Project Details

Workflow systém jako výkonný nástroj pro business process reengineering

Project Period: 1. 7. 2011 - 30. 6. 2015

Project Type: grant

Code: FR-TI3/039

Agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

Program: TIP

English title
Workflow System as an Effective Instrument of Business Process Reengineering

information system, business process, workflow system, model, simulator, software, lean production, optimization


Workflow systems optimize process management by their clear formal description, giving information about requirements and about the process. The business process represents a sequence of time bounded actions which are realized to fulfil some task. In the frame of the project, we will design and implement a workflow system for business process modelling, management and following optimization. We focus on automate the information transmition among sources to bring them maximum relevant information and we also ensure business rules and security holding. During the modelling a debugging tools will be used and the behaviour of model can be simulated. The model will be started. It will execute the planned steps and ensure business rules and security. The process state can be monitored and setup using administrative tools. After the end the behaviour can be reinvestigated. By using the workflow system, a company can expect an increasing of decision support and defined procedures respecting.

Team members
Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. (DIFS FIT BUT) , research leader
Bartík Vladimír, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Křoustek Jakub, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Máčel Lukáš, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Mates Vojtěch, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader
Pospíšil Milan, Ing. (DIFS FIT BUT) , team leader





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