Project Details

Vizualizace reálných dějů v počítačové animaci

Project Period: 1. 1. 1998 – 31. 12. 1999

Project Type: grant

Code: FV 480003/98

English title
Vizualization of real scenes in computer animation

Computer animation, simulation, image recognition, kinematics


The aim of the project is to design and implement a system for motion capture,
identifying of motion parameters, its processing, modelling of the scene and its
vizualization by means of computer graphics. Configuration of laboratory for
motion capture will be defined, models of objects and their motion will be
created from captured data. The models and their motion will be vizualized by
means of computer animation.

Team members
Fědor Martin, Ing. – research leader
Dobšík Martin, Ing., Ph.D.
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