Publication Details
Distribuované zpracování a analýza dat ze sociálních sítí - Návrh a implementace distribuované architektury
forensic analysis, timeline analysis, Apache Hadoop
Current methods of reconstruction and forensic analysis of user activity focus almost exclusively on local computer analysis. However, the increasing popularity of social networks causes more and more activities to be transferred to social networks. It is therefore necessary to extend the analyzed timeline to include information on activities on social networks. In such a case, however, it is necessary to analyze a large amount of resources (e.g. social network profiles) and thus obtain and further process a large amount of data. It is therefore necessary to propose a scalable solution for both acquiring and further analyzing social network data. In this technical report, we focus on analyzing existing timeline models, existing related software solutions for distributed large amounts of data processing, and in particular the design of a tool for reconstructing and analyzing timeline in a distributed environment. We also deal with the implementation of the proposed tool on the Apache Hadoop platform.
@TECHREPORT{FITPUB11883, author = "Radek Burget", title = "Distribuovan\'{e} zpracov\'{a}n\'{i} a anal\'{y}za dat ze soci\'{a}ln\'{i}ch s\'{i}t\'{i} - N\'{a}vrh a implementace distribuovan\'{e} architektury", pages = 22, year = 2018, location = "FIT-TR-2018-07, Brno, CZ", publisher = "Faculty of Information Technology BUT", language = "czech", url = "" }