence the related personal data) cannot be linked to each other, and
- the individual is enabled to revoke an identity for a given application in case it should not be used anymore.
The outcome of the project is intended to meet usage requirements for various market segments, such as ebanking, eGovernment, eHealth, physical access control, and mobile telecommunications.
The TURBINE consortium comprises major players in biometrics and cryptography, including Sagem Sécurité, Philips Research Europe, Sagem Orga, Precise Biometrics in Sweden, Cryptolog and ARTTIC in France, 3D-GAA S.A. in Greece, as well as academic research groups from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium and Gjøvik University College in Norway. In addition, two expert groups have been set up to advise the consortium on data protection and privacy regulations and requirements of key application sectors for electronic identity management solutions.
Bours Patrick, Ph.D. (GUC) , team leader
Derawi Mohammad O., Ph.D. (GUC)
Gafurov Davrondzhon, Ph.D. (GUC)
Hartung Daniel (GUC)
Lodrová Dana, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT)
Yang Bian, Ph.D. (GUC)