Publication Details
Advancements in Ultrasound Simulations Enabled by High-bandwidth GPU Interconnects
Treeby Bradley E. (UCL)
Jaroš Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT)
GPU, NVlink, MPI, CUDA, Spectral Methods, Ultrasound
Realistic ultrasound simulations are becoming integral part of many novel medical procedures such as photoacoustic screening and non-invasive treatment planning. The common denominator of all these applications is the need for cheap and relatively large-scale ultrasound simulations with sufficient accuracy. Typical medical applications require full-wave simulations which take frequency-dependent absorption and non-linearity into account.
This poster investigates the benefits of high-bandwidth low-latency interconnects to k-Wave acoustic toolbox in dense multi-GPU environment. The k-Wave multi-GPU code is based on a variant of the local Fourier basis domain decomposition. The poster compares the behavior of the code on a typical PCI-E 3.0 machine with 8 Nvidia Tesla P40 GPUs and a Nvidia DGX-2 server. The performance constraints of PCI-E platforms built around multiple socket servers on multi-GPU applications are deeply explored. Finally, it is shown the k-Wave toolbox can efficiently utilize NVlink 2.0 and achieve over 4x speedup compared to PCI-E systems.