Project Details
Centrum excelence IT4Innovations
Project Period: 1. 1. 2011 - 31. 12. 2015
Project Type: grant
Code: ED1.1.00/02.0070
Agency: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic
Program: Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace
information technology, security, safety
Information technologies play a key role in industry in the Moravian-Silesian Region and in the development of the Czech Republic as a whole. The requirements of the application sphere and foreign investors are connected with the rapid growth of IT technologies, yet science and research have not responded adequately to this newly emerging situation.
Vondrák Ivo, prof. Ing., CSc. (FEI VSB) , research leader
Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT) , team leader
Češka Milan, prof. RNDr., CSc. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Fučík Otto, doc. Dr. Ing. (DCSY FIT BUT) , team leader
Hanáček Petr, doc. Dr. Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Herout Adam, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT) , team leader
Kotásek Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc. (DCSY FIT BUT) , team leader
Meduna Alexander, prof. RNDr., CSc. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Sekanina Lukáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT) , team leader
Smrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT) , team leader
Švéda Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Vojnar Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Zemčík Pavel, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT) , team leader
Zendulka Jaroslav, doc. Ing., CSc. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Bartík Vladimír, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Bařina David, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Beran Vítězslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Bidlo Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Bouša Zdeněk, Ing. (DEAN FIT BUT)
Burget Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Burget Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Burianová Michaela, Mgr. (RCIT FIT BUT)
Dolíhal Luděk, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Drahošová Michaela, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Dytrych Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Hájek Josef, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Hannemann Mirko, Dipl.-Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Havel Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Holík Lukáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Hradiš Michal, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Hrubý Martin, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Chalupníček Kamil, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Chmelař Petr, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Chudý Peter, doc. Ing., Ph.D. MBA (DCGM FIT BUT)
Janoušek Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Juránek Roman, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Kajan Rudolf, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Kaštil Jan, Ing. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Kočí Radek, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Kolář Dušan, doc. Dr. Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Kolář Martin, Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Kouřil Jan, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Křivka Zbyněk, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Kubíček Radek, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Kula Michal, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Kunovský Jiří, doc. Ing., CSc. (DITS FIT BUT)
Martínek Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Masařík Karel, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Materna Zdeněk, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Matoušek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Matoušek Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., M.A. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Ondráček Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Orság Filip, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Otrusina Lubomír, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Páldy Alexander, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Pavelková Alena, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Peringer Petr, Dr. Ing. (DITS FIT BUT)
Petrlík Jiří, Ing. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Plchot Oldřich, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Polok Lukáš, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Ráb Jaroslav, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Richta Tomáš, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT)
Rogalewicz Adam, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Rozman Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Růžička Richard, doc. Ing., Ph.D., MBA (DCSY FIT BUT)
Ryšavý Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Řezníček Ivo, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Samek Jan, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Sochor Jakub, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Soukup Ondřej, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Starka Tomáš, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Strnadel Josef, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Szőke Igor, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Šimek Václav, Ing. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Škoda Petr, RNDr. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Španěl Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Váňa Jan, Ing. (DITS FIT BUT)
Vašíček Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Veľas Martin, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Veselý Karel, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Veselý Vladimír, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Zachariáš Michal, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Zachariášová Marcela, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Záň Drahoslav, Ing. (DCSY FIT BUT)
Zbořil František V., doc. Ing., CSc. (DITS FIT BUT)
Zbořil František, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Zemek Petr, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT)
- BAŘINA David and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Vectorization and Parallelization of 2-D Wavelet Lifting. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol. 15, no. 2, 2018, pp. 349-361. ISSN 1861-8200. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and SOUKUP Ondřej. Jumping Scattered Context Grammars. Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 152, no. 1, 2017, pp. 51-86. ISSN 0169-2968. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and SOUKUP Ondřej. Modern Language Models and Computation: Theory with Applications. New York: Springer US, 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-63099-1. Detail
- ILA Viorela S., POLOK Lukáš, ŠOLONY Marek and SVOBODA Pavel. SLAM++-A Highly Efficient and Temporally Scalable Incremental SLAM Framework. The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 2017, no. 1, pp. 210-230. ISSN 1741-3176. Detail
- MATERNA Zdeněk, ŠPANĚL Michal, MAST Marcus, BERAN Vítězslav, WEISSHARDT Florian, BURMESTER Michael and SMRŽ Pavel. Teleoperating Assistive Robots: A Novel User Interface for Remote Manipulation and Navigation Relying on Semi-Autonomy and Global 3D Environment Mapping. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 29, no. 2, 2017, pp. 381-394. ISSN 0915-3942. Detail
- ARON Lukáš and HANÁČEK Petr. A Concept of Dynamic Permission Mechanism on Android. In: Progress in Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering Proceedings. Bali, Indonesia: American Institute of Physics, 2016, pp. 22-30. ISBN 978-0-7354-1352-8. Detail
- HENZL Martin and HANÁČEK Petr. A Security Formal Verification Method for Protocols Using Cryptographic Contactless Smart Cards. Radioengineering, vol. 2016, no. 1, pp. 132-139. ISSN 1210-2512. Detail
- ZELENÝ Jan and BURGET Radek. Accelerating the process of web page segmentation via template clustering. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, vol. 2016, no. 2, pp. 134-153. ISSN 1751-5858. Detail
- EASTWOOD Shawn C., SHMERKO Vlad. P., YANUSHKEVICH Svetlana, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and GORODNICHY Dmitry. Biometric-Enabled Authentication Machines: A Survey of Open-Set Real-World Applications. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 46, no. 2, 2016, pp. 231-242. ISSN 2168-2291. Detail
- GRÉZL František and KARAFIÁT Martin. Bottle-Neck Feature Extraction Structures for Multilingual Training and Porting. In: Procedia Computer Science. Yogyakarta: Elsevier Science, 2016, pp. 144-151. ISSN 1877-0509. Detail
- ŽÁK Marek and ROZMAN Jaroslav. Design, Construction and Control of Hexapod Walking Robot. In: 2015 IEEE 13th International Scientific Conference on Informatics, INFORMATICS 2015 - Proceedings. Poprad: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2016, pp. 302-307. ISBN 978-1-4673-9867-1. Detail
- MUSIL Marek. Effectiveness of Approaches for Rail Candidates Detection and Verification of the SVM. In: ICTIC - Proceedings in Conference of Informatics and Management Sciences. Volume 5 Issue 1. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2016, pp. 152-156. ISBN 978-80-554-1196-5. Detail
- LUŽA Radim, ZBOŘIL František V. and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. High-level control of RUDA - the robot for rescuing people in debris and under avalanches. In: ICCC. Tatranská Lomnica: The University of Technology Košice, 2016, pp. 467-472. ISBN 978-1-4673-8605-0. Detail
- ARON Lukáš and HANÁČEK Petr. Mobile Security for Banking on Android Platform. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing Technology, Information Security and Risk Management. Dubai: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2016, pp. 7-14. ISBN 978-1-941968-31-4. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Modeling and Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Systems by Means of UPPAAL SMC: Method and Benefits. In: Informal Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS). Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016, pp. 32-37. ISBN 978-80-8086-256-5. Detail
- KARAFIÁT Martin, BURGET Lukáš, GRÉZL František, VESELÝ Karel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Multilingual Region-Dependent Transforms. In: Proceedings of the 41th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), 2016. Shanghai: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2016, pp. 5430-5434. ISBN 978-1-4799-9988-0. Detail
- CRHA Adam, RŮŽIČKA Richard and ŠIMEK Václav. Novel Approach to Synthesis of Logic Circuits Based on Multifunctional Components. Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 67, no. 1, 2016, pp. 29-35. ISSN 1339-309X. Detail
- KOCMAN Radim and MEDUNA Alexander. On Parallel Versions of Jumping Finite Automata. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Software Development and Object Technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 511. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 142-149. ISBN 978-3-319-46534-0. Detail
- KUČERA Jiří and MEDUNA Alexander. On State-Synchronized Automata Systems. Schedae Informaticae, vol. 2015, no. 24, 2016, pp. 221-237. ISSN 0860-0295. Detail
- ŽÁK Marek, ROZMAN Jaroslav and ZBOŘIL František V. Overview of Bio-Inspired Control Mechanisms for Hexapod Robot. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA. Marrakesh: Machine Intelligence Research Labs, 2016, pp. 160-165. ISBN 978-1-4673-8709-5. Detail
- ŽÁK Marek, ROZMAN Jaroslav and ZBOŘIL František V. Overview of Bio-Inspired Control Mechanisms for Hexapod Robot. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, vol. 2016, no. 8, pp. 125-134. ISSN 2150-7988. Detail
- DUBSKÁ Markéta, HEROUT Adam and HAVEL Jiří. Real-Time Precise Detection of Regular Grids and Matrix Codes. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol. 11, no. 1, 2016, pp. 193-200. ISSN 1861-8200. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, LUŽA Radim and ZBOŘIL František V. RUDA - Robot for Search for Human Beings in Debrits and Avalanches. In: Proceedings of ISDA 2015. Marrakesh: Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University, 2016, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4673-8712-5. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and SOUKUP Ondřej. Simple Matrix Grammars and Their Leftmost Variants. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 27, no. 3, 2016, pp. 359-373. ISSN 0129-0541. Detail
- KARMAZÍN Jaromír and OČENÁŠEK Pavel. The state of Near-Field Communication (NFC) on the Android platform. In: Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9750. Toronto: Springer Verlag, 2016, pp. 247-254. ISBN 978-3-319-39380-3. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- MRÁČEK Štěpán, DVOŘÁK Radim, VÁŇA Jan, NOVOTNÝ Tomáš and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. 3D Face Recognition Utilizing a Low-Cost Depth Sensor. 11th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2015). Ljubljana, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4799-6026-2. Detail
- GROCHOL David, SEKANINA Lukáš, ŽÁDNÍK Martin and KOŘENEK Jan. A Fast FPGA-Based Classification of Application Protocols Optimized Using Cartesian GP. In: Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 18th European Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9028. Berlin: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 67-78. ISBN 978-3-319-16548-6. Detail
- KUČERA Jiří, MEDUNA Alexander and SOUKUP Ondřej. Absolutely Unlimited Deep Pushdown Automata. In: Proceedings of the 10th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2015). Telč: Ing. Vladislav Pokorný - Litera, 2015, pp. 36-44. ISBN 978-80-214-5254-1. Detail
- VALENTA Václav, NEČASOVÁ Gabriela, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav and KOCINA Filip. Adaptive Solution of the Wave Equation. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Colmar: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2015, pp. 154-162. ISBN 978-989-758-120-5. Detail
- SMRŽ Pavel and DYTRYCH Jaroslav. Advanced Features of Collaborative Semantic Annotators - the 4A System. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. Palo Alto, California: American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2015, pp. 233-236. ISBN 978-1-57735-730-8. Detail
- FIEDOR Jan, DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, UR Shmuel and VOJNAR Tomáš. Advances in Noise-based Testing of Concurrent Programs. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, vol. 25, no. 3, 2015, pp. 272-309. ISSN 1099-1689. Detail
- NOVOSAD Petr and ČEŠKA Milan. Advantages and Drawbacks of Algorithms for Analysing Hybrid Petri Nets by Computing Unfoldings and Coverability Graphs. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Universidad de Las Palmas de Canaria: The Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2015, pp. 183-184. ISBN 978-84-606-5438-4. Detail
- DALECKÝ Štěpán and ZBOŘIL František V. An Approach to ANFIS Performance. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Mendel 2015 Recent Advances in Soft Computing. Brno, 2015, pp. 195-206. ISBN 978-3-319-19823-1. Detail
- KEKELYOVÁ Michaela, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, KOTÁSEK Zdeněk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization of Regression Suites. In: IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Belgrade: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 91-94. ISBN 978-1-4799-6779-7. Detail
- MALLIDI Sri Harish, OGAWA Tetsuji, VESELÝ Karel, NIDADAVOLU Phani S. and HEŘMANSKÝ Hynek. Autoencoder based multi-stream combination for noise robust speech recognition. In: Proceeding of Interspeech 2015. Dresden: International Speech Communication Association, 2015, pp. 3551-3555. ISBN 978-1-5108-1790-6. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Automation and Optimization of Coverage-driven Verification. In: Proceedings of the 18th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design. Funchal: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 87-94. ISBN 978-1-4673-8035-5. Detail
- KOLÁŘ Radim, SEMERÁD Lukáš, DRAHANSKÝ Martin, ODSTRČILÍK Jan, HÁJEK Josef and BOROVSKÝ Ján. Bimodal Eye Imaging System for Biometric and Medical Applications. In: Security and Protection of Information 2015. Brno: University of Defence in Brno, 2015, pp. 83-95. ISBN 978-80-7231-997-8. Detail
- SEMERÁD Lukáš and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometric entropy of retina. In: Proceedings of Information and Digital Technologies 2015. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2015, pp. 291-293. ISBN 978-1-4673-7185-8. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometrics - Liveness Detection, Recognition of Finger Veins, 3D Hand, Eye Iris and Retina, 3D Face and Thermo-Face. Brno, 2015. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Comparison of Generally Applicable Mechanisms for Preventing Embedded Event-Driven Real-Time Systems from Interrupt Overloads. In: Proceedings of the 2015 4th Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2015, pp. 39-44. ISBN 978-1-4673-7967-0. Detail
- KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, VALDMAN Jan and VALENTA Václav. Construction of P1 Gradient from P0 Gradient by Averaging. In: 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2015, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1287-3. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- SVOBODA Jan, BRONSTEIN Michael and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Contactless biometric hand geometry recognition using a low-cost 3D camera. In: Proceedings 2015 International Conference on Biometrics. Phuket: IEEE Biometric Council, 2015, pp. 452-457. ISBN 978-1-4799-7824-3. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, HANÁČEK Petr, ZBOŘIL František, HENZL Martin, ZBOŘIL František V., YIM Jaegeol and SHIM Kyubark. Cryptomodules in Wireless Networks using Biometric Authentication: Securing Nodes in Wireless Networks. Improving Information Security Practices through Computational Intelligence. Washington: IGI Global, 2015, pp. 198-227. ISBN 978-1-4666-9426-2. Detail
- CHRÁPEK David, BERAN Vítězslav and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Depth-Based Filtration for Tracking Boost. In: Springer International Publishing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9386. Catania: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 217-228. ISBN 978-3-319-25903-1. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav, RYŠAVÝ Ondřej, VESELÝ Vladimír, GRÉGR Matěj, PODERMAŃSKI Tomáš, HALFAR Patrik and MAREK Marcel. Design of Computer Networks Concerning Network Applications Support. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: University of Las Palmas, 2015, pp. 23-24. ISBN 978-84-606-5438-4. Detail
- PEŠÁN Jan, BURGET Lukáš, HEŘMANSKÝ Hynek and VESELÝ Karel. DNN derived filters for processing of modulation spectrum of speech. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2015. Dresden: International Speech Communication Association, 2015, pp. 1908-1911. ISBN 978-1-5108-1790-6. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- RICHTA Tomáš, JANOUŠEK Vladimír and KOČÍ Radek. Dynamic Software Architecture for Distributed Embedded Control Systems. In: PNSE 2015 Petri Nets and Software Engineering. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 1372. Bruxelles:, 2015, pp. 133-150. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- FIEDOR Jan, LETKO Zdeněk, LOURENCO Joao and VOJNAR Tomáš. Dynamic Validation of Contracts in Concurrent Code. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Universidad de Las Palmas de Canaria: The Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2015, pp. 177-178. ISBN 978-84-606-5438-4. Detail
- FIEDOR Jan, LETKO Zdeněk, LOURENCO Joao and VOJNAR Tomáš. Dynamic Validation of Contracts in Concurrent Code. In: Proceedings of EUROCAST'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9520. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 555-564. ISBN 978-3-319-27339-6. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel. Effective Synchronization of Data in Distributed Systems. In: Information, Computer and Application Engineering - Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Application Engineering, ITCAE 2014. Leiden: CRC Press LLC, 2015, pp. 177-180. ISBN 978-1-138-02717-6. Detail
- VEIGEND Petr, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, KOCINA Filip, NEČASOVÁ Gabriela, ŠÁTEK Václav and VALENTA Václav. Electronic Representation of Wave Equation. In: 13rd International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2015, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1392-4. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, KOLÁŘ Radim and MŇUK Tomáš. Elektronické zařízení pro snímání obrazu sítnice a duhovky oka. Česká a slovenská oftalmologie, vol. 71, no. 6, 2015, pp. 302-308. ISSN 1211-9059. Detail
- MOTLÍČEK Petr, DEY Subhadeep, MADIKERI Srikanth and BURGET Lukáš. Employment of Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models in Speaker Recognition. In: Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. South Brisbane, Queensland: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2015, pp. 4445-4449. ISBN 978-1-4673-6997-8. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír, REK Vít and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol with IPv4 and IPv6 Support for OMNeT++. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 402, no. 1, 2015, pp. 65-82. ISSN 2194-5357. Detail
- VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk and SEKANINA Lukáš. Evolutionary Approach to Approximate Digital Circuits Design. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, pp. 432-444. ISSN 1089-778X. Detail
- VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk and SEKANINA Lukáš. Evolutionary approximation of complex digital circuits. In: Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2015, pp. 1505-1506. ISBN 978-1-4503-3488-4. Detail
- SEKANINA Lukáš and VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk. Evolutionary Computing in Approximate Circuit Design and Optimization. In: 1st Workshop on Approximate Computing (WAPCO 2015). Amsterdam, 2015, pp. 1-6. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Experiments with fingers, finger fakes and finger and hand veins. Gjovik, 2015. Detail
