Publication Details

On Sensitivity of Learning with Limited Labelled Data to the Effects of Randomness: Impact of Interactions and Systematic Choices

PECHER Branislav, SRBA Ivan and BIELIKOVÁ Mária. On Sensitivity of Learning with Limited Labelled Data to the Effects of Randomness: Impact of Interactions and Systematic Choices. In: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Miami: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024, pp. 522-556. ISBN 979-8-8917-6164-3.
Czech title
O citlivosti učenia s obmedzenými označenými dátami na efekty náhodnosti: Vplyv interakcií a systematických rozhodnutí
conference paper
Pecher Branislav, Ing. (DCGM FIT BUT)
Srba Ivan
Bieliková Mária, prof. Ing., PhD. (DCGM FIT BUT)

NLP in resource-constrained settings, in-context learning, fine-tuning, meta-learning, sensitivity, effects of randomness, stability


While learning with limited labelled data can effectively deal with a lack of labels, it is also sensitive to the effects of uncontrolled randomness introduced by so-called randomness factors (i.e., non-deterministic decisions such as choice or order of samples). We propose and formalise a method to systematically investigate the effects of individual randomness factors while taking the interactions (dependence) between them into consideration. To this end, our method mitigates the effects of other factors while observing how the performance varies across multiple runs. Applying our method to multiple randomness factors across in-context learning and fine-tuning approaches on 7 representative text classification tasks and meta-learning on 3 tasks, we show that: 1) disregarding interactions between randomness factors in existing works led to inconsistent findings due to incorrect attribution of the effects of randomness factors, such as disproving the consistent sensitivity of in-context learning to sample order even with random sample selection; and 2) besides mutual interactions, the effects of randomness factors, especially sample order, are also dependent on more systematic choices unexplored in existing works, such as number of classes, samples per class or choice of prompt format.

Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Miami, Florida, US
Association for Computational Linguistics
Miami, US
   author = "Branislav Pecher and Ivan Srba and M\'{a}ria Bielikov\'{a}",
   title = "On Sensitivity of Learning with Limited Labelled Data to the Effects of Randomness: Impact of Interactions and Systematic Choices",
   pages = "522--556",
   booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
   year = 2024,
   location = "Miami, US",
   publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
   ISBN = "979-8-8917-6164-3",
   doi = "10.18653/v1/2024.emnlp-main.32",
   language = "english",
   url = ""
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