Project Details

Modelování dědičnosti v objektově-orientovaném modelu

Project Period: 1. 1. 1997 – 31. 12. 1997

Project Type: grant

Code: FR0630/1997/G

English title
Modelling inheritance in object-oriented model

Multiple Inheritance - Category Theory - Object-Oriented Data Model - Formal


Even if there are some results concerning formal specification of
object-relational model, poor support exists for inheritance. The aim of the
proposed project is to create a formal model of inheritance based on category
theory and thus prepare material suitable for further development of the concept
into formal description applicable to complete object-oriented model. We focus
especially on multiple inheritance, name space, virtual base classes and

Team members
Hruška Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc. (DIFS) – research leader
Kolenčík Petr, Ing. – research leader
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