- CUMANI Sandro, PLCHOT Oldřich and FÉR Radek. Exploiting i-vector posterior covariances for short-duration language recognition. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2015. Dresden: International Speech Communication Association, 2015, pp. 1002-1006. ISBN 978-1-5108-1790-6. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- MILET Tomáš, TÓTH Michal, PEČIVA Jan, STARKA Tomáš, KOBRTEK Jozef and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Fast robust and precise shadow algorithm for WebGL 1.0 platform. In: ICAT-EGVE 2015 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments. Kyoto: Eurographics Association, 2015, pp. 85-92. ISBN 978-3-905674-84-2. Detail
- KRČMA Martin, KOTÁSEK Zdeněk and KAŠTIL Jan. Fault Tolerant Field Programmable Neural Networks. In: 1st IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems (NORCAS) Conference. Oslo: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-4673-6575-8. Detail
- HOLÍK Lukáš, HRUŠKA Martin, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří and VOJNAR Tomáš. Forester: Shape Analysis Using Tree Automata (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9035. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 432-435. ISBN 978-3-662-46680-3. Detail
- PODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, ČEKAN Ondřej and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. FPGA Prototyping and Accelerated Verification of ASIPs. In: IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Belgrade: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 145-148. ISBN 978-1-4799-6780-3. Detail
- KRČMA Martin. FPNN - neuronové sítě v FPGA. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika PAD 2015. Zlín: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, 2015, pp. 81-86. ISBN 978-80-7454-522-1. Detail
- SNÁŠELOVÁ Petra and ZBOŘIL František V. Genetic Algorithm using Theory of Chaos. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 2015, no. 51, pp. 316-325. ISSN 1877-0509. Detail
- RYCHLÝ Marek, ŠKODA Petr and SMRŽ Pavel. Heterogeneity-Aware Scheduler for Stream Processing Frameworks. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, vol. 2, no. 2, 2015, pp. 70-80. ISSN 2053-1397. Detail
- NOVOSAD Petr and ČEŠKA Milan. Hybrid Petri Nets State Space Representation Using Coverability Graphs and Unfoldings. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2015. Detail
- IAREMKO Iaroslav, ARON Lukáš and HANÁČEK Petr. Improving IP Geolocation Using Network Measurement Characteristics. In: HKICEAS. Hong Kong: Higher Education Forum, 2015, pp. 210-220. ISBN 978-986-87417-4-4. Detail
- SZENTANDRÁSI István, ZACHARIÁŠ Michal, KAJAN Rudolf, TINKA Jan, DUBSKÁ Markéta, SOCHOR Jakub and HEROUT Adam. INCAST: Interactive Camera Streams for Surveillance Cams AR. In: Proceedings of the 2015 14th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Fukuoka: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4799-6184-9. Detail
- DRAHOŠOVÁ Michaela, HULVA Jiří and SEKANINA Lukáš. Indirectly Encoded Fitness Predictors Coevolved with Cartesian Programs. In: Genetic Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9025. Berlin: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 113-125. ISBN 978-3-319-16500-4. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel. Information and Communication Management in Business Information Systems. In: 2015 International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Mathematical Statistics (SMMS 2015). Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc., 2015, pp. 384-388. ISBN 978-1-60595-112-6. Detail
- MILIČKA Martin and BURGET Radek. Information Extraction from Web Sources based on Multi-aspect Content Analysis. In: Semantic Web Evaluation Challenges, SemWebEval 2015 at ESWC 2015. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 2015. Portorož: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 81-92. ISBN 978-3-319-25517-0. ISSN 1865-0929. Detail
- ARON Lukáš and HANÁČEK Petr. Introduction to Android 5 Security. In: Proceedings of Student Research Forum Papers and Posters at SOFSEM 2015. The 41st International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Pec pod Snezkou:, 2015, pp. 103-111. ISBN 978-80-87136-20-1. Detail
- BIDLO Michal. Investigation of Replicating Tiles in Cellular Automata Designed by Evolution Using Conditionally Matching Rules. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES). Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). Cape Town: IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2015, pp. 1506-1513. ISBN 978-1-4799-7560-0. Detail
- KŘIVKA Zbyněk and MEDUNA Alexander. Jumping Grammars. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 26, no. 6, 2015, pp. 709-731. ISSN 0129-0541. Detail
- JAROŠ Jiří, NIKL Vojtěch and TREEBY Bradley E. Large-scale Ultrasound Simulations Using the Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Decomposition. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Exascale Applications and Software. Edinburgh: Association for Computing Machinery, 2015, pp. 115-119. ISBN 978-0-9926615-1-9. Detail
- JAROŠ Jiří, DOHNAL Matěj and TREEBY Bradley E. Large-scale Ultrasound Simulations with Local Fourier Basis Decomposition. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage Analysis, SC15. Austin, 2015. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. Locator/Id Split Protocol Improvement for High-Availability Environment. In: Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Networking and Services ICNS 2015. Roma: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2015, pp. 61-67. ISBN 978-1-61208-404-6. Detail
- DOBAI Roland and SEKANINA Lukáš. Low-Level Flexible Architecture with Hybrid Reconfiguration for Evolvable Hardware. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, 2015, pp. 1-24. ISSN 1936-7406. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. Map-Cache Synchronization and Merged RLOC Probing Study for LISP. The International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 2015, no. 34, pp. 494-506. ISSN 1942-2679. Detail
- KRČMA Martin, KAŠTIL Jan and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Mapping trained neural networks to FPNNs. In: IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Belgrade: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 157-160. ISBN 978-1-4799-6779-7. Detail
- CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš and VOJNAR Tomáš. Microprocessor Hazard Analysis via Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2015). Las Palmas de Grand Canaria: The Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2015, pp. 193-194. ISBN 978-84-606-5438-4. Detail
- CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš and VOJNAR Tomáš. Microprocessor Hazard Analysis via Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9520. Zurich: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 605-614. ISBN 978-3-319-27340-2. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- GLEMBEK Ondřej, MATĚJKA Pavel, PLCHOT Oldřich, PEŠÁN Jan, BURGET Lukáš and SCHWARZ Petr. Migrating i-vectors Between Speaker Recognition Systems Using Regression Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2015. Dresden: International Speech Communication Association, 2015, pp. 2327-2331. ISBN 978-1-5108-1790-6. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- KUNOVSKÝ Jiří. Modern Taylor Series Method. In: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 13th International Scientific Conference on Informatics, INFORMATICS 2015. Poprad: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4673-9867-1. Detail
- FÉR Radek, MATĚJKA Pavel, GRÉZL František, PLCHOT Oldřich and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Multilingual Bottleneck Features for Language Recognition. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2015. Dresden: International Speech Communication Association, 2015, pp. 389-393. ISBN 978-1-5108-1790-6. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- CHALOUPKA Jan, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, MARTINKOVIČOVÁ Alžbeta, ŠÁTEK Václav and THONHOFER Elvira. Multiple Integral Computations Using Taylor Series. In: 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2015, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1287-3. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- FIEDOR Tomáš, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej and VOJNAR Tomáš. Nested Antichains for WS1S. In: Proceedings of TACAS'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9035. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 658-674. ISBN 978-3-662-46680-3. Detail
- SPURNÝ Jan, KANICH Ondřej, DRAHANSKÝ Martin, DOLEŽEL Michal and SHINODA Koichi. New materials for spoofing touch-based fingerprint scanners. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Application Technologies 2015. Matsue: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 207-211. ISBN 978-1-4673-8211-3. Detail
- KOCINA Filip, ŠÁTEK Václav, VEIGEND Petr, NEČASOVÁ Gabriela, VALENTA Václav and KUNOVSKÝ Jiří. New Trends in Taylor Series Based Applications. In: 13rd International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2015, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1287-3. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- KOCINA Filip, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, MAREK Martin, NEČASOVÁ Gabriela, SCHIRRER Alexander and ŠÁTEK Václav. New Trends in Taylor Series Based Computations. In: 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2015, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1287-3. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- CHALOUPKA Jan, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, VEIGEND Petr and MARTINKOVIČOVÁ Alžbeta. Numerical Integration of Multiple Integrals Using Taylor's Polynomial. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Colmar: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2015, pp. 163-171. ISBN 978-989-758-120-5. Detail
- FIEDOR Jan, LETKO Zdeněk, LOURENCO Joao and VOJNAR Tomáš. On Monitoring C/C++ Transactional Memory Programs. In: Proceedings of MEMICS'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8934. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 73-87. ISBN 978-3-319-14895-3. Detail
- BIDLO Michal. On Routine Evolution of New Replicating Structures in Cellular Automata. In: 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Computationa Theory and Applications. 7th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence. Lisbon: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2015, pp. 28-38. ISBN 978-989-758-157-1. Detail
- JAROŠ Jiří, MAREK Jan and MENŠÍK Pavel. Optimisation of Water Management Systems Using a GPU-Accelerated Differential Evolution. In: Proceedings - 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2015. Cape Town: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 1727-1734. ISBN 978-1-4799-7560-0. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander, SOUKUP Ondřej and ZEMEK Petr. Ordered Pure Multi-Pushdown Automata. Theoretical and Applied Informatics, vol. 27, no. 1, 2015, pp. 25-47. ISSN 1896-5334. Detail
- ARON Lukáš and HANÁČEK Petr. Overview of security on mobile devices. In: The 2nd IEEE World Symposium on Web Application and Networking (WSWAN'2015). Sousse: N&N Global Technology, 2015, pp. 2-16. ISBN 978-9938-9563-3-7. Detail
- DOLÍHAL Luděk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Overview of the testing environment for the embedded systems. In: Proceedings of The third International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation. Kuala Lumpur: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015, pp. 55-59. ISBN 978-1-941968-15-4. Detail
- KOCINA Filip, VEIGEND Petr, NEČASOVÁ Gabriela and KUNOVSKÝ Jiří. Parallel Computations of Differential Equations. In: Proceedings of the 10th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Telč: Ing. Vladislav Pokorný - Litera, 2015, pp. 28-35. ISBN 978-80-214-5254-1. Detail
- MÜLLER Petr, PERINGER Petr and VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator Hunting Party (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9035. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 443-446. ISBN 978-3-662-46680-3. Detail
- SEKANINA Lukáš. Principles and Applications of Polymorphic Circuits. Evolvable Hardware - From Practice to Application. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2015, pp. 209-224. ISBN 978-3-662-44615-7. Detail
- ČEKAN Ondřej. Principy generování verifikačních stimulů. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika PAD 2015. Zlín: Faculty of Applied Informatics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, 2015, pp. 13-18. ISBN 978-80-7454-522-1. Detail
- SZŐKE Igor, METZE Florian, RODRIGUEZ-FUENTES Luis J., PROENCA Jorge, BUZO Andi, LOJKA Martin, ANGUERA Xavier and XIONG Xiao. Query by Example Search on Speech at Mediaeval 2015. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Wurzen:, 2015, pp. 1-3. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- PODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Radiation Impact on Mechanical Application Driven by FPGA-based Controller. In: Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale. Grenoble: COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2015, pp. 13-16. Detail
- BAŘINA David and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Real-Time 3-D Wavelet Lifting. In: International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG). Plzeň: Union Agency, 2015, pp. 15-23. ISBN 978-80-86943-65-7. Detail
- CHMELAŘ Petr, DROZD Michal, ŠEBEK Michal and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Real-Time Indexing of Complex Data Streams. In: Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, Networking and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 371-378. ISBN 978-3-319-06772-8. Detail
- JURÁNEK Roman, HEROUT Adam, DUBSKÁ Markéta and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Real-Time Pose Estimation Piggybacked on Object Detection. In: Proceedings of ICCV. Santiago: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-1-4673-8391-2. Detail
- ŠIMEK Václav, RŮŽIČKA Richard, CRHA Adam, ŘEZNÍČEK Michal and BURŠÍK Martin. Reconfigurable Digital Circuits Based on Chip Expander with Integrated Temperature Regulation. Journal of Computer and Communications, vol. 3, no. 11, 2015, pp. 169-175. ISSN 2327-5227. Detail
- MUSIL Marek. Reducing the Run-time Complexity of Support Vector Machine Used for Rail Candidates Detection. In: International Masaryk conference for Ph.D. students and young researchers. vol. VI. Hradec Králové: Akademické sdružení MAGNANIMITAS Assn., 2015, pp. 2138-2146. ISBN 978-80-87952-12-2. Detail
- HSIAO Roger, MA Jeff, HARTMANN William, KARAFIÁT Martin, GRÉZL František, BURGET Lukáš, SZŐKE Igor, ČERNOCKÝ Jan, WATANABE Shinji, CHEN Zhuo, MALLIDI Sri Harish, HEŘMANSKÝ Hynek, TSAKALIDIS Stavros and SCHWARTZ Richard. Robust Speech Recognition in Unknown Reverberant and Noisy Conditions. In: Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop. Scottsdale, Arizona: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2015, pp. 533-538. ISBN 978-1-4799-7291-3. Detail
- LUŽA Radim, ROZMAN Jaroslav and ZBOŘIL František V. ROS-based Remote Controlled Robotic Arm Workcell. In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA. Okinawa: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, pp. 101-106. ISBN 978-1-4799-7938-7. Detail
- ARON Lukáš. Security Threats on Mobile Devices. Handbook of Research on New Threats and Countermeasures in Digital Crime and Cyber Terrorism. St. Louis: IGI Global, 2015, pp. 30-53. ISBN 978-1-4666-8345-7. Detail
- BAŘINA David, MUSIL Martin, MUSIL Petr and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Single-Loop Approach to 2-D Wavelet Lifting with JPEG 2000 Compatibility. In: IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops. Florianopolis: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 31-36. ISBN 978-1-4673-8621-0. Detail
- KEKELY Lukáš, KUČERA Jan, PUŠ Viktor, KOŘENEK Jan and VASILAKOS Athanasios. Software Defined Monitoring of Application Protocols. IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 65, no. 2, 2015, pp. 615-626. ISSN 0018-9340. Detail
- ČEKAN Ondřej, PODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Software Fault Tolerance: the Evaluation by Functional Verification. In: Proceedings of the 18th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design. Funchal: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 284-287. ISBN 978-1-4673-8035-5. Detail
- CRHA Adam, RŮŽIČKA Richard and ŠIMEK Václav. Synthesis Methodology of Polymorphic Circuits Using Polymorphic NAND/NOR Gates. In: Proceedings on UKSim-AMSS 17th International Conference on Computer Modelling ans Simulation. Cambridge: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 612-617. ISBN 978-1-4799-8713-9. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and TRCHALÍK Roman. System for Remote Monitoring of Engineering Services. In: International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICAMME 2014). Chennai: Elsevier Science, 2015, pp. 1-3. ISBN 978-1-63439-365-2. Detail
- YANUSHKEVICH Svetlana, EASTWOOD Shawn C., MANDERSON Travis L., SAMOIL Steven, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and SHMERKO Vlad. P. Taxonomy and Modeling of Impersonation in e-Border Authentication. In: Proceedings of EST 2015. Braunschweig: Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2015, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-61208-427-5. Detail
- NEČASOVÁ Gabriela, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, CHALOUPKA Jan and VEIGEND Petr. Taylor Series Based Differential Formulas. In: MATHMOD VIENNA 2015 - 8th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling. ARGESIM REPORT No. 44. Vienna: ARGE Simulation News, 2015, pp. 705-706. ISBN 978-3-901608-46-9. Detail
- ŠÁTEK Václav, KOCINA Filip, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří and SCHIRRER Alexander. Taylor Series Based Solution of Linear ODE Systems and MATLAB Solvers Comparison. In: MATHMOD VIENNA 2015 - 8th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling. ARGESIM REPORT No. 44. Vienna: ARGE Simulation News, 2015, pp. 693-694. ISBN 978-3-901608-46-9. Detail
- PODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ČEKAN Ondřej, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. The Evaluation Platform for Testing Fault-Tolerance Methodologies in Electro-mechanical Applications. Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 39, no. 8, 2015, pp. 1215-1230. ISSN 0141-9331. Detail
- KOČÍ Radek and JANOUŠEK Vladimír. The Object Oriented Petri Net Component Model. In: The Tenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances. Barcelona: Xpert Publishing Services, 2015, pp. 18-24. ISBN 978-1-61208-438-1. Detail
- KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, NEČASOVÁ Gabriela, VEIGEND Petr and KOCINA Filip. The Positive Properties of Taylor Series Method. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Informatics' 2015. Poprad: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, pp. 156-160. ISBN 978-1-4673-9867-1. Detail
- KARAFIÁT Martin, GRÉZL František, BURGET Lukáš, SZŐKE Igor and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Three ways to adapt a CTS recognizer to unseen reverberated speech in BUT system for the ASpIRE challenge. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2015. Dresden: International Speech Communication Association, 2015, pp. 2454-2458. ISBN 978-1-5108-1790-6. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- KOŠAŘ Vlastimil and KOŘENEK Jan. Towards Efficient Field Programmeable Pattern Matching Array. In: Proceedings of the 18th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design. Funchal: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4673-8035-5. Detail
- PETRLÍK Jiří and SEKANINA Lukáš. Towards Robust and Accurate Traffic Prediction Using Parallel Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Regression. In: 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, pp. 2231-2236. ISBN 978-1-4673-6596-3. Detail
- ČEKAN Ondřej, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Universal Pseudo-random Generation of Assembler Codes for Processors. In: Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale. Grenoble: COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2015, pp. 70-73. Detail
- SOCHOR Jakub and HEROUT Adam. Unsupervised Processing of Vehicle Appearance for Automatic Understanding in Traffic Surveillance. In: Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2015 International Conference on. Adelaide: Australian Pattern Recognition Society, 2015, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4673-6795-0. Detail
- BARTÍK Vladimír and POSPÍŠIL Milan. Use of Frequent Itemset Mining Techniques to Analyze Business Processes. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Lisbon: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2015, pp. 273-280. ISBN 978-989-758-158-8. Detail
- BARTOŠ Václav. Using Application-Aware Flow Monitoring for SIP Fraud Detection. In: Intelligent Mechanisms for Network Configuration and Security,. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9122. Ghent: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 87-99. ISBN 978-3-319-20033-0. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Úskalí biometrických systémů. Praha, 2015. Detail
- ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, JONSSON Bengt, LENGÁL Ondřej, TRINH Quy Cong and VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of heap manipulating programs with ordered data by extended forest automata. Acta Informatica, vol. 53, no. 4, 2015, pp. 357-385. ISSN 0001-5903. Detail
- GLEMBEK Ondřej, MATĚJKA Pavel, BURGET Lukáš, SCHWARZ Petr, PEŠÁN Jan and PLCHOT Oldřich. Voice-print transformation for migration between automatic speaker identification systems. Abstract book of the 7th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference. Praha: Criminal Police Department Prague, 2015. ISBN 978-80-260-8659-8. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin and KANICH Ondřej. Vulnerabilities of Biometric Systems. In: Security and Protection of Information 2015. Brno: University of Defence in Brno, 2015, pp. 53-60. ISBN 978-80-7231-997-8. Detail
