Project Details
Odpady jako suroviny a zdroje energie (WARMES) + Ekologicky a energeticky řízené soustavy zpracování odpadů a biomasy
Project Period: 1. 3. 2010 - 31. 12. 2011
Project Type: grant
Code: 2B08048
Agency: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic
Program: Zdravý a kvalitní život
English title
Waste as raw material and energy source (WARMES) + Waste and Biomass Utilisation focused on Environment Protection and Energy Generation
wireless sensor network, methan
The DITS FIT BUT is involved in projects of prof. Ing. Petr Stehlík, CSc.:
- National Research Programme project (NPV II) "Waste as raw material and energy source" (WARMES), 2B08048
- Strategic research plan "Waste and Biomass Utilisation focused on Environment Protection and Energy Generation", MS1350003
The team at DITS ÚITS FIT BUT is responsible for wireless sensor networks, together with FI MU.
Team members
Stehlík Petr, prof. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.
, research leader
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Hanáček Petr, doc. Dr. Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Zbořil František, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Hanáček Petr, doc. Dr. Ing. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader
Zbořil František, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT) , team leader