Project Details

Zpřístupnění automatického ověřování mluvčího širokému spektru uživatelů v oblasti bezpečnosti

Project Period: 1. 4. 2013 - 30. 9. 2015

Project Type: grant

Code: VG20132015129

Agency: Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic

Program: Program bezpečnostního výzkumu České republiky 2010 - 2015

English title
Enabling automatic speaker verification to broad spectrum of users in the security domain

speaker recognition; voice biometry; speaker search; voice analysis; forensic analysis


Past few years have witnessed a substantial progress in theory and algorithimization of speaker recognition (SRE). This project aims at adaptation of SRE algorithms for specific needs of police and intelligence services, in order to (1) provide precise but easy-to-understand visualization so that responsible personnel obtains timely information needed to cope with threats and to speed up investigation, (2) be able to adapt systems to target user data and substantially improve their performances.

Team members
Černocký Jan, prof. Dr. Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT) , research leader
Schwarz Milan (Phonexia) , team leader
Glembek Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Kobes Michal (DCGM FIT BUT)
Kohlová Renata, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Pešán Jan, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Plchot Oldřich, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Šimek Dominik, Ing. (FBM BUT)
Veselý Karel, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT)





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