- KUČIŠ Michal, BAŘINA David, KULA Michal and ZEMČÍK Pavel. 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Using GPU. In: 5th Workshop on Application for Multi-Core Architectures. Paris: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4799-7014-8. Detail
- GREGA Wojciech, HILBURN Thomas B., KORNECKI Andrew J., MAYR Richard, PYLE Ian, ROZENBLIT Jerzy, RYŠAVÝ Ondřej, ŠVÉDA Miroslav, ZHANG Le and ZHANG Le. Proceedings of the International workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems. 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. Krakow: Elsevier Science, 2014, pp. 1-200. ISBN 978-1-4673-4471-5. Detail
- MRÁČEK Štěpán, VÁŇA Jan, KUPKOVÁ Karolína, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and DOLEŽEL Michal. 3D face recognition based on the hierarchical score-level fusion classifiers. In: Proceedings of Biometric and Surveillance Technology for Human and Activity Identification XI, Vol. 9075. Baltimore: SPIE - the international society for optics and photonics, 2014, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-1-62841-012-9. Detail
- MRÁČEK Štěpán, DRAHANSKÝ Martin, DVOŘÁK Radim, PROVAZNÍK Valentine and VÁŇA Jan. 3D Face Recognition on Low-Cost Depth Sensors. In: Proceedings of the International Conference of Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2014). Darmstadt: GI - Group for computer science, 2014, pp. 195-202. ISBN 978-3-88579-624-4. ISSN 1617-5468. Detail
- KŘOUSTEK Jakub, POKORNÝ Fridolín and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Reconstruction of Instruction Idioms in a Retargetable Decompiler: Revisited. Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS), vol. 11, no. 4, 2014, pp. 1337-1359. ISSN 1820-0214. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, MATULA Peter and ZEMEK Petr. A Novel Approach to Online Retargetable Machine-Code Decompilation. Journal of Network and Innovative Computing (JNIC), vol. 2, no. 1, 2014, pp. 224-232. ISSN 2160-2174. Detail
- KŘIVKA Zbyněk, MARTÍN-VIDE Carlos, MEDUNA Alexander and SUBRAMANIAN K.G. A Variant of Pure Two-dimensional Context-free Grammars generating Picture Languages. In: 16th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743, Vol. 8466, vol. 2014. Brno: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 123-133. ISBN 978-3-319-07147-3. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- GRÉZL František, KARAFIÁT Martin and VESELÝ Karel. Adaptation of Multilingual Stacked Bottle-neck Neural Network Structure for New Language. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2014. Florencie: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 7704-7708. ISBN 978-1-4799-2892-7. Detail
- GRÉZL František and KARAFIÁT Martin. Adapting Multilingual Neural Network Hierarchy to a New Language. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under- resourced Languages SLTU-2014. St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014. St. Petersburg: International Speech Communication Association, 2014, pp. 39-45. ISBN 978-5-8088-0908-6. Detail
- KŘOUSTEK Jakub, MATULA Peter, KOLÁŘ Dušan and ZAVORAL Milan. Advanced Preprocessing of Binary Executable Files and its Usage in Retargetable Decompilation. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 7, no. 1, 2014, pp. 112-122. ISSN 1942-2628. Detail
- BARTOŠ Václav and ŽÁDNÍK Martin. An Analysis of Correlations of Intrusion Alerts in an NREN. In: 2014 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). Athény: IEEE Communications Society, 2014, pp. 305-309. ISBN 978-1-4799-5725-5. Detail
- MATOUŠEK Jiří. Analýza dynamických vlastností směrovacích tabulek pro efektivnější implementaci směrování v páteřních sítích. In: Sborník příspěvků PAD-2014 - elektronická verze. Liberec: Liberec University of Technology, 2014, pp. 129-134. ISBN 978-80-7494-027-9. Detail
- LOPEZ-MORENO Ignacio, GONZALEZ-DOMINGUEZ Javier, MARTÍNEZ González David, PLCHOT Oldřich, GONZALEZ-RODRIGUEZ Joaquin and MORENO Pedro. Automatic Language Identification Using Deep Neural Networks. In: Proceeding of ICASSP 2014. Florencie: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 5374-5378. ISBN 978-1-4799-2892-7. Detail
- HENZL Martin, BARABAS Maroš, JANČA Radim and HANÁČEK Petr. Bezpečnost bezkontaktních platebních karet. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 28, no. 2, 2014, pp. 41-43. ISSN 1211-8737. Detail
- HÁJEK Josef, DOLEŽEL Michal and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometric device for retina and iris recognition in intelligent houses. In: Beiträge zum Usability Day XII Assistenztechnik für betreutes Wohnen. Dornbirn: University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, 2014, pp. 143-147. ISBN 978-3-89967-943-4. Detail
- EASTWOOD Shawn C., SHMERKO Vlad. P., YANUSHKEVICH Svetlana and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometric Intelligence in Automated Border Control Applications: From Talking Faces to Talking Robots. In: Proceedings of IIAI 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics. Kitakyushu: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 763-768. ISBN 978-1-4799-4174-2. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometrické systémy v praxi. Dolní Morava, 2014. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometrics - Liveness Detection, Recognition of Finger Veins, 3D Hand, Eye Iris, Eye Retina and Thermo-Faces. Brno, 2014. Detail
- MÁČEL Lukáš and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Bringing flexibility into dynamic process change:The process re-execution approach. In: BUSTECH 2014: The Fourth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology. Benátky: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2014, pp. 31-38. ISBN 978-1-61208-345-2. Detail
- KARAFIÁT Martin, GRÉZL František, VESELÝ Karel, HANNEMANN Mirko, SZŐKE Igor and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. BUT 2014 Babel System: Analysis of adaptation in NN based systems. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2014. Singapore: International Speech Communication Association, 2014, pp. 3002-3006. ISBN 978-1-63439-435-2. Detail
- KARAFIÁT Martin, VESELÝ Karel, SZŐKE Igor, BURGET Lukáš, GRÉZL František, HANNEMANN Mirko and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. BUT ASR System for BABEL Surprise Evaluation 2014. In: Proceedings of 2014 Spoken Language Technology Workshop. South Lake Tahoe, Nevada: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 501-506. ISBN 978-1-4799-7129-9. Detail
- KARAFIÁT Martin, GRÉZL František, HANNEMANN Mirko and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. BUT Neural Network Features for Spontaneous Vietnamese in BABEL. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2014. Florencie: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 5659-5663. ISBN 978-1-4799-2892-7. Detail
- VEĽAS Martin, ŠPANĚL Michal, MATERNA Zdeněk and HEROUT Adam. Calibration of RGB Camera With Velodyne LiDAR. In: WSCG 2014 Communication Papers Proceedings. Plzeň: Union Agency, 2014, pp. 135-144. ISBN 978-80-86943-71-8. ISSN 1213-6972. Detail
- GRÉZL František and KARAFIÁT Martin. Combination of Multilingual and Semi-Supervised Training for Under-Resourced Languages. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2014. Singapore: International Speech Communication Association, 2014, pp. 820-824. ISBN 978-1-63439-435-2. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef and POKORNÝ Martin. Comparing Availability-Aware Real-Time Schedulers by Means of Configurable Experimental Framework. In: Proceedings of the 2014 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 333-340. ISBN 978-1-4799-5793-4. Detail
- STROKINA Nataliya, JURÁNEK Roman, EEROLA Tuomas, ZEMČÍK Pavel, KÄLVIÄINEN Heikki and LENSU Lasse. Comparison of Appearance-Based and Geometry-Based Bubble Detectors. In: Proccedings of Internation Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8671. Warsaw: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 610-617. ISBN 978-3-319-11330-2. Detail
- PLASCENCIA Alfredo C., CALTENCO Héctor and BERAN Vítězslav. Comparison of Different Powered-wheelchair Control Modes for Individuals with Severe Motor Impairments. In: ICINCO 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Vienna: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 353-359. ISBN 978-989-758-040-6. Detail
- PODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Complex Control System for Testing Fault-Tolerance Methodologies. In: Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale. Dresden: COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2014, pp. 24-27. ISBN 978-2-11-129175-1. Detail
- MATULA Peter and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Composite Data Type Recovery in a Retargetable Decompilation. In: Proceedings of the 9th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Telč: NOVPRESS s.r.o., 2014, pp. 63-76. ISBN 978-80-214-5022-6. Detail
- ENEA Constantin, LENGÁL Ondřej, SIGHIREANU Mihaela and VOJNAR Tomáš. Compositional Entailment Checking for a Fragment of Separation Logic. In: Proceedings of APLAS'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8858. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 314-333. ISBN 978-3-319-12735-4. Detail
- ENEA Constantin, LENGÁL Ondřej, SIGHIREANU Mihaela and VOJNAR Tomáš. Compositional Entailment Checking for a Fragment of Separation Logic. FIT-TR-2014-01, Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2014. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and SOUKUP Ondřej. Computational Completeness Resulting from Scattered Context Grammars Working Under Various Derivation Modes. In: Proceedings of MEMICS'14. Brno: NOVPRESS s.r.o., 2014, pp. 89-100. ISBN 978-80-214-5022-6. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. Controlled Finite Automata. Acta Informatica, vol. 51, no. 5, 2014, pp. 327-337. ISSN 0001-5903. Detail
- MÜLLER Petr and VOJNAR Tomáš. CPAlien: Shape Analyzer for CPAChecker. In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8413. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 395-397. ISBN 978-3-642-54861-1. Detail
- HALFAR Patrik and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Cyber-Physical Information Systems for Enterprise Engineering -- Cyber-Physical Applications Timing. In: ICEIS Proceedings 2014. Lisabon: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2014, pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-989-758-029-1. Detail
- IOSIF Radu, ROGALEWICZ Adam and VOJNAR Tomáš. Deciding Entailments in Inductive Separation Logic with Tree Automata. In: Proceedings of ATVA'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8837. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 201-218. ISBN 978-3-319-11935-9. Detail
- SAMEK Jan, MALAČKA Ondřej, ZBOŘIL František and ZBOŘIL František V. Decision Making and Partner Selection Based on Trust in Multi-context Environment. In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2014). Okinawa: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, pp. 19-24. ISBN 978-1-4799-7938-7. Detail
- OTRUSINA Lubomír and SMRŽ Pavel. Deep Learning from Web-Scale Corpora for Better Dictionary Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex). Dublin: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014, pp. 22-30. ISBN 978-1-63439-217-4. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Dependability in Cyber-Physical Systems Network Applications. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Control, Signals 2014. Invited Talk. Salerno: North Atlantic University Union, 2014, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-61804-204-0. Detail
- PUŠ Viktor, KEKELY Lukáš and KOŘENEK Jan. Design Methodology of Configurable High Performance Packet Parser for FPGA. In: 17th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Warszawa: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 189-194. ISBN 978-1-4799-4558-0. Detail
- LUŽA Radim and ZBOŘIL František V. Detection of mechanical play of revolute robot joint. In: ICINCO 2014 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics Volume 2. Vídeň: Department of Intelligent Systems FIT BUT, 2014, pp. 327-332. ISBN 978-989-758-040-6. Detail
- KOVÁČIK Michal. Detekcia sieťových anomálií a bezpečnostných incidentov s využitím DNS dát. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika. Malá Skála: Liberec University of Technology, 2014, pp. 99-104. ISBN 978-80-7494-027-9. Detail
- BAŘINA David and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Diagonal Vectorisation of 2-D Wavelet Lifting. In: International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). Paris: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 2978-2982. ISBN 978-1-4799-5751-4. Detail
- GLEMBEK Ondřej, MA Jeff, MATĚJKA Pavel, ZHANG Bing, PLCHOT Oldřich, BURGET Lukáš and MATSOUKAS Spyros. Domain Adaptation Via Within-class Covariance Correction in I-Vector Based Speaker Recognition Systerms. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2014. Florencie: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 4060-4064. ISBN 978-1-4799-2892-7. Detail
- KUPKOVÁ Karolína. EEG for Biometric Verification. In: Proceedings of the 20th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2014. Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014, pp. 298-302. ISBN 978-80-214-4924-4. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír, BLOUDÍČEK Jan and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol for OMNeT++. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2014). Wien: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2014, pp. 50-58. ISBN 978-989-758-045-1. Detail
- VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk and SEKANINA Lukáš. Evolutionary Design of Approximate Multipliers Under Different Error Metrics. In: 17th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Warsaw: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 135-140. ISBN 978-1-4799-4558-0. Detail
- BIDLO Michal. Evolution of Computational Structures in Uniform Cellular Automata. In: 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). Beijing: IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2014, pp. 2732-2739. ISBN 978-1-4799-1488-3. Detail
- HÁJEK Josef, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and KOLÁŘ Radim. Experimental ophthalmic multimodal imaging system for iris and retina. In: Proceedings of IIAI 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics. Kitakyushu: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 676-679. ISBN 978-1-4799-4174-2. Detail
- MINAŘÍK Miloš and SEKANINA Lukáš. Exploring the Search Space of Hardware / Software Embedded Systems by Means of GP. In: Genetic Programming, 17th European Conference, EuroGP 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8599. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 112-123. ISBN 978-3-662-44302-6. Detail
- MILET Tomáš, KOBRTEK Jozef, ZEMČÍK Pavel and PEČIVA Jan. Fast and Robust Tessellation-Based Silhouette Shadows. In: 22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, WSCG 2014, Poster Papers Proceedings - in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS Association. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2014, pp. 33-38. ISBN 978-80-86943-72-5. Detail
- KEKELY Lukáš, ŽÁDNÍK Martin, MATOUŠEK Jiří and KOŘENEK Jan. Fast Lookup for Dynamic Packet Filtering in FPGA. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, DDECS 2014. Warszawa: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 219-222. ISBN 978-1-4799-4558-0. Detail
- POLOK Lukáš, ILA Viorela S. and SMRŽ Pavel. Fast Radix Sort for Sparse Linear Algebra on GPU. In: Proceedings of the 22nd High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'14). Tampa: Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, pp. 1-8. ISBN 1-56555-353-5. Detail
- PŘIKRYL Zdeněk. Fast Simulation of Pipeline in ASIP simulators. In: 15th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification. Austin: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-0-7695-4000-9. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Fingerprint recognition related topics. Tokyo, 2014. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander. Formal Languages and Computation. Taylor and Francis. New York: Taylor & Francis Informa plc, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4665-1345-7. Detail
- KOČÍ Radek and JANOUŠEK Vladimír. Formal Models in Software Development and Deployment: A Case Study. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 7, no. 1, 2014, pp. 266-276. ISSN 1942-2628. Detail
- SOCHOR Jakub. Fully Automated Real-Time Vehicles Detection and Tracking with Lanes Analysis. In: Proceedings of CESCG 2014. Smolenice: Technical University Wien, 2014, pp. 59-66. ISBN 978-3-9502533-6-8. Detail
- DUBSKÁ Markéta, HEROUT Adam, JURÁNEK Roman and SOCHOR Jakub. Fully Automatic Roadside Camera Calibration for Traffic Surveillance. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 2014, no. 1, pp. 1-10. ISSN 1524-9050. Detail
- GRÉZL František, EGOROVA Ekaterina and KARAFIÁT Martin. Further Investigation into Multilingual Training and Adaptation of Stacked Bottle-neck Neural Network Structure. In: Proceedings of 2014 Spoken Language Technology Workshop. South Lake Tahoe, Nevada: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 48-53. ISBN 978-1-4799-7129-9. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Generic detection and annotations of the statically linked code. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, vol. 2013, no. 4, 2014, pp. 51-56. ISSN 1335-8243. Detail
- KOTÁSEK Zdeněk and MIČULKA Lukáš. Generic Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration Controller for Transient and Permanent Fault Mitigation in Fault Tolerant Systems Implemented Into FPGA. In: 17th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Warszawa: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 171-174. ISBN 978-0-7695-5074-9. Detail
- LEXA Matej, ŠTEFLOVÁ Pavlína, MARTÍNEK Tomáš, VORLÍČKOVÁ Michaela, VYSKOT Boris and KEJNOVSKÝ Eduard. Guanine quadruplexes are formed by specific regions of human transposable elements. BMC Genomics, vol. 15, no. 1032, 2014, pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2164. Detail
- KRÁL Jiří, ZBOŘIL František and ZBOŘIL František V. Handling Multiple Intentions Using Action Heuristics. In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. Okinawa: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, pp. 56-61. ISBN 978-1-4799-7938-7. Detail
- HOMOLIAK Ivan, OVŠONKA Daniel, KORANDA Karel and HANÁČEK Petr. Characteristics of Buffer Overflow Attacks Tunneled in HTTP Traffic. In: International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. 48th Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Řím: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 188-193. ISBN 978-1-4799-3531-4. Detail
- ŠLOSÁR Peter, JURÁNEK Roman and HEROUT Adam. Cheap Rendering vs. Costly Annotation: Rendered Omnidirectional Dataset of Vehicles. In: Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. Smolenice: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2014, pp. 105-112. ISBN 978-80-223-3601-7. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef and SLIMAŘÍK František. Impact of Software Fault Tolerance to Fault Effects in OS-Driven RT Systems. Computing and Informatics, vol. 33, no. 4, 2014, pp. 757-782. ISSN 1335-9150. Detail
- ŠIMEK Václav, RŮŽIČKA Richard, CRHA Adam and TESAŘ Radek. Implementation of a Cellular Automaton with Globally Switchable Rules. In: 11th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8751. Cham: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2014, pp. 378-387. ISBN 978-3-319-11519-1. Detail
- KORČEK Pavol, KOŘENEK Jan and VIKTORIN Jan. Jak propojit Linux s FPGA?. DPS - Elektronika od A do Z, vol. 2014, no. 3. ISSN 1805-5044. Detail
- ZBOŘIL František and ŽÁK Jakub. JESTER Methodology: A Wood of Fire Case Study. In: Proceedings of ISDA 2014. Okinawa: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4799-7938-7. Detail
- LOPATOVSKÝ Lukáš, PALIČKA Andrej, ŠKODA Petr, VÁŽNÝ Jaroslav and VRÁBELOVÁ Pavla. Knowledge Discovery in Mega-Spectra Archives. In: ASTRONOMICAL DATA ANALYSIS SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS: XXIV. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series. Calgary: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014, pp. 87-90. ISBN 978-1-58381-874-9. Detail
- ANTAL Lukáš, BARABAS Maroš and HANÁČEK Petr. Kompromitace dat pomocí SQL Injection, část I. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 18, no. 1, 2014, pp. 36-39. ISSN 1211-8737. Detail
- ANTAL Lukáš, BARABAS Maroš and HANÁČEK Petr. Kompromitace dat pomocí SQL Injection, část II. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 18, no. 2, 2014, pp. 32-35. ISSN 1211-8737. Detail
- ANTAL Lukáš, BARABAS Maroš and HANÁČEK Petr. Kompromitace dat pomocí SQL Injection, část III. DSM Data Security Management, vol. 18, no. 3, 2014, pp. 25-29. ISSN 1211-8737. Detail
- PLASCENCIA Alfredo C. and KARSTOFT Henrik. Map Building Based on a Xtion Pro Live RGBD and a Laser Sensors. Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1-7. ISSN 2165-7866. Detail
- GRÉGR Matěj, PODERMAŃSKI Tomáš and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Measuring Quality and Penetration of IPv6 Services. In: The Tenth International Conference on Networking and Services. 74400 CHAMONIX MONT-BLANC: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2014, pp. 96-101. ISBN 978-1-61208-330-8. Detail
- ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, CHEN Yu-Fang and VOJNAR Tomáš. Mediating for reduction (on minimizing alternating Buchi automata). Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 2014, no. 552, pp. 26-43. ISSN 0304-3975. Detail
- MATES Vojtěch, RYCHLÝ Marek and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Modelling of Context-Adaptable Business Processes and their Implementation as Service-Oriented Architecture. In: Procedia Economics and Finance. Amsterdam, 2014, pp. 412-421. ISSN 2212-5671. Detail
- MILIČKA Martin and BURGET Radek. Multi-aspect Document Content Analysis using Ontological Modelling. In: Proceedings of 9th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies (WIKT 2014). Smolenice: Vydavateľstvo STU, 2014, pp. 9-12. ISBN 978-80-227-4267-2. Detail
- DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana and VOJNAR Tomáš. Multi-objective Genetic Optimization for Noise-Based Testing of Concurrent Software. In: SSBSE'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8636. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 107-122. ISBN 978-3-319-09939-2. Detail
- DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana and VOJNAR Tomáš. Multi-objective Genetic Optimization for Noise-Based Testing of Concurrent Software. Proceedings of MEMICS'14. Brno, 2014. Detail
- KOŠAŘ Vlastimil and KOŘENEK Jan. Multi-Stride NFA-Split Architecture for Regular Expression Matching Using FPGA. In: Proceedings of the 9th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: NOVPRESS s.r.o., 2014, pp. 77-88. ISBN 978-80-214-5022-6. Detail
- PETRLÍK Jiří, FUČÍK Otto and SEKANINA Lukáš. Multiobjective Selection of Input Sensors for SVR Applied to Road Traffic Prediction. In: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8672. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 802-811. ISBN 978-3-319-10761-5. Detail
- PETRLÍK Jiří, FUČÍK Otto and SEKANINA Lukáš. Multiobjective Selection of Input Sensors for Travel Times Forecasting Using Support Vector Regression. In: 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems Proceedings. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, pp. 14-21. ISBN 978-1-4799-4498-9. Detail
- HOMOLIAK Ivan, OVŠONKA Daniel, GRÉGR Matěj and HANÁČEK Petr. NBA of Obfuscated Network Vulnerabilities' Exploitation Hidden into HTTPS Traffic. In: Proceedings of International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2014). London: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 310-317. ISBN 978-1-908320-40-7. Detail
- VIKTORIN Jan, KORČEK Pavol, KOŘENEK Jan and FUKAČ Tomáš. Network monitoring probe based on Xilinx Zynq. In: Proceedings of the 2012 Tenth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2014). Marina del Rey, CA, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, pp. 237-238. ISBN 978-1-4503-2839-5. Detail
- KOŠAŘ Vlastimil and KOŘENEK Jan. On NFA-Split Architecture Optimizations. In: 2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS). Warsaw: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 274-277. ISBN 978-1-4799-4558-0. Detail
- KOUTNÝ Jiří and MEDUNA Alexander. On Normal Forms and Erasing Rules in Path-Controlled Grammars. Schedae Informaticae, vol. 2013, no. 22, 2014, pp. 9-18. ISSN 0860-0295. Detail
- CUMANI Sandro, LAFACE Pietro and PLCHOT Oldřich. On the use of i-vector posterior distributions in Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, vol. 22, no. 4, 2014, pp. 846-857. ISSN 2329-9290. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. One-Sided Random Context Grammars with a Limited Number of Right Random Context Rules. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 516, no. 1, 2014, pp. 127-132. ISSN 0304-3975. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. One-Sided Random Context Grammars: A Survey. Computing with New Resources. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 338-351. ISBN 978-3-319-13349-2. Detail
- NIKL Vojtěch and JAROŠ Jiří. Parallelisation of the 3D Fast Fourier Transform Using the Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Decomposition. In: Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8934. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 100-112. ISBN 978-3-319-14895-3. Detail
- POLÁŠEK Petr, JANOUŠEK Vladimír and ČEŠKA Milan. Petri Net Simulation as a Service. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Tunisia:, 2014, pp. 353-362. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- TESAŘ Radek, ŠIMEK Václav, RŮŽIČKA Richard and CRHA Adam. Polymorphic Electronics Based on Ambipolar OFETs. In: EDS 2014 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014, pp. 106-111. ISBN 978-80-214-4985-5. Detail
- DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr and VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Shape Analyzer Based on Symbolic Memory Graphs (Competition Contribution). In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8413. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, pp. 412-414. ISBN 978-3-642-54861-1. Detail
- HENZL Martin, HANÁČEK Petr and KAČIC Matej. Preventing Real-world Relay Attacks on Contactless Devices. In: International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. 48th Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Rome: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 376-381. ISBN 978-1-4799-3531-4. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef and CONTE Giuseppe. Producing Unique Identifiers and Random Numbers on Basis of Unclonable Parameters of Microcontrollers and Undesired Effects. In: Proceedings of Electronic Devices and Systems IMAPS CS International Conference 2014. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014, pp. 82-87. ISBN 978-80-214-4985-5. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír, RYŠAVÝ Ondřej and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Protocol Independent Multicast in OMNeT++. In: The Tenth International Conference on Networking and Services. 74400 CHAMONIX MONT-BLANC: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2014, pp. 132-137. ISBN 978-1-61208-330-8. Detail
- HAVEL Jiří, DUBSKÁ Markéta, HEROUT Adam and JOŠTH Radovan. Real-Time Detection of Lines using Parallel Coordinates and CUDA. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol. 2014, no. 9, pp. 205-216. ISSN 1861-8200. Detail
- ŠIMEK Václav and RŮŽIČKA Richard. Reconfigurable Platform with Polymorphic Digital Gates and Partial Reconfiguration Feature. In: Proceedings on UKSim-AMSS 8th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation. Pisa: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 501-506. ISBN 978-1-4799-7411-5. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. Regulated Grammars and Automata. New York: Springer US, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4939-0368-9. Detail
- TESAŘ Radek, RŮŽIČKA Richard and ŠIMEK Václav. Resistant Gates for Polymorphic Electronics. In: Proceedings on UKSim-AMSS 8th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation. Pisa: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 513-518. ISBN 978-1-4799-7412-2. Detail
- SMRŽ Pavel and KOUŘIL Jan. Semantic Search in Documents Enriched by LOD-based Annotations. In: Proceedings of LREC 2014. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association, 2014, pp. 234-237. ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7. Detail
- DOLÍHAL Luděk and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Semiautomatic Porting of the C Library. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Education Technologies. Kuala Lumpur: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2014, pp. 86-89. ISBN 978-1-941968-02-4. Detail
- RYCHLÝ Marek, ŠKODA Petr and SMRŽ Pavel. Scheduling Decisions in Stream Processing on Heterogeneous Clusters. In: 2014 Eighth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. Birmingham: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 614-619. ISBN 978-1-4799-4325-8. Detail
- KEKELY Lukáš, PUŠ Viktor and KOŘENEK Jan. Software Defined Monitoring of Application Protocols. In: Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. Toronto: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 1725-1733. ISBN 978-1-4799-3360-0. Detail
- KEKELY Lukáš. Software Defined Monitoring: Nový prístup k monitorovaniu vysokorýchlostných počítačových sietí. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika 2014. Liberec: Liberec University of Technology, 2014, pp. 74-79. ISBN 978-80-7494-027-9. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander, VRÁBEL Lukáš and ZEMEK Petr. Solutions To Four Open Problems Concerning Controlled Pure Grammar Systems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 91, no. 6, 2014, pp. 1156-1169. ISSN 0020-7160. Detail
- ČEKAN Ondřej, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Solving of Constraint Satisfaction Problem. In: Proceedings of the 20th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2014. Volume 3. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2014, pp. 291-295. ISBN 978-80-214-4924-4. Detail
- ZÁŇ Drahoslav and JAROŠ Jiří. Solving Multidimensional Knapsack Problem using CUDA Accelerated PSO. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2014. Beijing: IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2014, pp. 2933-2939. ISBN 978-1-4799-1488-3. Detail
- SZURMAN Karel, MIČULKA Lukáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. State Synchronization after Partial Reconfiguration of Fault Tolerant CAN Bus Control System. In: 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design. Verona: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 704-707. ISBN 978-1-4799-5793-4. Detail
- SZURMAN Karel. Synchronization Methodology for Fault Tolerant System Recovery After Its Failure. In: Počítačové architektury & diagnostika 2014. Malá Skála: Liberec University of Technology, 2014, pp. 111-116. ISBN 978-80-7494-027-9. Detail
- KOČÍ Radek and JANOUŠEK Vladimír. System Composition Using Petri Nets and DEVS Formalisms. In: The Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances. Nice: Xpert Publishing Services, 2014, pp. 309-315. ISBN 978-1-61208-367-4. Detail
- PODIVÍNSKÝ Jakub, ČEKAN Ondřej, ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. The Evaluation Platform for Testing Fault-Tolerance Methodologies in Electro-mechanical Applications. In: 17th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design. Verona: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 312-319. ISBN 978-1-4799-5793-4. Detail
- SZURMAN Karel, MIČULKA Lukáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Towards a State Synchronization Methodology for Recovery Process after Partial Reconfiguration of Fault Tolerant Systems. In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems. Káhira: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 231-236. ISBN 978-1-4799-6594-6. Detail
- DRAHOŠOVÁ Michaela, KOMJÁTHY Gergely and SEKANINA Lukáš. Towards Compositional Coevolution in Evolutionary Circuit Design. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems Proceedings. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, pp. 157-164. ISBN 978-1-4799-4479-8. Detail
- KEKELY Lukáš, PUŠ Viktor, BENÁČEK Pavel and KOŘENEK Jan. Trade-offs and Progressive Adoption of FPGA Acceleration in Network Traffic Monitoring. In: 2014 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2014). Munich: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2014, pp. 264-267. ISBN 978-3-00-044645-0. Detail
- KAČIC Matej, OVŠONKA Daniel, BARABAS Maroš and HANÁČEK Petr. Traffic generator based on behavioral pattern. In: Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2014 9th International Conference for. London: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 229-233. ISBN 978-1-908320-40-7. Detail
- LEXA Matej, MARTÍNEK Tomáš and BRÁZDOVÁ Marie. Uneven distribution of potential triplex sequences in the human genome: In silico study using the R/Bioconductor package triplex. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms. Angers: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2014, pp. 80-88. ISBN 978-989-758-012-3. Detail
- MARTÍNEZ González David, BURGET Lukáš, STAFYLAKIS Themos, LEI Yun, KENNY Patrick and LLEIDA Eduardo. Unscented Transform For Ivector-based Noisy Speaker Recognition. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2014. Florencie: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2014, pp. 4070-4074. ISBN 978-1-4799-2892-7. Detail
- CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš and VOJNAR Tomáš. Using Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems in RAW Hazard Analysis in Microprocessors. In: Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV 2014). Austin, TX: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, pp. 83-89. ISBN 978-1-4673-6858-2. Detail
- BAŘINA David, ZAHRÁDKA Jiří and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Wavelet Representation of Optical System Distortion. In: International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG). Plzeň: Union Agency, 2014, pp. 11-16. ISBN 978-80-86943-71-8. Detail
- KAČIC Matej, HANÁČEK Petr, HENZL Martin and HOMOLIAK Ivan. A Concept of Behavioral Reputation System in Wireless Networks. In: The 47th Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Medellín: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, pp. 86-90. ISBN 978-958-8790-65-7. Detail
- JURNEČKA Peter, HANÁČEK Petr, BARABAS Maroš, HENZL Martin and KAČIC Matej. A method for parallel software refactoring for safety standards compliance. In: System Safety 2013 collection of papers. Cardiff: The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-84919-777-9. ISSN 0537-9989. Detail
- JURNEČKA Peter, HANÁČEK Petr, BARABAS Maroš, HENZL Martin and KAČIC Matej. A method for parallel software refactoring for safety standards compliance. Resilience, Security & Risk in Transport. London: The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013, pp. 42-48. ISBN 978-1-84919-787-8. Detail
- NAHHAS Ibrahim. A New Algorithm for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation Based on Four-Neighborhood Blocks. In: Processing of EEICT 2013. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, 2013, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-80-214-4695-3. Detail
- LEI Yun, BURGET Lukáš and SCHEFFER Nicolas. A Noise Robust I-Vector Extractor Using Vector Taylor Series For Speaker Recognition. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2013. Vancouver: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2013, pp. 6788-6791. ISBN 978-1-4799-0355-9. Detail
- VALENTA Václav, ŠÁTEK Václav, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří and HUMENÁ Patrícia. Adaptive Solution of Laplace Equation. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 2285-2288. ISBN 978-0-7354-1184-5. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- KORČEK Pavol, SEKANINA Lukáš and FUČÍK Otto. Advanced Approach to Calibration of Traffic Microsimulation Models using Travel Times. Journal of Cellular Automata, vol. 8, no. 6, 2013, pp. 457-467. ISSN 1557-5969. Detail
- HOMOLIAK Ivan, BARABAS Maroš, CHMELAŘ Petr, DROZD Michal and HANÁČEK Petr. Advanced Security Network Metrics. Emerging Trends in ICT Security. Waltham: Elsevier Science, 2013, pp. 187-202. ISBN 978-0-12-411474-6. Detail
- NOVOSAD Petr and ČEŠKA Milan. Algorithm for Computing Unfoldings of Unbounded Hybrid Petri Nets. In: Proc. of Computer Aided System Theory 2013. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: The Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2013, pp. 244-245. ISBN 84-695-6971-6. Detail
- NOVOSAD Petr and ČEŠKA Milan. Algorithm for Computing Unfoldings of Unbounded Hybrid Petri Nets. In: Computer Aided System Theory -EUROCAST 2013 - revised selected papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berín: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 428-435. ISBN 978-3-642-53855-1. Detail
- CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš and VOJNAR Tomáš. An Abstraction of Multi-Port Memories with Arbitrary Addressable Units. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8111. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 460-468. ISBN 978-3-642-53855-1. Detail
- POSPÍŠIL Milan, MATES Vojtěch and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Analysing Resource Performance and its Application in Company. In: The Fifth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management. Nice: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2013, pp. 149-154. ISBN 978-1-61208-254-7. Detail
- ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, BOLCHINI Cristiana and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Analysis and Comparison of Functional Verification and ATPG for Testing Design Reliability. In: IEEE 16th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Karlovy Vary: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 275-278. ISBN 978-1-4673-6133-0. Detail
- ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, BOLCHINI Cristiana and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Analysis and Comparison of Functional Verification and ATPG for Testing Design Reliability. In: Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale. Avignon: COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2013, pp. 35-38. ISBN 978-2-11-129175-1. Detail
- LETKO Zdeněk. Analysis and Testing of Concurrent Programs. Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia, vol. 5, no. 3, 2013, pp. 1-8. ISSN 1338-1237. Detail
- NAHHAS Ibrahim and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Analysis of Block Matching Algorithms with Fast Computational and Winner-update Strategies. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, vol. 6, no. 3, 2013, pp. 129-137. ISSN 2005-4254. Detail
- FUCHS Georg, ŠÁTEK Václav, VOPĚNKA Václav, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří and KOZEK Martin. Application of the Modern Taylor Series Method to a multi-torsion chain. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 2013, no. 33, pp. 89-101. ISSN 1569-190X. Detail
- HLOSTA Martin, ŠEBEK Michal and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Approach to Visualisation of Evolving Association Rule Models. In: Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA 2013). Łódź: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2013, pp. 47-52. ISBN 978-1-4673-5255-0. Detail
- KŘOUSTEK Jakub and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Approaching Retargetable Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid Executable-Code Analysis. Acta Informatica Pragensia, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013, pp. 18-29. ISSN 1805-4951. Detail
- SEKANINA Lukáš and VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk. Approximate Circuit Design by Means of Evolvable Hardware. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES). Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). Singapur: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 21-28. ISBN 978-1-4673-5847-7. Detail
- HUSÁR Adam, PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, DOLÍHAL Luděk, MASAŘÍK Karel and HRUŠKA Tomáš. ASIP Design with Automatic C/C++ Compiler Generation. Haifa, 2013. Detail
- HOMOLIAK Ivan, BARABAS Maroš, CHMELAŘ Petr, DROZD Michal and HANÁČEK Petr. ASNM: Advanced Security Network Metrics for Attack Vector Description. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Security & Management. Las Vegas: Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, 2013, pp. 350-358. ISBN 1-60132-259-3. Detail
- IOSIF Radu and ROGALEWICZ Adam. Automata-Based Termination Proofs. Computing and Informatics, vol. 2013, no. 4, pp. 739-775. ISSN 1335-9150. Detail
- KŘENA Bohuslav and VOJNAR Tomáš. Automated formal analysis and verification: an overview. International Journal of General Systems, vol. 2013, no. 42, pp. 335-365. ISSN 0308-1079. Detail
- ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, PŘIKRYL Zdeněk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Automated Functional Verification of Application Specific Instruction-set Processors. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol. 4, no. 403, 2013, pp. 128-138. ISSN 1868-4238. Detail
- BARABAS Maroš, HOMOLIAK Ivan, DROZD Michal and HANÁČEK Petr. Automated Malware Detection Based on Novel Network Behavioral Signatures. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, 2013, pp. 249-253. ISSN 1793-8236. Detail
- JANDA Miloš. Automatic Generation Of Pronunciation Dictionaries Based On Diarization. In: Proceedings of the 19th Conference Student EEICT 2013. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2013, pp. 228-232. ISBN 978-80-214-4695-3. Detail
- KADLČEK Filip and FUČÍK Otto. Automatic synthesis of small AdaBoost Classifier in FPGA. In: IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems DDECS'2013. Brno: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4673-6133-0. Detail
- SVOBODA Jan, KLUBAL Ondřej and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometric Recognition of People by 3D Hand Geometry. In: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Digital Technologies 2013. Žilina: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 173-177. ISBN 978-80-554-0682-4. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Biometrics - Liveness Detection on Fingers, Finger Veins Recognition, 3D Hand Recognition and Thermo-Faces. Brno, 2013. Detail
- CHMELAŘ Petr, MLÍCH Jozef, PEŠEK Martin, VOLF Tomáš, ZEMČÍK Pavel and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Brno University of Technology at TRECVid 2013: Interactive Surveillance Event Detection. In: 2013 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers and Slides. Gaithersburg, 2013, pp. 1-9. Detail
- KARAFIÁT Martin, GRÉZL František, HANNEMANN Mirko, VESELÝ Karel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. BUT BABEL System for Spontaneous Cantonese. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2013. Lyon: International Speech Communication Association, 2013, pp. 2589-2593. ISBN 978-1-62993-443-3. ISSN 2308-457X. Detail
- OTRUSINA Lubomír and SMRŽ Pavel. BUT-TYPED: Using domain knowledge for computing typed similarity. In: Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 1: Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity. Atlanta: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2013, pp. 119-123. ISBN 978-1-937284-48-0. Detail
- DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr and VOJNAR Tomáš. Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation. In: 20th Static Analysis Symposium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7935, vol. 20. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 215-237. ISBN 978-3-642-38855-2. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr and VOJNAR Tomáš. Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation. FIT-TR-2012-04, Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2013. Detail
- POLOK Lukáš, ILA Viorela S. and SMRŽ Pavel. Cache Efficient Implementation for Block Matrix Operations. In: Proceedings of the 21st High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'13). San Diego: Association for Computing Machinery, 2013, pp. 698-706. ISBN 1-56555-350-0. Detail
- ZELENÝ Jan and BURGET Radek. Cluster-based Page Segmentation - a fast and precise method for web page pre-processing. In: The Third International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics. Madrid: Association for Computing Machinery, 2013, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-1-4503-1850-1. Detail
