Publication Details
Simple Single View Scene Calibration
Scene Calibration, Scene Reconstruction, Euclidean Reconstruction, Single View, Automatic Parameters Estimation, Principal Component Analysis
This paper addresses automatic calibration of images, where the main goal is to extract information about objects and relations in the scene based on the information contained in the image itself. The purpose of such calibration is to enable e.g. determination of object coordinates, measurements of distances or areas between objects in the image, etc. The idea of the presented work is to detect objects in the image whose size is known, e.g. traffic signs in the presented case and exploit their relative sizes and positions in the image to perform the calibration under some assumptions about possible spatial distribution of the objects, e.g. their positioning on a plane in the presented case. The paper describes related work and the method itself, shows and discusses the results and proposes possible extensions.

author="Bronislav {Přibyl} and Pavel {Zemčík}",
title="Simple Single View Scene Calibration",
booktitle="Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems",
series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
journal="Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
publisher="Springer Verlag",