Publication Details
Evolution of Software for Embedded Systems in Processort Expert
Černý Stanislav, Ing.
embedded systems, real time software development, software evolution, Processor Expert
Software development is not an easy task at all. Even more complicatedand tricky the problem becomes when developing software for embeddedsystems. Thus, there have been defined processes for efficient(real-time) embeded software development (RUP, DESS(, etc.). Nevertheless, these guidelines are notapplicable for evolution of existing software development cycle, sofar. The situation has been changed by successfull finishing of someresearch activities (i.e. EMPRESS ( The papershows impact of the research results on the Processor Expert tool setand its improvements so as to vbe complient with newly definedprocesses.
author="Dušan {Kolář} and Stanislav {Černý}",
title="Evolution of Software for Embedded Systems in Processort Expert",
booktitle="Proceedings of Eleventh IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, ECBS 2004",
publisher="IEEE Computer Society",
address="Los Alamitos, CA",