- HANNEMANN Mirko, POVEY Daniel and ZWEIG Geoffrey. Combining Forward and Backward Search in Decoding. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2013. Vancouver: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2013, pp. 6739-6743. ISBN 978-1-4799-0355-9. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Communication in Business Information Systems - New Perspectives. International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management, vol. 1, no. 7, 2013, pp. 87-92. ISSN 2227-1287. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Comparison of Proposals Suggesting Internet Architecture Change. In: Sborník příspěvků Mezinárodní Masarykovy konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky 2013. Hradec Králové: Akademické sdružení MAGNANIMITAS Assn., 2013, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-80-87952-00-9. Detail
- HANÁČEK Petr, JURNEČKA Peter and KAČIC Matej. Concept of parallel code generating and refactoring system for safety standards compliance. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS). Berlin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, pp. 630-635. ISBN 978-1-4799-1426-5. Detail
- HLOSTA Martin, STRÍŽ Rostislav, KUPČÍK Jan, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Constrained Classification of Large Imbalanced Data by Logistic Regression and Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, vol. 2013, no. 3, pp. 214-218. ISSN 2010-3700. Detail
- KŘOUSTEK Jakub and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Context Parsing (Not Only) of the Object-File-Format Description Language. Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS), vol. 10, no. 4, 2013, pp. 1673-1702. ISSN 1820-0214. Detail
- HULÍK Rostislav, ŠPANĚL Michal, MATERNA Zdeněk and SMRŽ Pavel. Continuous Plane Detection in Point-cloud Data Based on 3D Hough Transform. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 25, no. 1, 2013, pp. 86-97. ISSN 1047-3203. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav and VRBA Radimír. Cyber-Physical Systems Networking with TCP/IP -- A Security Application Approach. In: IEEE Proceedings AFRICON 2013. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, pp. 101-106. ISBN 978-1-4673-5943-6. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems Networking: An Approach for Real-Time, Software Intensive Systems. In: Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems. Volume #12, vol. 2013. Laxenburg: IFAC, 2013, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-3-902823-21-2. ISSN 1474-6670. Detail
- KOVÁČIK Michal, KAJAN Michal and ŽÁDNÍK Martin. Detecting IP-spoofing by modelling history of IP address entry points. In: Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7943. Barcelona: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 73-83. ISBN 978-3-642-38997-9. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- BARABAS Maroš, HANÁČEK Petr, HOMOLIAK Ivan and KAČIC Matej. Detection of Network Buffer Overflow Attacks: A Case Study. In: The 47th Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Mendellin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, pp. 128-131. ISBN 978-958-8790-65-7. Detail
- KOVÁČIK Michal. Detekcia sieťových anomálií s využitím DNS dát. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika. Teplá: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2013, pp. 33-38. ISBN 978-80-01-05106-1. Detail
- PLCHOT Oldřich, MATSOUKAS Spyros, MATĚJKA Pavel, DEHAK Najim, MA Jeff, CUMANI Sandro, GLEMBEK Ondřej, HEŘMANSKÝ Hynek, MESGARANI Nima, SOUFIFAR Mehdi Mohammad, THOMAS Samuel, ZHANG Bing and ZHOU Xinhui et al. Developing A Speaker Identification System For The DARPA RATS Project. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2013. Vancouver: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2013, pp. 6768-6772. ISBN 978-1-4799-0355-9. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel. Effective Design and Implementation of Distributed Business Information Systems. In: Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. Hong Kong: National Taiwan University, 2013, pp. 451-454. ISBN 978-3-03785-659-8. ISSN 1660-9336. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel. Effective Design and Implementation of Distributed Business Information Systems. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 2013, no. 307, pp. 451-454. ISSN 1660-9336. Detail
- POLOK Lukáš, ILA Viorela S., ŠOLONY Marek, ZEMČÍK Pavel and SMRŽ Pavel. Efficient Implementation for Block Matrix Operations Nonlinear Least Squares Problems for Robotic Applications. In: Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Karlsruhe: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 123-131. ISBN 978-1-4673-5642-8. Detail
- DOLEŽEL Michal, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and URBÁNEK Jaroslav. Einfluss von Hauterkrankungen auf den biometrischen Erkennungsprozess. DuD - Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, vol. 2013, no. 06, pp. 358-362. ISSN 1614-0702. Detail
- CHUDÝ Peter, VLK Jan and DITTRICH Petr. Evolution Assisted Flight Control System Design. In: Proceedings of 32nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Syracuse, NY: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-1-4799-1536-1. Detail
- CHUDÝ Peter, LEITAO Miguel, STROSCHER Felix and VLK Jan. Evolution Driven Controller Design for Aeroservoelastic Aircraft. In: Conference Proceeding Series (GNC/AFM/MST). AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies (MST) Conference. Boston, MA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, pp. 1-17. ISBN 978-1-62993-153-1. Detail
- BIDLO Michal and VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk. Evolution of Cellular Automata with Conditionally Matching Rules. In: 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2013). Cancún: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 1178-1185. ISBN 978-1-4799-0452-5. Detail
- VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk, BIDLO Michal and SEKANINA Lukáš. Evolution of efficient real-time non-linear image filters for FPGAs. Soft Computing, vol. 17, no. 11, 2013, pp. 2163-2180. ISSN 1432-7643. Detail
- PETCU Dana, DI Martino Beniamino, VENTICINQUE Salvatore, RAK Massimiliano, MÁHR Tamás, LOPEZ Gorka E., BRITO Fabrice, COSSU Roberto, STOPAR Miho, ŠPERKA Svatopluk and STANKOVSKI Vlado. Experiences in building a mOSAIC of clouds. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, vol. 2, no. 12, 2013, pp. 1-38. ISSN 2192-113X. Detail
- HERMAN David and ORSÁG Filip. Exploring k-PSO Algorithm for Clustering. In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2013). Innsbruck: ACTA Press, 2013, pp. 161-168. ISBN 978-0-88986-943-1. Detail
- BURGET Radek and SMRŽ Pavel. Extracting Visually Presented Element Relationships from Web Documents. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, vol. 2013, no. 2, pp. 13-29. ISSN 1557-3958. Detail
- HÁJEK Josef, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and DROZD Radek. Extraction of Retina Features Based on Position of the Blood Vessel Bifurcation. Journal of Medical Research and Development, vol. 2, no. 3, 2013, pp. 55-59. ISSN 2303-9345. Detail
- SZURMAN Karel, KAŠTIL Jan, STRAKA Martin and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Fault Tolerant CAN Bus Control System Implemented into FPGA. In: IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems 2013. Karlovy Vary: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 289-292. ISBN 978-1-4673-6136-1. Detail
- SZURMAN Karel. Fault Tolerant CAN Bus Control System Implemented into FPGA and its synchronization after failure and recovery. In: Počítačové architektury & diagnostika 2013. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2013, pp. 21-26. ISBN 978-1-4673-6136-1. Detail
- HEROUT Adam, SZENTANDRÁSI István, ZACHARIÁŠ Michal, DUBSKÁ Markéta and KAJAN Rudolf. Five Shades of Grey for Fast and Reliable Camera Pose Estimation. In: Proceedings of CVPR. Portland, OR: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 1384-1390. ISBN 978-0-7695-4989-7. Detail
- KRÁL Jiří, ZBOŘIL František and ZBOŘIL František V. Flexible Intention Handling using Extended Environment. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 228-233. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří and VOJNAR Tomáš. Fully Automated Shape Analysis Based on Forest Automata. In: Proceedings of CAV'13. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 740-755. ISBN 978-3-642-39798-1. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří and VOJNAR Tomáš. Fully Automated Shape Analysis Based on Forest Automata. FIT-TR-2013-01, Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2013. Detail
- BIDLO Michal and VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk. Functional-Level Development of Image Filters by Means of Cellular Automata. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES). Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). Singapore: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 29-36. ISBN 978-1-4673-5847-7. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. Generalized One-Sided Forbidding Grammars. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 90, no. 2, 2013, pp. 172-182. ISSN 0020-7160. Detail
- ŠEBEK Michal and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Generator of Synthetic Datasets for Hierarchical Sequential Pattern Mining Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics 2013. Košice: The University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 289-292. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- KORANDA Karel. Hardwarová akcelerace AES-GCM pro protokol SSH. In: Sborník příspěvků MKB 2013. Praha: TNS, 2013, pp. 81-82. ISBN 978-80-904257-5-0. Detail
- CHUDÝ Peter, VLK Jan, DITTRICH Petr and RZUCIDŁO Paweł. HW in-the-Loop Simulation of a Light Aircraft Autopilot. In: Conference Proceeding Series (GNC/AFM/MST). Boston, MA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013, pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-1-62993-153-1. Detail
- DOBAI Roland and SEKANINA Lukáš. Image Filter Evolution on the Xilinx Zynq Platform. In: Proceedings of the 2013 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems. Torino: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2013, pp. 164-171. ISBN 978-1-4673-6381-5. Detail
- MILET Tomáš, NAVRÁTIL Jan, HEROUT Adam and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Improved Computation of Attenuated Light with Application in Scenes with Many Light Sources. In: Proceedings of SCCG 2013. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2013, pp. 155-160. ISBN 978-80-223-3377-1. Detail
- RATH Shakti P., POVEY Daniel, VESELÝ Karel and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Improved Feature Processing for Deep Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2013. Lyon: International Speech Communication Association, 2013, pp. 109-113. ISBN 978-1-62993-443-3. ISSN 2308-457X. Detail
- BRÁZDOVÁ Marie, MARTÍNEK Tomáš and LEXA Matej. In silico search for secondary structures in p53 target genes using R/Bioconductor. In: ITAT 2013: Information Technologies - Applications and Theory. Donovaly: CreativeSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013, pp. 42-46. ISBN 978-1-4909-5208-6. Detail
- ILA Viorela S., POLOK Lukáš, SMRŽ Pavel, ŠOLONY Marek and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Incremental Block Cholesky Factorization for Nonlinear Least Squares in Robotics. In: In proceedings of The Robotics: Science and Systems 2013 Conference. Berlín: MIT Press, 2013, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-981-07-3937-9. Detail
- ILA Viorela S., POLOK Lukáš, SMRŽ Pavel, ŠOLONY Marek and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Incremental Cholesky Factorization for Least Squares Problems in Robotics. In: Proceedings of The 2013 IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium. Gold Coast: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-3-902823-36-6. Detail
- ZELENÝ Jan and BURGET Radek. Isomorphic mapping of DOM trees for Cluster-Based Page Segmentation. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics INFORMATICS'2013. Spišská Nová Ves: The University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 256-261. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- ZBOŘIL František and ŽÁK Jakub. JESTER - Methodology for Developing Wireless Sensor Networks Using Small Agents. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 198-203. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. Left Random Context ET0L Grammars. Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 123, no. 3, 2013, pp. 289-304. ISSN 0169-2968. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír. LISP: nové paradigma ve směrování (1.). ROOT, informace nejen ze světa Linuxu, vol. 2013, no. 9, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1212-8309. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír. LISP: nové paradigma ve směrování (2.). ROOT, informace nejen ze světa Linuxu, vol. 2013, no. 9, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1212-8309. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír. LISP: nové paradigma ve směrování (3.). ROOT, informace nejen ze světa Linuxu, vol. 2013, no. 10, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1212-8309. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír. LISP: nové paradigma ve směrování (4.). ROOT, informace nejen ze světa Linuxu, vol. 2013, no. 10, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1212-8309. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír. LISP: nové paradigma ve směrování (5.). ROOT, informace nejen ze světa Linuxu, vol. 2013, no. 10, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1212-8309. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Load-Adaptive Monitor-Driven Hardware for Preventing Embedded Real-Time Systems from Overloads Caused by Excessive Interrupt Rates. In: Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743, Vol. 7767, vol. 2013. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 98-109. ISBN 978-3-642-36423-5. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- KAČIC Matej, HENZL Martin, JURNEČKA Peter and HANÁČEK Petr. Malware injection in wireless networks. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS). Volume 1. Berlin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, pp. 483-487. ISBN 978-1-4799-1426-5. Detail
- EGOROVA Ekaterina, VESELÝ Karel, KARAFIÁT Martin, JANDA Miloš and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Manual and Semi-Automatic Approaches to Building a Multilingual Phoneme Set. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2013. Vancouver: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2013, pp. 7324-7328. ISBN 978-1-4799-0355-9. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír. Map-cache Synchronization for Locator/ID Split Protocol. In: Proceedings of the 19th Conference Student EEICT 2013 Volume 3. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2013, pp. 234-239. ISBN 978-80-214-4695-3. Detail
- MATOUŠEK Jiří, SKAČAN Martin and KOŘENEK Jan. Memory Efficient IP Lookup in 100 Gbps Networks. In: 2013 23rd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2013 - Proceedings. Porto: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 2013, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4799-0004-6. Detail
- MIČULKA Lukáš, STRAKA Martin and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Methodology for Fault Tolerant System Design Based on FPGA Into Limited Redundant Area. In: 16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools. Santander: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 227-234. ISBN 978-0-7695-5074-9. Detail
- ŠEBEK Michal, HLOSTA Martin, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. MLSP: Mining Hierarchically-Closed Multi-Level Sequential Patterns. In: 9th International Conference, ADMA 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Hangzhou: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 157-168. ISBN 978-3-642-53913-8. Detail
- HORÁČEK Jan, ZBOŘIL František and ŽÁK Jakub. Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Network and Innovative Computing (JNIC), vol. 1, no. 1, 2013, pp. 214-223. ISSN 2160-2174. Detail
- HENZL Martin and HANÁČEK Petr. Modeling of Contactless Smart Card Protocols and Automated Vulnerability Finding. In: 2013 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST). Chengdu: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 141-148. ISBN 978-0-7695-5010-7. Detail
- ABDULLA Parosh A., CEDERBERG Jonathan and VOJNAR Tomáš. Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Multiply-Linked Structures. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 24, no. 2, 2013, pp. 187-210. ISSN 0129-0541. Detail
- ŠIMEK Václav and RŮŽIČKA Richard. More Complex Polymorphic Circuits and Their Physical Implementation. In: Proceedings of the 20th Electronic Devices and Systems IMAPS CS International Conference. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2013, pp. 189-194. ISBN 978-80-214-4754-7. Detail
- RŮŽIČKA Richard and ŠIMEK Václav. More Complex Polymorphic Circuits: A Way to Implementation of Smart Dependable Systems. ElectroScope, vol. 7, no. 5, 2013, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1802-4564. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír, MATOUŠEK Petr and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Multicast simulation and modeling in OMNeT++. In: SimuTools '13 Proceedings of the 6th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. Brussels: International Communication Sciences and Technology Association, 2013, pp. 142-145. ISBN 978-1-4503-2464-9. Detail
- PETRLÍK Jiří and SEKANINA Lukáš. Multiobjective evolution of approximate multiple constant multipliers. In: IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems 2013. Brno: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 116-119. ISBN 978-1-4673-6133-0. Detail
- ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela. New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika PAD 2013. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2013, pp. 111-116. ISBN 978-80-261-0270-0. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, DOLEŽEL Michal, VÁŇA Jan, BŘEZINOVÁ Eva, YIM Jaegeol and SHIM Kyubark. New Optical Methods for Liveness Detection on Fingers. BioMed Research International, vol. 2013, no. 9, pp. 1-11. ISSN 2314-6133. Detail
- KOŠAŘ Vlastimil, ŽÁDNÍK Martin and KOŘENEK Jan. NFA Reduction for Regular Expressions Matching Using FPGA. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology. Kyoto: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 338-341. ISBN 978-1-4799-2199-7. Detail
- KOPŘIVA Jan, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, KOCINA Filip and TALIC Emir. Numerical integration in the RNS. In: The Proceedings of the 12th Conference Informatics'2013. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 318-322. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. On Design of Priority-Driven Load-Adaptive Monitoring-Based Hardware for Managing Interrupts in Embedded Event-Triggered Real-Time Systems. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Brno: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 24-29. ISBN 978-1-4673-6133-0. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. On the Effective Internet Communication Filtering. In: Proceedings of the 2012 ICMCM Conference. Dubaj: Trans Tech Publications Inc., 2013, pp. 478-481. ISBN 978-3-03785-659-8. ISSN 1660-9336. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. On the Effective Internet Communication Filtering. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 2013, no. 307, pp. 478-481. ISSN 1660-9336. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. On the Generation of Sentences with Their Parses by Propagating Regular-Controlled Grammars. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 477, no. 1, 2013, pp. 67-75. ISSN 0304-3975. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and KARMAZÍN Jaromír. On the Secure and Safe Data Synchronization. In: Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8030. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 326-331. ISBN 978-3-642-39344-0. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- KAJAN Rudolf, SZENTANDRÁSI István, HEROUT Adam and ZACHARIÁŠ Michal. On-Screen Marker Fields for Reliable Screen-To-Screen Task Migration. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Human Factors in Computing & Informatics. Maribor: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 1-19. ISBN 978-3-642-39061-6. Detail
- ZEMEK Petr. One-Sided Random Context Grammars: Established Results and Open Problems. In: Proceedings of the 19th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2013 Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2013, pp. 222-226. ISBN 978-80-214-4695-3. Detail
- RICHTA Tomáš and JANOUŠEK Vladimír. Operating System for Petri Nets-Specified Reconfigurable Embedded Systems. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8111. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 444-451. ISBN 978-3-642-53855-1. Detail
- ŽÁDNÍK Martin. Optimization of network flow monitoring. Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013, p. 6. ISSN 1338-1237. Detail
- CUMANI Sandro, BRUMMER Johan Nikolaas Langenhoven, BURGET Lukáš, LAFACE Pietro, PLCHOT Oldřich and VASILAKAKIS Vasileios. Pairwise Discriminative Speaker Verification in the I -Vector Space. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 2013, no. 6, pp. 1217-1227. ISSN 1558-7916. Detail
- MATOUŠEK Jiří. Paměťově efektivní vyhledání nejdelšího shodného prefixu pro směrování ve 100 Gb/s sítích. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika PAD 2013. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2013, pp. 105-110. ISBN 978-80-261-0270-0. Detail
- KOPŘIVA Jan, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, DROZDOVÁ Martina and SCHIRRER Alexander. Parallel Computations Based on Automatic Transformation of Ordinary Differential Equations. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 2293-2296. ISBN 978-0-7354-1184-5. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- KOPŘIVA Jan, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, DROZDOVÁ Martina and KILLIAN Michaela. Parallel system based on the RNS. In: The Proceedings of the 12th Conference Informatics'2013. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 323-328. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- RICHTA Tomáš, JANOUŠEK Vladimír and KOČÍ Radek. Petri Nets-Based Development of Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded Systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2013, no. 989, pp. 203-217. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Plánování úloh v systémech RT - IV: víceprocesorové prostředí. Automa, vol. 19, no. 1, 2013, pp. 44-46. ISSN 1210-9592. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Plánování úloh v systémech RT - V: zvyšování provozuschopnosti systémů. Automa, vol. 19, no. 2, 2013, pp. 46-49. ISSN 1210-9592. Detail
