Project Details
Rapid prototyping tools for development of HW-accelerated embedded image- and video-processing applications
Project Period: 1. 7. 2004 – 31. 12. 2008
Project Type: grant
Code: 1ET400750408
Agency: The Czech Academy of Sciences
Program: Informační společnost (Národní program výzkumu)

digital image and video processing, hardware acceleration of image processing,
embedded systems, FPGA
The goal of the project is to set up tools enabling to speed-up design of systems
using hardware acceleration of image and video processing algorithms, with the
intention to facilitate industrial application of the advanced, computationally
intensive algorithms in this field. Libraries of hardware and DSP macros of
selected algorithms and their simulation equivalents will be developed in the
project. A possibility to exploit dynamic FPGA reconfiguration for implementation
of algorithms will be investigated - building on the results of the RECONF
project, previously solved in the laboratory of proposer. An architecture of
a multi-level environment for rapid application design and configuration, using
these libraries, will also be examined. This environment, should, at the lower
level, use relatively simple scripting language and, at the higher level, some
rapid development tool. We assume the Matlab/Simulink environemnt and/or the
high-level HW-oriented languages (HandelC, SystemC).
Fučík Otto, doc. Dr. Ing. (DCSY)
Herout Adam, prof. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
- CHMELAŘ, P.; BERAN, V.; HEROUT, A.; HRADIŠ, M.; JURÁNEK, R.; LÁNÍK, A.; MLÍCH, J.; NAVRÁTIL, J.; ŘEZNÍČEK, I.; ŽÁK, P.; ZEMČÍK, P. Brno University of Technology at TRECVid 2008. Proceedings of TRECVID 2008. Gaithersburg: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2008.
p. 1-16. Detail - ŘEZNÍČEK, I. Object identification in image using global low-level features. Digital Technologies International Workshop 2008. Digital Technologies International Workshop 2008. Žilina: University of Žilina, 2008.
p. 10-13. ISBN: 978-80-8070-953-2. Detail
- GRANÁT, J.; HEROUT, A.; HRADIŠ, M.; ZEMČÍK, P. Hardware Acceleration of AdaBoost Classifier. Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (MLMI). Brno: 2007.
p. 1-12. Detail - ŠILHAVÁ, J.; BERAN, V.; CHMELAŘ, P.; HEROUT, A.; HRADIŠ, M.; JURÁNEK, R.; ZEMČÍK, P. Testbench for Evaluation of Image Classifiers. Computer Graphics & Geometry, 2007, vol. 2007, no. 9,
p. 31-47. ISSN: 1811-8992. Detail - ZEMČÍK, P.; HRADIŠ, M.; HEROUT, A. Local Rank Differences - Novel Features for Image. Poster SCCG 2007. Budmerice: 2007.
p. 1-12. Detail - ZEMČÍK, P.; ŽÁDNÍK, M. Adaboost Engine. Proceedings of FPL 2007. Amsterdam: IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
p. 1-5. ISBN: 1-4244-1060-6. Detail
- BERAN, V.; GRANÁT, J.; HEROUT, A.; ZEMČÍK, P. DSP and FPGA Based Raster Image Processing Architecture. Proceedings of the Digital Technologies 2007 Workshop. Žilina: Zilina University Publisher, 2006.
p. 1-6. Detail - ČERNOCKÝ, J.; POTÚČEK, I.; SUMEC, S.; ZEMČÍK, P. AMI Mobile Meeting Capture and Analysis System. Washington: 2006. Detail
- ZEMČÍK, P.; HEROUT, A.; BERAN, V.; GRANÁT, J. Hardware Accelerated Image Analysis in FPGA. Proceedings of SCCG. Častá-Papiernička: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2006.
p. 1-4. ISBN: 80-223-2175-3. Detail - ZEMČÍK, P.; HEROUT, A.; BERAN, V.; SUMEC, S.; POTÚČEK, I. Real-Time Visual Processing Using "Views". Poster, MLMI Conference. Washington, DC: 2006.
p. 1 (1 s.). Detail
- FĚDOR, M. Fast Character Animation Using Particle Dynamics. Proceedings of GVIP 2005. Proceedings of GVIP 2005. Cairo: 2005.
p. 1-6. ISSN: 1687-398X. Detail - HEROUT, A.; ZEMČÍK, P. Hardware Pipeline for Rendering Clouds of Circular Points. Proceedings of WSCG 2005. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2005.
p. 17-22. ISBN: 80-903100-7-9. Detail - KADLEC, J.; POTÚČEK, I.; SUMEC, S.; ZEMČÍK, P. Evaluation of Tracking and Recognition Methods. Proceedings of the 11th conference EEICT. Brno: 2005.
p. 617-622. ISBN: 80-214-2890-2. Detail - POTÚČEK, I. Automatic Image Stabilization for Omni-Directional Systems. Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on VISUALIZATION, IMAGING,AND IMAGE PROCESSING. Benidorm: ACTA Press, 2005.
p. 338-342. Detail - SCHIER, J.; KOVÁŘ, B.; ZEMČÍK, P.; HEROUT, A.; BERAN, V. Reconfigurable image processing architecture with simulink prototyping support. Sborník "Technical Computing 2005". Praha: 2005.
p. 1-4. Detail - ŠILHAVÁ, J. Segmentation Approaches Applied to Retinal Fundus Images. Communication and Information Technologies. Bratislava: 2005.
p. 41-44. ISBN: 80-8040-269-8. Detail - VYSKOČIL, M. Kommander - 1 (Skriptované GUI). ABC Linuxu, 2005, roč. 2005, č. 10,
s. 1-4. ISSN: 1214-1267. Detail - VYSKOČIL, M. Kommander - 2 (Starý parser). ABC Linuxu, 2005, roč. 2005, č. 10,
s. 1-4. ISSN: 1214-1267. Detail - ZEMČÍK, P.; HEROUT, A.; BERAN, V.; POTÚČEK, I.; FUČÍK, O.; HONEC, J.; RICHTER, M.; JANÁKOVÁ, I.; LISZTWAN, M. Image Processing in Traffic Applications. Proceedings of GVIP 2005. Proceedings of GVIP 2005. Cairo: 2005.
p. 1-6. ISSN: 1687-398X. Detail - ZEMČÍK, P.; HEROUT, A.; BERAN, V.; SCHIER, J.; FUČÍK, O. Reconfigurable Image Processing Architecture. Proceedings of GVIP2005. Proceedings of GVIP 2005. Cairo: 2005.
p. 1-6. ISSN: 1687-398X. Detail
- HEROUT, A.; ZEMČÍK, P. Hardware Implementation of EWA. Computer Vision and Graphics. Warsaw: Springer Verlag, 2004.
p. 593-598. ISBN: 978-1402041785. Detail - TIŠNOVSKÝ, P. OpenGL Imaging Subset. ROOT, informace nejen ze světa Linuxu, 2004, roč. 2004, č. 2068,
s. 1-50. ISSN: 1212-8309. Detail - TUPEC, P.; FUČÍK, O. Software monitoring of the PCI bus. 6th International Workshop on Electronics, Control, Measurment and Signals. ECMS 2003. Liberec: Liberec University of Technology, 2004.
p. 310-314. ISBN: 55-025-003. Detail
- Interpreter of image processing language, software, 2008
Authors: ZUZAŇÁK, J.
- Script for image processing, software, 2007
Authors: ZUZAŇÁK, J.