Project Details

Ontologie a Sémantický Web

Project Period: 1. 1. 2006 – 31. 12. 2006

Project Type: grant

Code: FR2877/2006/G1

English title
Ontologies and Semantic Web

Ontolologies, Semantic Web, Inteligent Agents, Semantic Web Services


The World Wide Web contains huge amounts of information created by many different
organizations, communities and individuals for many different reasons. Most of
the Web's content today is designed for humans to read, not for computer programs
to manipulate it meaningfully. The solution how to develop machine understandable
web is to use metadata to describe the data contained on the Web. This new
approach is called Semantic Web. To understand semantic meaning metadata are not
enough. We need to know applicable ontologies, which define relationships between
several concepts. We may see the sense of ontologies as a knowledge models or an
abstract description of certain part of knowledge system, which are relatively
independent on a final representation and implementation of knowledge. It is
essential, that this models are shareable by several proceses (etc. software
agents) in single application and reusable for different applications, which can
be separated by time and space. Ontologies are not just static pasive files of
valid relationships, but are also knowledge bases among them it is possible to
make machine inferences. As Semantic Web expands it gives us more space for
research of possibilities of using ontologies in information systems with the
help of inteligent agents and semantic web services.

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