- DUBSKÁ Markéta, SZENTANDRÁSI István, ZACHARIÁŠ Michal and HEROUT Adam. Poor Man's SimulCam: Real-Time And Effortless MatchMoving. In: Proceedings of the 2013 12th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Adelaide, S.A.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, pp. 1-3. ISBN 978-1-4673-4661-0. Detail
- DUDKA Kamil, MÜLLER Petr, PERINGER Petr and VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Tool for Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation (Competition Contribution). In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7795, vol. 2013. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 627-629. ISBN 978-3-642-36742-7. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- KŘOUSTEK Jakub and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Preprocessing of Binary Executable Files Towards Retargetable Decompilation. In: 8th International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (ICCGI'13). Nice: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2013, pp. 259-264. ISBN 978-1-61208-283-7. Detail
- CUMANI Sandro, PLCHOT Oldřich and LAFACE Pietro. Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis Of I-Vector Posterior Distributions. In: Proceedings of ICASSP 2013. Vancouver: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2013, pp. 7644-7648. ISBN 978-1-4799-0355-9. Detail
- POSPÍŠIL Milan, MATES Vojtěch, HRUŠKA Tomáš and BARTÍK Vladimír. Process Mining in a Manufacturing Company for Predictions and Planning. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 2013, no. 3, pp. 283-297. ISSN 1942-2628. Detail
- POSPÍŠIL Milan, MATES Vojtěch and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Process Mining in Manufacturing Company. In: The Fifth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Managemen. Nice: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2013, pp. 143-148. ISBN 978-1-61208-254-7. Detail
- HLOSTA Martin, STRÍŽ Rostislav, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and HRUŠKA Tomáš. PSO-based Constrained Imbalanced Data Classification. In: Proceedings of the Twelth International Conference on Informatics INFORMATICS'2013. Spišská Nová Ves: The University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 234-239. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub and ZEMEK Petr. Psyb0t Malware: A Step-By-Step Decompilation Case Study. In: 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE). Koblenz: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 449-456. ISBN 978-1-4799-2930-6. Detail
- MILIČKA Martin and BURGET Radek. RDF-based Modelling of Web Documents on Different Levels of Abstraction. In: Proceedings of the 12th annual conference Znalosti 2013. Ostrava: VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 2013, pp. 127-132. ISBN 978-80-248-3189-3. Detail
- DUBSKÁ Markéta and HEROUT Adam. Real Projective Plane Mapping for Detection of Orthogonal Vanishing Points. In: Proceedings of BMVC 2013. Bristol: The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition, 2013, pp. 1-10. ISBN 1-901725-49-9. Detail
- MATULA Peter and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Reconstruction of simple data types in decompilation. In: Sborník příspěvků Mezinárodní Masarykovy konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky 2013. Hradec Králové: Akademické sdružení MAGNANIMITAS Assn., 2013, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-80-87952-00-9. Detail
- SOUFIFAR Mehdi Mohammad, BURGET Lukáš, PLCHOT Oldřich, CUMANI Sandro and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Regularized Subspace n-Gram Model for Phonotactic iVector Extraction. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2013. Lyon: International Speech Communication Association, 2013, pp. 74-78. ISBN 978-1-62993-443-3. ISSN 2308-457X. Detail
- LUŽA Radim, ROZMAN Jaroslav and ZBOŘIL František V. Remote Controlling of the Robotic Arm Mitsubishi Melfa. In: Informatics 2013. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 329-334. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub and ZEMEK Petr. Retargetable Machine-Code Decompilation in Your Web Browser. In: 3rd IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2013). Hanoi: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 57-62. ISBN 978-1-4799-3230-6. Detail
- PEČIVA Jan, STARKA Tomáš, MILET Tomáš, KOBRTEK Jozef and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Robust Silhouette Shadow Volumes on Contemporary Hardware. In: 23rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision, GraphiCon 2013 - Conference Proceedings. Vladivostok: GraphiCon Scientific Society, 2013, pp. 56-59. ISBN 978-5-8044-1402-4. Detail
- KALMÁR Róbert, ZBOŘIL František and ZBOŘIL František V. Security threats classification in wireless sensor networks with mobile codes. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2013, pp. 210-215. ISBN 978-80-8143-127-2. Detail
- SALVADOR Ruben, OTERO Andres, MORA Javier, DE la Torre Eduardo, RIESGO Teresa and SEKANINA Lukáš. Self-Reconfigurable Evolvable Hardware System for Adaptive Image Processing. IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, no. 8, 2013, pp. 1481-1493. ISSN 0018-9340. Detail
- GRÉZL František and KARAFIÁT Martin. Semi-Supervised Bootstrapping Approach For Neural Network Feature Extractor Training. In: Proceedings of ASRU 2013. Olomouc: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2013, pp. 470-475. ISBN 978-1-4799-2755-5. Detail
- VESELÝ Karel, HANNEMANN Mirko and BURGET Lukáš. Semi-supervised Training of Deep Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of ASRU 2013. Olomouc: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2013, pp. 267-272. ISBN 978-1-4799-2755-5. Detail
- VESELÝ Karel, GHOSHAL Arnab, BURGET Lukáš and POVEY Daniel. Sequence-discriminative Training of Deep Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2013. Lyon: International Speech Communication Association, 2013, pp. 2345-2349. ISBN 978-1-62993-443-3. ISSN 2308-457X. Detail
- RZUCIDŁO Paweł, CHUDÝ Peter and RYDLO Karol. Simulation and Prototyping of FCS for Sport Aircraft. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, vol. 2013, no. 85, pp. 400-415. ISSN 0002-2667. Detail
- MIČULKA Lukáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Synchronization Technique for TMR System After Dynamic Reconfiguration on FPGA. In: The Second Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale (MEDIAN 2013). Avignon: Politecnico di Milano, 2013, pp. 53-56. ISBN 978-2-11-129175-1. Detail
- BELICA Michal and BARTÍK Vladimír. Systém pre sumarizáciu dokumentov na webe. In: WIKT 2013 - 8th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies 2013. Herĺany, 2013, pp. 1-6. Detail
- ŠÁTEK Václav, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, KOCINA Filip and CHALOUPKA Jan. Taylor Series Based Computation and MATLAB ODE Solvers Comparison. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Rhodes: American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp. 2289-2292. ISBN 978-0-7354-1184-5. ISSN 0094-243X. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel. The Practice of Global Internet Filtering. In: Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8030. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 332-337. ISBN 978-3-642-39344-0. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, HANÁČEK Petr, ZBOŘIL František V., ZBOŘIL František, BARABAS Maroš and ANTAL Lukáš. Threats in Networks using Agent and Biometric Systems. International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, 2013, pp. 119-133. ISSN 2233-7849. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Time in Cyber-Physical Systems: Specifications, Modeling and Measurements. In: Proceedings of the SCSI 2013. Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering Series, 16. Rhodes Island: European Society for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, 2013, pp. 413-419. ISBN 978-1-61804-204-0. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Time Specification, Modeling and Measurement in frame of Cyber-Physical System Applications Design. International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, vol. 7, no. 5, 2013, pp. 263-270. ISSN 2074-1308. Detail
- DOBAI Roland and SEKANINA Lukáš. Towards Evolvable Systems Based on the Xilinx Zynq Platform. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Evolvable Systems (ICES). Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). Singapur: IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2013, pp. 89-95. ISBN 978-1-4673-5869-9. Detail
- MATOUŠEK Jiří, SKAČAN Martin and KOŘENEK Jan. Towards Hardware Architecture for Memory Efficient IPv4/IPv6 Lookup in 100 Gbps Networks. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, DDECS 2013. Brno: IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 108-111. ISBN 978-1-4673-6136-1. Detail
- HOFSTEDE Rick, BARTOŠ Václav, SPEROTTO Anna and PRAS Aiko. Towards Real-Time Intrusion Detection for NetFlow and IPFIX. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management. Zürich: International Federation for Information Processing, 2013, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-3-901882-53-1. Detail
- HON Jiří, MARTÍNEK Tomáš, RAJDL Kamil and LEXA Matej. Triplex: an R/Bioconductor package for identification and visualization of potential intramolecular triplex patterns in DNA sequences. Bioinformatics, vol. 29, no. 15, 2013, pp. 1900-1901. ISSN 1367-4803. Detail
- ŠVEC Tomáš and SAMEK Jan. Trust Evaluation on Facebook Using Multiple Contexts. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2013, no. 997, pp. 23-32. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- SEKANINA Lukáš. Ubiquity symposium: Evolutionary computation and the processes of life: evolutionary computation in physical world. Ubiquity, vol. 2013, no. 2, pp. 1-7. ISSN 1530-2180. Detail
- ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, JONSSON Bengt, LENGÁL Ondřej, TRINH Quy Cong and VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of Heap Manipulating Programs with Ordered Data by Extended Forest Automata. In: Proceedings of ATVA'13. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 224-239. ISBN 978-3-319-02443-1. Detail
- ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, JONSSON Bengt, LENGÁL Ondřej, TRINH Quy Cong and VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of Heap Manipulating Programs with Ordered Data by Extended Forest Automata. FIT-TR-2013-02, Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2013. Detail
- CHMELAŘ Petr, PEŠEK Martin, VOLF Tomáš, ZENDULKA Jaroslav and FRÖML Vojtěch. VTApi: an Efficient Framework for Computer Vision Data Management and Analytics. In: Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS) - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, ACIVS 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 8192 2013. Poznań: Springer London, 2013, pp. 378-388. ISBN 978-3-319-02894-1. Detail
- MILIČKA Martin and BURGET Radek. Web Document Description Based on Ontologies. In: Proceedings of the 2th annual conference ICIA 2013. Łódź: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2013, pp. 288-293. ISBN 978-1-4673-5255-0. Detail
- MRÁČEK Štěpán, VÁŇA Jan, DVOŘÁK Radim, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and YANUSHKEVICH Svetlana. 3D and Thermo-face Recognition. New Trends and Developments in Biometrics. Rijeka: InTech - Open Access Publisher, 2012, pp. 31-58. ISBN 9789535108597. Detail
- HULÍK Rostislav. 3D Polygonal Model Curvature Approximation Based on Local Projections Method. In: Sborník prací konference a soutěže Student EEICT 2012. Brno: Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia FIT BUT, 2012, pp. 436-440. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- HENZL Martin, HANÁČEK Petr, JURNEČKA Peter and KAČIC Matej. A Concept of Automated Vulnerability Search in Contactless Communication Applications. In: Proceedings 46th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Boston: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 180-186. ISBN 978-1-4673-4807-2. Detail
- RATH Shakti P., KARAFIÁT Martin, GLEMBEK Ondřej and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. A factorized representation of FMLLR transform based on QR-decomposition. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2012. Portland, Oregon: International Speech Communication Association, 2012, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-62276-759-5. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- HALFAR Patrik, RÁB Jaroslav, RYŠAVÝ Ondřej and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. A Formal Authorization Framework for Networked SCADA Systems. In: Proceedings IEEE ECBS 2012. Novy Sad: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 298-302. ISBN 978-0-7695-4664-3. Detail
- RYŠAVÝ Ondřej, ŠVÉDA Miroslav and VRBA Radimír. A Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems Design - A Concept Study. In: Proceedings ICONS 2012. Saint Gilles, Reunion Island: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2012, pp. 79-82. ISBN 978-1-61208-184-7. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav, SEKLETÁR Michal, FIDLER Tomáš and RYŠAVÝ Ondřej. A High-level Network-wide Router Configuration Language. In: Proceedings ICN 2012. Saint Gilles, Reunion Island: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2012, pp. 18-21. ISBN 978-1-61208-183-0. Detail
- KOŘENEK Jan, KORČEK Pavol, KOŠAŘ Vlastimil, ŽÁDNÍK Martin and VIKTORIN Jan. A New Embedded Platform for Rapid Development of Networking Applications. In: Proceedings of the 2012 Seventh ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2012). Austin: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 81-82. ISBN 978-1-4503-1684-2. Detail
- VRÁBEL Lukáš. A New Normal Form for Programmed Grammars with Appearance Checking. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 420-425. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- SEKANINA Lukáš and VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk. A SAT-based Fitness Function for Evolutionary Optimization of Polymorphic Circuits. In: Proc. of the 2012 Design, Automation and Test in Europe. Dresden: European Design and Automation Association, 2012, pp. 715-720. ISBN 978-1-4577-2145-8. Detail
- NAVRÁTIL Jan, ZEMČÍK Pavel, JURÁNEK Roman and PEČIVA Jan. A Skewed Paraboloid Cut for Better Shadow Rendering. In: Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2012. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2012, p. 4. ISBN 978-1-85899-283-9. Detail
- NAVRÁTIL Jan, KOBRTEK Jozef and ZEMČÍK Pavel. A Survey on Methods for Omnidirectional Shadow Rendering. Journal of WSCG, vol. 20, no. 2, 2012, pp. 89-96. ISSN 1213-6972. Detail
- KONEČNÝ Filip, HOJJAT Hossein, IOSIF Radu, KUNCAK Viktor, RUMMER Philipp and GARNIER Florent. A Verification Toolkit for Numerical Transition Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7436, pp. 247-251. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- SALVADOR Ruben, VIDAL Alberto, MORENO Felix, RIESGO Teresa and SEKANINA Lukáš. Accelerating FPGA-based evolution of wavelet transform filters by optimized task scheduling. Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 36, no. 5, 2012, pp. 427-438. ISSN 0141-9331. Detail
- IOSIF Radu, HOJJAT Hossein, KONEČNÝ Filip, KUNCAK Viktor and RUMMER Philipp. Accelerating Interpolants. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7561, pp. 187-202. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- DRAHOŠOVÁ Michaela and SEKANINA Lukáš. Acceleration of Evolutionary Image Filter Design Using Coevolution in Cartesian GP. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7491, pp. 163-172. ISBN 978-3-642-32936-4. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- DRAHOŠOVÁ Michaela and SEKANINA Lukáš. Acceleration of Evolutionary Image Filter Design Using Coevolution in Cartesian GP. 8th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masaryk University, 2012. ISBN 978-80-87342-15-2. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr and KÁBELE Břetislav. Accurate Recovery of Functions in a Retargetable Decompiler. In: The 15th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2012). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7462. Amsterdam: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 390-392. ISBN 978-3-642-33337-8. Detail
- KŘOUSTEK Jakub, MATULA Peter, KONČICKÝ Jaromír and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Accurate Retargetable Decompilation Using Debug Information. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE'12). Rome: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 2012, pp. 79-84. ISBN 978-1-61208-209-7. Detail
- ŠÁTEK Václav, KUNOVSKÝ Jiří and KOPŘIVA Jan. Advanced Stiff Systems Detection. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, vol. 11, no. 4, 2012, pp. 66-71. ISSN 1335-8243. Detail
- HORÁČEK Jan, ZBOŘIL František and HANÁČEK Petr. Agent Aided Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of CSE 2012 International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. Košice: The University of Technology Košice, 2012, pp. 119-126. ISBN 978-80-8143-049-7. Detail
- DROZD Radek, HÁJEK Josef and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. An algorithm for retina features extraction based on position of the blood vessel bifurcations. In: Biometric Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Guangzhou: Springer London, 2012, pp. 308-315. ISBN 978-3-642-35135-8. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander, VRÁBEL Lukáš and ZEMEK Petr. An Infinite Hierarchy of Language Families Resulting from Stateless Pushdown Automata with Limited Pushdown Alphabets. In: DCFS'12: 14th International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7386. Braga: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 236-243. ISBN 978-3-642-31622-7. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- FIEDOR Jan and VOJNAR Tomáš. ANaConDA: A Framework for Analysing Multi-threaded C/C++ Programs on the Binary Level. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7687, pp. 35-41. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Analysis and Filtering of Network Communication in ISP Firewalls. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. Denpasar: Information Engineering Research Institute, 2012, pp. 1-4. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Analysis and Filtering of Network Communication in ISP Firewalls. Lecture Notes in Information Technology, vol. 2012, no. 38, pp. 491-494. ISSN 2070-1918. Detail
- MALČÍK Dominik and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Anatomy of Biometric Passports. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, vol. 2012, no. 4, pp. 258-263. ISSN 2287-1233. Detail
- MALČÍK Dominik and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Anatomy of Biometric Passports. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, vol. 2012, no. 1, pp. 1-8. ISSN 1110-7243. Detail
- VÁŇA Jan, MRÁČEK Štěpán, YANUSHKEVICH Svetlana and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Applying Fusion in Thermal Face Recognition. In: BIOSIG 2012. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, vol. 11. Darmstadt: Fraunhofer Institute - Graphic Data Processing Institute, 2012, pp. 233-244. ISBN 978-3-88579-290-1. ISSN 1617-5468. Detail
- CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš and VOJNAR Tomáš. Automatic Formal Correspondence Checking of ISA and RTL Microprocessor Description. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV 2012). Austin, TX: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 6-12. ISBN 978-1-4673-4441-8. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and MÍCHAL Luboš. Automation of Authentication and Key Distribution Schemes Design based on Trace Formulae. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 2012, no. 157, pp. 870-873. ISSN 1660-9336. Detail
- CHMELAŘ Petr, MLÍCH Jozef, PEŠEK Martin, VOLF Tomáš, ZEMČÍK Pavel and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Brno University of Technology at TRECVid 2012: Interactive Surveillance Event Detection Pilot. In: 2012 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers and Slides. Gaithersburg: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2012, pp. 1-9. Detail
- SZŐKE Igor, FAPŠO Michal and VESELÝ Karel. BUT2012 Approaches for Spoken Web Search - MediaEval 2012. In: Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2012 Workshop. Pisa:, 2012, pp. 1-2. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- KORČEK Pavol, SEKANINA Lukáš and FUČÍK Otto. Calibrating Traffic Simulation Model using Vehicle Travel Times. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7495, pp. 807-816. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- MALAČKA Ondřej, SAMEK Jan, ZBOŘIL František and ZBOŘIL František V. Case Study: Different Approaches and Their Aspects for Partner Selection Based on Trust. In: Proceedings of the 2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA). Kochi, Indie: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 285-290. ISBN 978-1-4673-5118-8. Detail
- ŽALOUDEK Luděk and SEKANINA Lukáš. Cellular automata-based systems with fault-tolerance. Natural Computing, vol. 11, no. 4, 2012, pp. 673-685. ISSN 1567-7818. Detail
- ŠPERKA Svatopluk, ŠKODA Petr and SMRŽ Pavel. Cloudification of Legacy Information Extraction System. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Software Services. Bled: University of Ljubljana, 2012, pp. 9-14. Detail
- DRAHOŠOVÁ Michaela and SEKANINA Lukáš. Coevolution in Cartesian Genetic Programming. In: Proc. of the 15th European Conference on Genetic Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7244. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 182-193. ISBN 978-3-642-29138-8. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Communication in Business Information Systems - New Perspectives. In: Proceedings of ARC 2012 International Conference on Business and Management. Bangalore: Siemens, Corporate Research and Development, 2012, pp. 257-262. ISBN 978-0-615-73960-1. Detail
