Project Details
CPK - Využití sémantických technologií pro zpřístupnění kulturního dědictví prostřednictvím Centrálního portálu knihoven
Project Period: 1. 3. 2016 – 31. 12. 2020
Project Type: grant
Code: DG16P02R006
Agency: Ministerstvo kultury ČR

discovery system; semantic technologies; library portal; full text indexing;
bibliographic record deduplication
The main goal of this project is to establish Central Portal of Czech Libraries
(CPK), which will run on the address: CPK will integrate
information sources of various character - especially databases which describe or
contain information about our cultural heritage or full texts, which are part of
Dytrych Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM)
Otrusina Lubomír, Ing. (DCGM)
Škoda Petr, RNDr.
- System for enrichment of bibliographic data based on full-text analysis, software, 2019
Authors: OTRUSINA, L.; SMRŽ, P.
- System for semi-automatic linking of bibliographic data to relevant national LOD (Linked Open Data), software, 2018
Authors: OTRUSINA, L.; SMRŽ, P.
- System for Automatic Semantic Enrichment of Bibligraphic Data, software, 2017
Authors: OTRUSINA, L.; SMRŽ, P.
- Automatic classifier for CPK, software, 2016
Authors: SMRŽ, P.; KURÁK, O.; OTRUSINA, L.