Project Details

Robot pro hledání osob v závalech a lavinách

Project Period: 1. 10. 2010 - 31. 7. 2014

Project Type: grant

Code: VG20102014024

Agency: Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic

Program: Program bezpečnostního výzkumu České republiky 2010 - 2015

English title
Robot for search of human beings in incrushes and avalanches

robot, rescue, avalanche, incrush


This project is devoted to the problematic of research and development of technologies for rescue robots. The result of this project will be utility and industrial model of rescue robot, which will be used for search of human beings in incrushes and avalanches. Intelligent sensory and navigation systems will be able to optimally navigate the robot on the incrush or avalanche and to avoid dangerous places if possible. It will be able to detect human beings under the incrush or avalanche.

Team members
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , research leader
Dvořák Radim, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Hájek Josef, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Herman David, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Kněžík Jan, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Kubát David, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Marvan Aleš, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Novotný Tomáš, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Orság Filip, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Stružka Jaroslav, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Váňa Jan, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader






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