- NAHHAS Ibrahim and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Comparison of Fast Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation. In: Proceedings of IMC2012. Hradec Králové: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, 2012, pp. 3139-3145. ISBN 978-80-905243-3-0. Detail
- TEJEDOR Javier, FAPŠO Michal, SZŐKE Igor, ČERNOCKÝ Jan and GRÉZL František. Comparison of methods for language-dependent and language-independent query-by-example spoken term detection. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), vol. 2012, no. 30, pp. 1-34. ISSN 1046-8188. Detail
- MATES Vojtěch and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Context-Based Adaptation of Process Definition. In: BUSTECH 2012 : The Second International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology. Nice: The International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2012, pp. 25-31. ISBN 978-1-61208-223-3. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. Controlled Pure Grammar Systems. Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 18, no. 14, 2012, pp. 2024-2040. ISSN 0948-6968. Detail
- JANDA Miloš, KARAFIÁT Martin and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Dealing with Numbers in Grapheme-Based Speech Recognition. In: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 7499, vol. 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 438-445. ISBN 978-3-642-32789-6. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- KONEČNÝ Filip, IOSIF Radu and BOZGA Marius. Deciding Conditional Termination. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7214, pp. 252-266. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- KAŠTIL Jan, STRAKA Martin, MIČULKA Lukáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Dependability Analysis of Fault Tolerant Systems Based on Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration Implemented into FPGA. In: 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools. Cesme-Izmir: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 250-257. ISBN 978-0-7695-4798-5. Detail
- GRÉGR Matěj, PODERMAŃSKI Tomáš and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Deploying IPv6 - practical problems from the campus perspective. Reykjavik, 2012. Detail
- BRUMMER Johan Nikolaas Langenhoven, CUMANI Sandro, GLEMBEK Ondřej, KARAFIÁT Martin, MATĚJKA Pavel, PEŠÁN Jan, PLCHOT Oldřich, SOUFIFAR Mehdi Mohammad, DE Villiers Edward and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Description and analysis of the Brno276 system for LRE2011. In: Proceedings of Odyssey 2012: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. Singapur: International Speech Communication Association, 2012, pp. 216-223. ISBN 978-981-07-3093-2. Detail
- OČENÁŠEK Pavel and HRANÁČ Jakub. Design of Authentication and Key Distribution Protocols with Routing Functionality. Journal of Information & Communication Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, 2012, pp. 1-11. ISSN 1816-613X. Detail
- MIČULKA Lukáš and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Design Sychronization after Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration of Fault Tolerant System. In: 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools. Cesme-Izmir: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 20-21. ISBN 978-3-902457-33-2. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr and KÁBELE Břetislav. Detection and Recovery of Functions and their Arguments in a Retargetable Decompiler. In: 19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE 2012). Kingston, Ontario: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 51-60. ISBN 978-0-7695-4891-3. Detail
- BARTOŠ Václav. Detekce anomálií v datech o síťovém provozu. Trilobit, vol. 2012, no. 2, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1804-1795. Detail
- BARTOŠ Václav. Detekce anomálií v síťovém provozu. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika 2012. Milovy: Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University, 2012, pp. 29-34. ISBN 978-80-01-05106-1. Detail
- MILIČKA Martin. Document Comparison Based on the Page Layout. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012. vol. 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 405-409. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- SZŐKE Igor, FAPŠO Michal, ŽIŽKA Josef, BERAN Vítězslav and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Efektivní přístup ke znalostem v audio-vizuálních záznamech. In: Proceedings of the Annual Database Conference. Praha: The University of Technology Košice, 2012, pp. 57-74. ISBN 978-80-553-1049-7. Detail
- VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk and SLANÝ Karel. Efficient Phenotype Evaluation in Cartesian Genetic Programming. In: Proc. of the 15th European Conference on Genetic Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7244. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 266-278. ISBN 978-3-642-29138-8. Detail
- PETRLÍK Jiří, KORČEK Pavol, FUČÍK Otto, BESZÉDEŠ Marián and SEKANINA Lukáš. Estimation of traffic density map using evolutionary algorithm. In: Proceedings of the 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Anchorage: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, 2012, pp. 632-637. ISBN 978-1-4673-3062-6. Detail
- BIDLO Michal and VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk. Evolution of Cellular Automata Using Instruction-Based Approach. In: 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 1060-1067. ISBN 978-1-4673-1508-1. Detail
- KORČEK Pavol, SEKANINA Lukáš and FUČÍK Otto. Evolutionary approach to calibration of cellular automaton based traffic simulation model. In: Proceedings of the 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Anchorage: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, 2012, pp. 122-129. ISBN 978-1-4673-3062-6. Detail
- KADLČEK Filip and FUČÍK Otto. Evolutionary Design of Local Binary Pattern Feature Shapes for Object Detection. In: 2012 NASA/ESA Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS-2012) Conference. CFP1263A-USB. Nuremberg: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4673-1914-0. Detail
- SMOLKA Tobiáš, ŠVENDA Petr, SEKANINA Lukáš and MATYÁŠ Václav. Evolutionary Design of Message Efficient Secrecy Amplification Protocols. In: Proc. of the 15th European Conference on Genetic Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7244. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 194-205. ISBN 978-3-642-29138-8. Detail
- ŠKODA Petr, ŠPERKA Svatopluk and SMRŽ Pavel. Extracting Information from Scientific Papers in the Cloud. In: Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2012). Palermo: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 775-780. ISBN 978-0-7695-4687-2. Detail
- HULÍK Rostislav, BERAN Vítězslav, ŠPANĚL Michal, KRŠEK Přemysl and SMRŽ Pavel. Fast and Accurate Plane Segmentation in Depth Maps for Indoor Scenes. In: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Vilamoura, Algarve: Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia FIT BUT, 2012, pp. 1665-1670. ISBN 978-1-4673-1737-5. ISSN 2153-0858. Detail
- SZENTANDRÁSI István, HEROUT Adam and DUBSKÁ Markéta. Fast Detection and Recognition of QR codes in High-Resolution Images. In: Proceedings of 28th Spring conference on Computer Graphics. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2012, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-1-4503-1977-5. Detail
- HABERMEHL Peter, HOLÍK Lukáš, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří and VOJNAR Tomáš. Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulation. Formal Methods in System Design, vol. 2012, no. 41, pp. 83-106. ISSN 0925-9856. Detail
- STRAKA Martin, KAŠTIL Jan and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. FPGA-based Fault Tolerant Architectures and Their Dependability Analysis. In: MEMICS'12 -- 8th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Faculty of Informatics MU, 2012, pp. 1-1. Detail
- HEROUT Adam, ZACHARIÁŠ Michal, DUBSKÁ Markéta and HAVEL Jiří. Fractal Marker Fields: No More Scale Limitations for Fiduciary Markers. In: Proceedings of the 2012 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Atlatnta, Georgia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 1-2. ISBN 978-1-4673-4660-3. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub and ZEMEK Petr. Generic Source Code Migration Using Decompilation. In: 10th Annual Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC'2012). Brno: EUROSIS, 2012, pp. 38-42. ISBN 978-90-77381-71-7. Detail
- KARAS Pavel, SVOBODA David and ZEMČÍK Pavel. GPU Optimization of Convolution for Large 3-D Real Images. In: Proceedings of ACVIS 2012. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 59-71. ISBN 978-3-642-33139-8. Detail
- JANDA Miloš. Grapheme Based Speech Recognition. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 441-445. ISBN 978-80-214-4460-7. Detail
- DLUHOŠ Ondřej, DVOŘÁK Radim, VÁŇA Jan and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Hand Surface as Biometric Identifier. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, vol. 8, no. 7, 2012, pp. 351-356. ISSN 2287-1233. Detail
- SAMEK Jan, MALAČKA Ondřej, KRÁL Jiří, ZBOŘIL František and ZBOŘIL František V. HMTCsim: A simulation tool for multi-agent systems with using decision making based on trust. In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2012, pp. 80-85. ISBN 978-80-214-4576-5. Detail
- DITTRICH Petr. Identification of Flight Parameters of Light Sport Aircraft. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012. Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 464-468. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- SALVADOR Ruben, OTERO Andres, MORA Javier, DE la Torre Eduardo, RIESGO Teresa and SEKANINA Lukáš. Implementation Techniques for Evolvable HW Systems: Virtual vs. Dynamic Reconfiguration. In: Proc. of the 22nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL). Oslo: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 547-550. ISBN 978-1-4673-2257-7. Detail
- DOLEŽEL Michal, DRAHANSKÝ Martin, URBÁNEK Jaroslav, BŘEZINOVÁ Eva and KIM Tae hoon. Influence of Skin Diseases on Fingerprint Quality and Recognition. New Trends and Developments in Biometrics. Rijeka: InTech - Open Access Publisher, 2012, pp. 275-303. ISBN 9789535108597. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin, DOLEŽEL Michal, URBÁNEK Jaroslav, BŘEZINOVÁ Eva and KIM Tae hoon. Influence of Skin Diseases on Fingerprint Recognition. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, vol. 2012, no. 4, pp. 1-14. ISSN 1110-7243. Detail
- BENDL Jaroslav. Integration System for Functional Annotation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 3. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2012, pp. 340-344. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- BENDL Jaroslav and ZENDULKA Jaroslav. Integration System for Functional Annotation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. ElectroScope, vol. 2012, no. 5, p. 5. ISSN 1802-4564. Detail
- MALAČKA Ondřej, SAMEK Jan, ZBOŘIL František and ZBOŘIL František V. Interval Trust Representation. In: Proceedings of CSE 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2012, pp. 175-182. ISBN 978-80-8143-049-7. Detail
- ŽÁK Jakub, ZBOŘIL František and HANÁČEK Petr. Jade Agents to Wireless Sensors: Case study. In: Proceedings of CSE 2012 International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. Košice: The University of Technology Košice, 2012, pp. 95-102. ISBN 978-80-8143-049-7. Detail
- ŽÁK Jakub, HORÁČEK Jan, ZBOŘIL František, KOČÍ Radek and KRÁL Jiří. JADE Agents Used for Wireless Sensors Control: System Based on Services. In: Proceedings of the 2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA). Kochi (Cochin): Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 252-257. ISBN 978-1-4673-5118-8. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. Jumping Finite Automata. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 23, no. 7, 2012, pp. 1555-1578. ISSN 0129-0541. Detail
- VESELÝ Vladimír and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. L2 protocols in OMNeT++. IP Networking 1 -- Theory and Practice. Žilina: Zilina University Publisher, 2012, pp. 37-40. ISBN 978-80-554-0494-3. Detail
- DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Latest Developments in Fingerprint Recognition Technologies. Firenze, 2012. Detail
- KORČEK Pavol and ŽÁDNÍK Martin. Lightweight benchmarking of platforms for network traffic processing. In: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS). Tallin: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 278-283. ISBN 978-1-4673-1185-4. Detail
- KEKELY Lukáš, PUŠ Viktor and KOŘENEK Jan. Low-Latency Modular Packet Header Parser for FPGA. In: ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems. Austin: Association for Computing Machinery, 2012, pp. 77-78. ISBN 978-1-4503-1685-9. Detail
- JIRÁK Ota. Memory Consumption of Classical and Lazy Scattered Context Grammar Parser. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 381-385. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- KAŠTIL Jan, STRAKA Martin and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Methodology for Increasing Reliability of FPGA Design via Partial Reconfiguration. In: The First Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale (MEDIAN'12). Annecy: Politecnico di Milano, 2012, pp. 1-4. Detail
- STRAKA Martin, KAŠTIL Jan and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Methodology for Reliability Analysis of FPGA-based Fault Tolerant Systems. In: CSE'2012 International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. Košice: The University of Technology Košice, 2012, pp. 146-153. ISBN 978-80-8143-049-7. Detail
- PEŠEK Martin. Methods for Trajectory Outlier Detection in Surveillance Video. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012. Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 474-478. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- MALČÍK Dominik and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Microscopic Analysis of The Chips: Chips deprocessing. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, vol. 2012, no. 7, pp. 80-85. ISSN 2287-1233. Detail
- ZENDULKA Jaroslav and PEŠEK Martin. Mining Moving Object Data. Central European Journal of Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 3, 2012, pp. 183-193. ISSN 1896-1533. Detail
- HORÁČEK Jan and ZBOŘIL František. Mobile code placement in wireless sensor networks. In: Proceedings of the 2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA). Kočín (Cochin): Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 172-177. ISBN 978-1-4673-5118-8. Detail
- KOČÍ Radek and JANOUŠEK Vladimír. Modeling and Simulation-Based Design Using Object-Oriented Petri Nets: A Case Study. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 851, no. 06, 2012, pp. 253-266. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Monitoring-Driven HW/SW Interrupt Overload Prevention for Embedded Real-Time Systems. In: Proceedings of the 15th International IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS). Tallin: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 121-126. ISBN 978-1-4673-1188-5. Detail
- SAMEK Jan. Multi-contextual Trust Model for Multi-Agent Systems. Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012, pp. 44-54. ISSN 1338-1237. Detail
- PETRLÍK Jiří and SEKANINA Lukáš. Multiobjective Evolution of Multiple-Constant Multipliers. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soft Computing (MENDEL2012). Brno: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, 2012, pp. 64-69. ISBN 978-80-214-4540-6. Detail
- RŮŽIČKA Richard and ŠIMEK Václav. NAND/NOR Gate Polymorphism in Low Temperature Environment. In: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems. Tallinn: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 34-37. ISBN 978-1-4673-1185-4. Detail
- KADLČEK Filip. Návrh a optimalizace obrazových klasifikátorů. In: Počítačové architektury & diagnostika 2012. Milovy: Czech Technical University Publishing House, 2012, pp. 91-96. ISBN 978-80-01-05106-1. Detail
- BARTOŠ Václav and ŽÁDNÍK Martin. Network Anomaly Detection: Comparison and Real-time Issues. In: Dependable Networks and Services. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7279. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 118-121. ISBN 978-3-642-30632-7. Detail
- HALFAR Patrik and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Networking in Cyber Physical Systems - A Concept Study. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop of Cyber Physical Systems. Bucharest: Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2012, pp. 50-53. Detail
- FIEDOR Jan and VOJNAR Tomáš. Noise-Based Testing and Analysis of Multi-threaded C/C++ Programs on the Binary Level. In: PADTAD '12. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2012, pp. 36-46. ISBN 978-1-4503-1456-5. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. Nonterminal Complexity of One-Sided Random Context Grammars. Acta Informatica, vol. 49, no. 2, 2012, pp. 55-68. ISSN 0001-5903. Detail
- ZEMEK Petr. Normal Forms of One-Sided Random Context Grammars. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 430-434. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- HERMAN David, ORSÁG Filip and DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Object Tracking in Monochromatic Video Sequences Using Particle Filter. In: 7th Scientific International Conference - Enviromental Protection of Population. Brno: Karel Englis College Inc., 2012, pp. 120-128. ISBN 978-80-86710-57-0. Detail
- KŘOUSTEK Jakub and KOLÁŘ Dušan. Object-File-Format Description Language and Its Usage in Retargetable Decompilation. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Kos: American Institute of Physics, 2012, pp. 466-469. ISBN 978-0-7354-1091-6. ISSN 1551-7616. Detail
- VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk and SEKANINA Lukáš. On Area Minimization of Complex Combinational Circuits Using Cartesian Genetic Programming. In: 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 2379-2386. ISBN 978-1-4673-1508-1. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KÁBELE Břetislav and KOLÁŘ Dušan. On Complex Reconstruction of Functions from Binary Executable Files. In: 8th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masaryk University, 2012, pp. 100-101. ISBN 978-80-87342-15-2. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef and SLIMAŘÍK František. On Distribution and Impact of Fault Effects at Real-Time Kernel and Application Levels. In: Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools. Pistacaway: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 272-279. ISBN 978-0-7695-4798-5. Detail
- HORÁČEK Petr. On Generative Power of Synchronous Grammars with Linked Rules. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 376-380. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- KOUTNÝ Jiří. On Path-Controlled Grammars and Pseudoknots. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 391-395. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. One-Sided Forbidding Grammars and Selective Substitution Grammars. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 89, no. 5, 2012, pp. 586-596. ISSN 0020-7160. Detail
- MEDUNA Alexander and ZEMEK Petr. One-Sided Random Context Grammars with Leftmost Derivations. LNCS Festschrift Series: Languages Alive - Essays Dedicated to Jürgen Dassow on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 160-173. ISBN 978-3-642-31643-2. Detail
- MATOUŠEK Jiří. Optimalizace vyhledání nejdelšího prefixu síťové adresy s využitím částečné dynamické rekonfigurace FPGA. In: Počítačové architektury a diagnostika. Milovy: Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University, 2012, pp. 67-72. ISBN 978-80-01-05106-1. Detail
- KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, KRAUS Michal, ŠÁTEK Václav and SZÖLLÖS Alexandr. Parallel Computations Based on Numerical Integration Methods. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Kos: American Institute of Physics, 2012, p. 4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1091-6. ISSN 1551-7616. Detail
- MATĚJKA Pavel, PLCHOT Oldřich, SOUFIFAR Mehdi Mohammad, GLEMBEK Ondřej, D'HARO Luis Fernando, VESELÝ Karel, GRÉZL František, MA Jeff, MATSOUKAS Spyros and DEHAK Najim. Patrol Team Language Identification System for DARPA RATS P1 Evaluation. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2012. Portland, Oregon: International Speech Communication Association, 2012, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-62276-759-5. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- D'HARO Luis Fernando, GLEMBEK Ondřej, PLCHOT Oldřich, MATĚJKA Pavel, SOUFIFAR Mehdi Mohammad, CORDOBA Ricardo and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Phonotactic Language Recognition using i-vectors and Phoneme Posteriogram Counts. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2012. Portland, Oregon: International Speech Communication Association, 2012, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-62276-759-5. ISSN 1990-9772. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Plánování úloh v systémech RT - I: závislé úlohy. Automa, vol. 18, no. 10, 2012, pp. 42-45. ISSN 1210-9592. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Plánování úloh v systémech RT - II: neperiodické úlohy. Automa, vol. 18, no. 11, 2012, pp. 44-46. ISSN 1210-9592. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef. Plánování úloh v systémech RT - III: přetížení systému. Automa, vol. 18, no. 12, 2012, pp. 44-47. ISSN 1210-9592. Detail
- RŮŽIČKA Richard and ŠIMEK Václav. Polymeric Polymorphic Electronics: Towards Multifunctional Logic Elements Based on Organic Semiconductor Materials. In: Proceedings of CSE 2012 International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineerig. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2012, pp. 154-161. ISBN 978-80-8143-049-7. Detail
- VOLF Tomáš. Porovnání výkonnosti databází pohybujících se objektů. In: Proceedings of the Student Research Conference. Ostrava: Faculty of Science, University od Ostrava, 2012, p. 4. ISBN 978-80-7368-966-7. Detail
