Project Details
Metody a nástroje pro automatizované odhalování softwarových chyb
Project Period: 1. 1. 2006 – 31. 12. 2008
Project Type: grant
Code: GP102/06/P076
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Program: Postdoktorandské granty
Formal analysis and verification, software, Java, Object-Oriented Petri Nets
This project belongs to the area of software analysis and verification which is
currently a very important and live research area. Correctness of software is
nowadays crucial as software is widely used in many safety critical roles. The
first goal of this project is to use a real-life software case study for
evaluating and comparing currently available tools for automated detection of
bugs in software. The case study will be taken from the case studies available
within the project SegraVis or from the open-source software community.
Consequently, based on the results obtained from the case study, we will improve
our currently developed tools (i.e., the tools associated with the formalism of
Object-Oriented Petri Nets which has been developed at applicant's home faculty
since 1996, and tools based on symbolic execution of Java byte-code which are
developed at the University Milano-Bicocca) to be more useful in practice.
Another significant benefit of this project is allowing the applicant to continue
his intensive cooperation with the foreign research team.
- BRAIONE, P.; DENARO, G.; PEZZE, M.; KŘENA, B. Verifying LTL Properties of Bytecode with Symbolic Execution. Bytecode 2008. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. Budapest: Elsevier Science, 2008.
p. 1-14. ISSN: 1571-0661. Detail - LETKO, Z.; VOJNAR, T.; KŘENA, B. AtomRace: Data Race and Atomicity Violation Detector and Healer. PADTAD '08. Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Parallel and distributed systems. Seattle: Association for Computing Machinery, 2008.
p. 1-10. ISBN: 978-1-60558-052-4. Detail
- DUDKA, V.; KŘENA, B.; VOJNAR, T. Using JavaPathFinder for Self-healing Assurance. Proceedings of 3rd Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science - MEMICS 2007. Znojmo: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., 2007.
p. 67-73. ISBN: 978-80-7355-077-6. Detail - KŘENA, B.; LETKO, Z.; TZOREF-BRILL, R.; UR, S.; VOJNAR, T. Healing Data Races On-The-Fly. Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing and Debugging Modelling - PADTAD'07. London: Association for Computing Machinery, 2007.
p. 54-64. ISBN: 978-1-59593-734-6. Detail
- KŘENA, B. Computer Go as a Verification Case Study. Proceedings of XXVIIIth International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2006: Advanced Simulation of Systems. Ostrava: 2006.
p. 95-100. ISBN: 80-86840-26-3. Detail
- Java Atomicity Violation Detector & Healer, software, 2008
Authors: LETKO, Z.; VOJNAR, T.; KŘENA, B. - Model checking Using Symbolic Execution, software, 2008
- Java Race Detector & Healer, software, 2007
Authors: LETKO, Z.; VOJNAR, T.; KŘENA, B.