Publication Details

Towards an extensive set of criteria for safety and cyber-security evaluation of cyber-physical systems

SMRČKA Aleš, SANGCHOOLIE Behrooz, EMANUELE Mingozzi, VARA Luis De La Jose, FARRELL Marie, BARBOSA Raul, BAGLUM Cem, YAYAN Ugur, ERGUN Salih and KANAK Alper. Towards an extensive set of criteria for safety and cyber-security evaluation of cyber-physical systems. Open Research Europe, vol. 3, no. 219, 2023, pp. 1-21. ISSN 2732-5121. Available from:
Czech title
K rozsáhlé sadě kritérií pro hodnocení spolehlivosti a kybernetické bezpečnosti kyberneticko-fyzikálních systémů
journal article
Smrčka Aleš, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT)
Sangchoolie Behrooz, Ph.D. (RISE)
Emanuele Mingozzi
Vara Luis De La Jose
Farrell Marie
Barbosa Raul (UC)
Baglum Cem
Yayan Ugur
Ergun Salih
Kanak Alper (ERARGE)

criteria, evaluation, verification, validation, safety, cybersecurity,
cyber-physical system


Verification and validation (V&V) are complex processes combining different approaches and incorporating many different methods including many activities. System engineers regularly face the question if their V&V activities lead to better products, and having appropriate criteria at hand for evaluation of safety and cybersecurity of the systems would help to answer such a~question. Additionally, when there is a demand to improve the quality of an already managed V&V process, there is a struggle over what criteria to use in order to measure the improvement. This paper presents an extensive set of criteria suitable for safety and cybersecurity evaluation of cyber-physical systems. The evaluation criteria are agreed upon by 60 researchers from 32 academic and industrial organizations jointly working in a large-scale European research project on 13 real-world use cases from the domains of automotive, railway, aerospace, agriculture, healthcare, and industrial robotics.

Open Research Europe, vol. 3, no. 219, ISSN 2732-5121
Open Research Europe
F1000 Research Limited on behalf of the European Commission
EID Scopus
   author = "Ale\v{s} Smr\v{c}ka and Behrooz Sangchoolie and Mingozzi Emanuele and Jose La De Luis Vara and Marie Farrell and Raul Barbosa and Cem Baglum and Ugur Yayan and Salih Ergun and Alper Kanak",
   title = "Towards an extensive set of criteria for safety and cyber-security evaluation of cyber-physical systems",
   pages = "1--21",
   booktitle = "Open Research Europe",
   journal = "Open Research Europe",
   volume = 3,
   number = 219,
   year = 2023,
   ISSN = "2732-5121",
   doi = "10.12688/openreseurope.16234.1",
   language = "english",
   url = ""
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