- DUDKA Kamil, MÜLLER Petr, PERINGER Petr and VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Verification Tool for Programs with Dynamic Linked Data Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7214, pp. 544-547. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- JURÁNEK Roman, HRADIŠ Michal and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Real-time Algorithms of Object Detection with Classifiers. Real-Time System. Rijeka: InTech - Open Access Publisher, 2012, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9789535105107. Detail
- HEROUT Adam, DUBSKÁ Markéta and HAVEL Jiří. Real-Time Detection of Lines and Grids: By PClines and Other Approaches. Springerbriefs in Computer Science. London: Springer London, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4471-4413-7. Detail
- PUŠ Viktor and KOŘENEK Jan. Reducing memory in high-speed packet classification. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. Limassol: Frederick University, 2012, pp. 437-442. ISBN 978-1-4577-1377-4. Detail
- BARTOŠ Pavel and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Reduction of Test Vectors Number based on Parasitic Capacity Extraction of Scan Chain Wires. In: Proceedings of CSE 2012 International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. Košice: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Technology Košice, 2012, pp. 162-169. ISBN 978-80-8143-049-7. Detail
- STRNADEL Josef and RAJNOHA Peter. Reflecting RTOS Model During WCET Timing Analysis: MSP430/FreeRTOS Case Study. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, vol. 12, no. 4, 2012, pp. 17-29. ISSN 1335-8243. Detail
- MACHALÍK Stanislav, JURÁNEK Roman and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Research of Imgae Features for Classification of Wear Debris. Machine Graphics and Vision, vol. 20, no. 1, 2012, pp. 479-493. ISSN 1230-0535. Detail
- ČERMÁK Martin. Restrictions on Derivations in n-Generating Grammar Systems. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference and Competition STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 5. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2012, pp. 371-375. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- ZUZAŇÁK Jiří and ZEMČÍK Pavel. Script Language for Image Processing. Computing and Informatics, vol. 2012, no. 31, pp. 1279-1293. ISSN 1335-9150. Detail
- KAZZAZ M. Mohanned. SEMANTIC SERVICES MIGRATION. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012 Volume 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 386-390. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- PLCHOT Oldřich, KARAFIÁT Martin, BRUMMER Johan Nikolaas Langenhoven, GLEMBEK Ondřej, MATĚJKA Pavel, DE Villiers Edward and ČERNOCKÝ Jan. Speaker vectors from Subspace Gaussian Mixture Model as complementary features for Language Identification. In: Proceedings of Odyssey 2012, The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. Singapur: International Speech Communication Association, 2012, pp. 330-333. ISBN 978-981-07-3093-2. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav, RYŠAVÝ Ondřej, DE Silva Gayan, MATOUŠEK Petr and RÁB Jaroslav. Static Analysis of Routing and Firewall Policy Configurations. In: e-Business and Telecommunications. LNCS CCIS, Vol.222, vol. 2012. Heidelberg: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2012, pp. 39-53. ISBN 978-3-642-25205-1. ISSN 1865-0929. Detail
- ŠÁTEK Václav. Stiff Systems Analysis. Information Sciences and Technologies Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia, vol. 4, no. 3, 2012, pp. 1-11. ISSN 1338-1237. Detail
- KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav and VOPĚNKA Václav. Stiffness in Technical Initial Problems. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. Kos: American Institute of Physics, 2012, p. 4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1091-6. ISSN 1551-7616. Detail
- HORÁČEK Petr and MEDUNA Alexander. Synchronous Versions of Regulated Grammars: Generative Power and Linguistic Applications. Theoretical and Applied Informatics, vol. 24, no. 3, 2012, pp. 175-190. ISSN 1896-5334. Detail
- KUNOVSKÝ Jiří, ŠÁTEK Václav, TOPOLÁNEK David and VOPĚNKA Václav. Telegraph Equation and its Application in Medium Voltage Line. In: Proceeding of the 13th International Scientific Conference Electric Power Engineering 2012. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2012, pp. 175-180. ISBN 978-80-214-4514-7. Detail
- STRAKA Martin, MIČULKA Lukáš, KAŠTIL Jan and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Test Platform for Fault Tolerant Systems Design Qualities Verification. In: 15th IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems. Tallin: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 336-341. ISBN 978-1-4673-1185-4. Detail
- DOLÍHAL Luděk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Testing of an automatically generated compiler, Review of retargetable testing system. International Journal on Advances in Software, vol. 2012, no. 1, pp. 15-26. ISSN 1942-2628. Detail
- DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk and VOJNAR Tomáš. Testing of Concurrent Programs Using Genetic Algorithms. FIT-TR-2012-01, Brno, 2012. Detail
- VOLF Tomáš. The Application Interface for Video Databases. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2012. vol. 3. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012, pp. 415-419. ISBN 978-80-214-4462-1. Detail
- VESELÝ Karel, KARAFIÁT Martin, GRÉZL František, JANDA Miloš and EGOROVA Ekaterina. The Language-Independent Bottleneck Features. In: Proceedings of IEEE 2012 Workshop on Spoken Language Technology. Miami: IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2012, pp. 336-341. ISBN 978-1-4673-5124-9. Detail
- MRÁČEK Štěpán, VÁŇA Jan, YANUSHKEVICH Svetlana, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and DVOŘÁK Radim. Thermal Face Recognition - Fusion of common used methods. In: Proceedings of the Emerging Security Technologies (EST 2012). Lisabon: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-0-7695-4791-6. Detail
- ŠPERKA Svatopluk and SMRŽ Pavel. Towards Adaptive and Semantic Database Model for RDF Data Stores. In: Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2012). Palermo: IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 810-815. ISBN 978-0-7695-4687-2. Detail
- SEKANINA Lukáš and SALAJKA Vojtěch. Towards New Applications of Multi-Function Logic: Image Multi-Filtering. In: Proc. of the 2012 Design, Automation and Test in Europe. Dresden: European Design and Automation Association, 2012, pp. 824-827. ISBN 978-1-4577-2145-8. Detail
- KUPČÍK Jan and HRUŠKA Tomáš. Towards Online Data Mining System for Enterprises. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2012). Wrocław: SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2012, pp. 187-192. ISBN 978-989-8565-13-6. Detail
- SEKANINA Lukáš, SALAJKA Vojtěch and VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk. Two-Step Evolution of Polymorphic Circuits for Image Multi-Filtering. In: 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 432-439. ISBN 978-1-4673-1508-1. Detail
- TRCHALÍK Roman and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. Unified Sensor Gateway Interconnection of Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings 11th IFAC/IEEE International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Sy. Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems, Volume # 11 | Part# 1, vol. 2012. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2012, pp. 372-377. ISBN 978-3-902823-21-2. ISSN 1474-6670. Detail
- SZENTANDRÁSI István, ZACHARIÁŠ Michal, HAVEL Jiří, HEROUT Adam, DUBSKÁ Markéta and KAJAN Rudolf. Uniform Marker Fields: Camera Localization By Orientable De Bruijn Tori. In: Proceedings of the 2012 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Atlatnta, Georgia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, pp. 1-2. ISBN 978-1-4673-4661-0. Detail
- PROCHÁZKA Boris, DRAHANSKÝ Martin and HANÁČEK Petr. Únos výpočetního toku v obsluze systémových volání na operačním systému Linux. In: IMEA 2012 Sborník příspěvků 12.ročníku doktorandské konference. Hradec Králové: University of Hradec Kralove, 2012, p. 6. ISBN 978-80-7435-185-3. Detail
- DOLÍHAL Luděk, HRUŠKA Tomáš and MASAŘÍK Karel. Usage of simulators in testing system. In: Industrial Simulation Conference. Brno: EUROSIS, 2012, pp. 74-78. ISBN 978-90-77381-71-7. Detail
- GRÉGR Matěj, PODERMAŃSKI Tomáš and ŠVÉDA Miroslav. User identification in IPV6 network. IP Networking 1 -- Theory and Practice. Žilina: Zilina University Publisher, 2012, pp. 5-8. ISBN 978-80-554-0494-3. Detail
- LENGÁL Ondřej, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří and VOJNAR Tomáš. VATA: A Library for Efficient Manipulation of Non-Deterministic Tree Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2012, no. 7214, pp. 79-94. ISSN 0302-9743. Detail
- ZACHARIÁŠOVÁ Marcela, KAŠTIL Jan and KOTÁSEK Zdeněk. Verification of Fault-tolerant methodologies for FPGA Systems. In: The First Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale (MEDIAN'12). Annecy: Politecnico di Milano, 2012, pp. 55-58. Detail
- MILIČKA Martin and BURGET Radek. Využití ontologií k popisu vizuálních rysů dokumentu. In: Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies (WIKT 2012). Smolenice: Vydavateľstvo STU, 2012, pp. 85-88. ISBN 978-80-227-3812-5. Detail
- BEDNAŘÍK Roman and HEROUT Adam. What Students Want: A Study on the Role of Supervisor of Final Works in Computing Education. In: Proceedings of the 12th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2012, pp. 118-125. ISBN 978-1-4503-1795-5. Detail
- MRÁČEK Štěpán. 3D Face Recognition. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-3-8465-4450-1. Detail
- DENECKE Kerstin, DREESMAN Johannes, KRIECK Manuela and OTRUSINA Lubomír. A New Age of Public Health: Identifying Disease Outbreaks by Analyzing Tweets. In: Proceedings of Health WebScience Workshop, ACM Web Science Conference. Koblenz: Association for Computing Machinery, 2011, pp. 10-15. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KOLÁŘ Dušan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and MEDUNA Alexander. Advanced Static Analysis for Decompilation Using Scattered Context Grammars. In: Proceedings of the Applied Computing Conference 2011 (ACC'11). Angers: World Scientific and Engineering Academy, 2011, pp. 164-169. ISBN 978-1-61804-051-0. Detail
- PEČIVA Jan, PŘIBYL Jaroslav and NAVRÁTIL Jan. Close-to-photorealistic Lighting for Simulations and CAD. In: 2011 International Simulation Multiconference - SCS (SCSC, SPECTS, GCMS) - SCSC Proceedings (Hard-Copy) 11. Hague: SCS Publication House, 2011, pp. 1-2. ISBN 1-56555-345-4. Detail
- ĎURFINA Lukáš, KŘOUSTEK Jakub, ZEMEK Petr, KOLÁŘ Dušan, HRUŠKA Tomáš, MASAŘÍK Karel and MEDUNA Alexander. Design of an Automatically Generated Retargetable Decompiler. In: 2nd European Conference of COMPUTER SCIENCE (ECCS'11). Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife: North Atlantic University Union, 2011, pp. 199-204. ISBN 978-1-61804-056-5. Detail
- HRUBÝ Martin. Designing a New Raster Sub-System for GRASS-7. Geoinformatics FCE CTU, vol. 6, no. 1, 2011, pp. 11-30. ISSN 1802-2669. Detail
- KLÍMA Ondřej. Forensic Identification of Children Faces. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2011. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2011, pp. 1-3. ISBN 978-80-214-4273-3. Detail
- KORČEK Pavol, KOŠAŘ Vlastimil, ŽÁDNÍK Martin, KORANDA Karel and KAŠTOVSKÝ Petr. Hacking NetCOPE to run on NetFPGA-10G. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Seventh ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2011). Brooklyn, New York: IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 1-2. ISBN 978-0-7695-4521-9. Detail
- BARTOŠ Václav and ŽÁDNÍK Martin. Hardware precomputation of entropy for anomaly detection. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems. New York: IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 219-220. ISBN 978-0-7695-4521-9. Detail
- ŠVÉDA Miroslav, RYŠAVÝ Ondřej, DE Silva Gayan, MATOUŠEK Petr and RÁB Jaroslav. Reachability Analysis in Dynamically Routed Networks. In: Proceedings of the IEEE ECBS 2011. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Computer Society, 2011, pp. 197-205. ISBN 978-0-7695-4379-6. Detail
- GAJDA Zbyšek and SEKANINA Lukáš. Recent Advances in Evolutionary Synthesis and Optimization of Ordinary and Polymorphic Circuits. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2011. ISBN 978-80-214-4417-1. Detail
- JANOUŠEK Vladimír. Simulace a návrh vyvíjejících se systémů. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2011. ISBN 978-80-214-4414-0. Detail
- DREESMAN Johannes, ECKMANNS Tim, KRIECK Manuela, LINGE Jens, OTRUSINA Lubomír and VELASCO Edward. Norovirus outbreak at an university in Lower Saxony. In: Proceedings of the International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED 2011). Brookline: International Society for Infectious Diseases, 2011, pp. 1-9. Detail
- DREESMAN Johannes, ECKMANNS Tim, KRIECK Manuela, LINGE Jens, OTRUSINA Lubomír and VELASCO Edward. Norovirus outbreak at an university in Lower Saxony. In: Proceedings of the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2011). Milan: The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2011, pp. 1-9. Detail
- KRESLÍKOVÁ Jitka and ZBOŘIL František V. Programovací jazyky. Brno, 1986. Detail
- Automation of MitM Attack on WiFi Networks, software, 2016
Authors: Vondráček Martin, Pluskal Jan, Ryšavý Ondřej, Matoušek Petr Detail - Automatization of MitM Attack for SSL/TLS Decryption, software, 2016
Authors: Marušic Marek, Pluskal Jan, Ryšavý Ondřej, Matoušek Petr Detail - Network Forensics Distrubuted Platform, software, 2016
Authors: Hvězda Matěj, Pluskal Jan, Ryšavý Ondřej, Matoušek Petr Detail - Reconstruction of Captured Communication on iOS Platform, software, 2016
Authors: Letavay Viliam, Pluskal Jan, Ryšavý Ondřej, Matoušek Petr Detail - Web Traffic Data Export to MAFF, software, 2016
Authors: Janeček Vít, Pluskal Jan, Ryšavý Ondřej, Matoušek Petr Detail
- Anonymizer, software, 2015
Authors: Orság Filip, Borek Martin Detail - Device for acquirement of 3D hand geometry, specimen, 2015
Authors: Svoboda Jan, Drahanský Martin Detail - dWiNA - An Implementation of Decision Procedure for WS1S, software, 2015
Authors: Fiedor Tomáš, Lengál Ondřej, Holík Lukáš, Vojnar Tomáš Detail - FPGA Cores for Discrete Wavelet Transform, software, 2015
Authors: Musil Petr, Musil Martin, Bařina David, Zemčík Pavel Detail - INCLUDER (tracer): Trace Inclusion for Data Word Automata, software, 2015
Authors: Rogalewicz Adam, Iosif Radu, Vojnar Tomáš Detail - Information Extraction Tools from CEUR Workshop Pages, software, 2015
Authors: Burget Radek, Milička Martin Detail - Odometry Estimation from Velodyne LiDAR Point Clouds, software, 2015
Authors: Veľas Martin, Španěl Michal, Herout Adam Detail - OpenCL Implementations of Discrete Wavelet Transform, software, 2015
Authors: Kula Michal, Bařina David, Zemčík Pavel Detail - PDF Analysis Tools, software, 2015
Authors: Burget Radek Detail - Precise Triaxial Positioning for Evaluation of Optical Systems Accuracy, specimen, 2015
Authors: Španěl Michal, Zemčík Pavel, Kršek Přemysl Detail - Prototype of highspeed pro for IPv6 traffic monitoring, prototype, 2015
Authors: Vrána Roman, Kekely Lukáš, Žádník Martin, Kořenek Jan, Matoušek Jiří Detail - Robotic Outdoor Platform for Sensory Data Measurements and Evaluation of 3D Reconstruction and Mapping Methods, specimen, 2015
Authors: Materna Zdeněk, Beran Vítězslav, Španěl Michal, Veľas Martin, Kapinus Michal Detail - roVEX processor model and its compiler, software, 2015
Authors: Husár Adam, Burget Radek, Čekan Ondřej, Podivínský Jakub, Hruška Tomáš Detail - WTF-LOD Extractor, software, 2015
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel Detail
- C Language Compiler Frontend with Pragma Support, software, 2014
Authors: Hruška Tomáš, Husár Adam, Masařík Karel Detail - Communication protocol for intelligent homes, software, 2014
Authors: Hájek Josef, Danaj Dávid, Brychta Tomáš, Korček Pavol Detail - Enhanced HDR video camera, specimen, 2014
Authors: Musil Martin, Musil Petr, Seeman Michal, Zemčík Pavel Detail - FITLayout Web Page Segmentation Framework, software, 2014
Authors: Burget Radek, Milička Martin Detail - FPGA-Based Platform for Traffic Filtration in 100 Gbps Networks, specimen, 2014
Authors: Matoušek Jiří, Kekely Lukáš, Kořenek Jan Detail - HADES (Hazard Detection System), software, 2014
Authors: Charvát Lukáš, Smrčka Aleš, Vojnar Tomáš Detail - Heterogeneity-Aware Scheduler for Stream Processing Frameworks, software, 2014
Authors: Škoda Petr Detail - LBP Detector Toolbox, software, 2014
Authors: Juránek Roman, Zemčík Pavel Detail - Lexolights release 22, software, 2014
Authors: Pečiva Jan, Starka Tomáš, Milet Tomáš, Kobrtek Jozef Detail - Modules for Velodyne 3D LiDAR Calibration and Data Processing, software, 2014
Authors: Veľas Martin, Španěl Michal, Materna Zdeněk Detail - Packet filter for network traffic at 100 Gbps line rate, software, 2014
Authors: Kekely Lukáš, Kořenek Jan, Žádník Martin Detail - Robust Automatic Vector Accelerator Compiler, software, 2014
Authors: Hruška Tomáš, Husár Adam, Masařík Karel Detail - Semantic Annotator, software, 2014
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel Detail - SLIDE: Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions, software, 2014
Authors: Rogalewicz Adam, Iosif Radu, Vojnar Tomáš Detail - Software for extraction of features from eye retina vein pattern to the purpose of biometric recognition of people, software, 2014
Authors: Doležel Michal, Drahanský Martin Detail - Software for Vanishing Point Detection using Parallel Coordinates, software, 2014
Authors: Dubská Markéta, Herout Adam Detail - Software module for processing of thermoface images, software, 2014
Authors: Váňa Jan, Drahanský Martin Detail - SPEN - A Solver for Separation Logic Entailments, software, 2014
Authors: Enea Constantin, Lengál Ondřej, Sighireanu Mihaela, Vojnar Tomáš Detail
- Annotation system for Drupal, software, 2013
Authors: Cudrák Miloš, Dytrych Jaroslav, Kleban Martin, Kopecký Marek, Kratochvílová Marie, Kubík Lukáš, Loskot Radim, Loukota Petr, Macháček Jakub, Pěnkava Pavel, Petr Martin, Smrž Pavel, Strecha Juraj, Žurek Aleš Detail - CloudStack vendor module for mOSAIC, software, 2013
Authors: Smrž Pavel, Škoda Petr, Šperka Svatopluk Detail - CPAlien: Configurable Program Analysis over Symbolic Memory Graphs, software, 2013
Authors: Müller Petr, Vojnar Tomáš Detail - Device for acquirement and recognition of eye iris and retina, specimen, 2013
Authors: Drahanský Martin, Provazník Valentine, Kolář Radim, Hájek Josef Detail - Functional sample of highspeed network probe designed for monitoring of IPv6 traffic, specimen, 2013
Authors: Kekely Lukáš, Žádník Martin, Kořenek Jan Detail - intMAN: Priority-Driven Load-Adaptive Monitoring-Based Hardware for Managing Interrupts in Embedded Event-Triggered Real-Time Systems, prototype, 2013
Authors: Strnadel Josef, Šimek Václav Detail - libhmm: classification framework, software, 2013
Authors: Mlích Jozef, Zemčík Pavel, Zouhar David Detail - Microprobe for monitoring of gigabit networks, specimen, 2013
Authors: Korček Pavol, Košař Vlastimil, Viktorin Jan, Fukač Tomáš, Kekely Michal, Kořenek Jan Detail - OMToolkit - The polygonal mesh processing toolkit, software, 2013
Authors: Hulík Rostislav, Španěl Michal, Smrž Pavel Detail - Online CGP generator, software, 2013
Authors: Vašíček Zdeněk Detail - PicoBlaze Instruction Simulator, software, 2013
Authors: Křivka Zbyněk, Šimek Jiří Detail - QnxTimeSync - A tool for measuring real precision of network synchronization in real-time operating systems, software, 2013
Authors: Pacner Jan, Ryšavý Ondřej, Švéda Miroslav Detail - R/Bioconductor package for identification of triplex-forming sequences, software, 2013
Authors: Hon Jiří, Lexa Matej, Martínek Tomáš, Rajdl Kamil Detail - Random Forest Toolbox, software, 2013
Authors: Juránek Roman, Zemčík Pavel Detail - RT-SCADA-QNX MSC03 - A system for monitoring and control of industrial processes, software, 2013
Authors: Košťál Vladimír, Kutálek Antonín, Ressler Ivo, Srovnal Vilém, Srovnal Vilém, Stankuš Martin, Slabý Roman, Sikora Jakub, Hlisnikovský Pavel, Hercík Radim, Švéda Miroslav, Pacner Jan, Halfar Patrik, Jeřábek Jan, Ryšavý Ondřej Detail - SVM Feature Selection System, software, 2013
Authors: Petrlík Jiří Detail
- AclCheck - a tool for static analysis of ACL inter-rule conflicts, software, 2012
Authors: Hozza Tomáš, Ryšavý Ondřej Detail - ANaConDA: A Framework for Analysing Multi-threaded C/C++ Programs on the Binary Level, software, 2012
Authors: Fiedor Jan, Vojnar Tomáš Detail - Annotation editor, software, 2012
Authors: Cudrák Miloš, Dytrych Jaroslav, Kleban Martin, Loukota Petr, Pěnkava Pavel, Smrž Pavel Detail - Classification Framework for Texts on Visual Arts, software, 2012
Authors: Kouřil Jan Detail - Cloud Information Extractor from Scientific Papers, software, 2012
Authors: Šperka Svatopluk, Škoda Petr, Smrž Pavel Detail - Content collector and document analysis for the M-Eco project, software, 2012
Authors: Jeřábek Jan, Marek Tomáš, Otrusina Lubomír, Rylko Vojtěch, Smrž Pavel, Sznapka Jakub, Šafář Martin, Uherčík Maroš Detail - Decipher focused crawler, software, 2012
Authors: Mrnuštík Michal Detail - Decipher NER a Decipher IE, software, 2012
Authors: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel, Sznapka Jakub, Šafář Martin Detail - Embedded development platform for gigabit network applications based on FPGA, specimen, 2012
Authors: Korček Pavol, Kořenek Jan, Šimek Václav Detail - GDEfALLL: Graphical development environment for ALLL language, software, 2012
Authors: Horáček Jan, Zbořil František, Žák Jakub Detail - HAVEN: An Open Framework for FPGA-Accelerated Functional Verification of Hardware, software, 2012
Authors: Zachariášová Marcela, Lengál Ondřej, Kajan Michal Detail - Lexolights, software, 2012
Authors: Pečiva Jan, Starka Tomáš Detail - Prototypes-2012, software, 2012
Authors: Janoušek Vladimír Detail - R3-COP Knowledge Base, software, 2012
Authors: Chmelař Petr, Dalgaard Lars, Smrž Pavel, Zemčík Pavel Detail - SPARQL Queries Motifs Miner, software, 2012
Authors: Šperka Svatopluk Detail - SwingBox Rendering Component, software, 2012
Authors: Burget Radek, Bielik Peter Detail - Text Summarization Tool, software, 2012
Authors: Pokorný Lubomír, Bartík Vladimír Detail - VATA: A Library for Efficient Manipulation of Non-Deterministic Tree Automata, software, 2012
Authors: Lengál Ondřej, Šimáček Jiří, Vojnar Tomáš Detail