Project Details
Improvements of Change Detection in Point Cloud Data and Visualization of the Changes by Incorporating Semantic Information
Project Period: 1. 8. 2015 – 31. 12. 2015
Project Type: grant
Agency: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
Program: AKTION Česká republika - Rakousko

Robotic systems, environment perception, point cloud data, change detection,
semantic information, human-robot interaction
The project deals with improvements of the change detection in point cloud data
and its visualization, as a part of robotic systems, by using semantic
environmental maps of the surrounding environment, and with a user friendly
representation and visualization of these changes.
Typical approaches for the detection of changes in point cloud data obtained by
sensors like MS Kinect or Velodyne LiDAR use only the measured 3D information
about the object geometry (points, surfels). The changes are typically visualized
by highlighting changed parts of the scene. The newly proposed approach will
benefit from the semantic description of the environment what means description
of particular objects, information on their class (floor, table), connections (a
cup on the table), etc.
The prepared software solution will be able to identify changing (moving) objects
in the scene and present them to a remote operator of the robotic system in more
clear and precise way: "The cup is no more present on the table." The semantic
information might also enable multi-modal communication with the operator by
communicating the changes in the environment using synthesized voice messages,
Beran Vítězslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Veľas Martin, Ing., Ph.D.