Study Advisor FIT

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Student counsels

Ing. Petr Veigend, Ph.D.
  • Personal page
  • study advisor
  • Competent to deal with:
    • Counselling (in person or electronically, using the official (e-mail or MS Teams) or unoffical (Facebook or Discord) means)
    • Applications submitted via the BUT IS (preparation of backgrounds for decisions)
    • ...
Ing. Kristýna Zaklová
  • Personal page
  • advisor for study agendas
  • Competent to deal with:
    • Schedules of teaching and examinations
    • Settings for study related agendas in the IS BUT
    • Applications submitted via the BUT IS (preparation of backgrounds for decisions)
    • Ambassador for Ph. D. study
    • ...
Ing. Svatava Nunvářová, Ph.D.
  • Personal page
  • advisor for Ph.D. students
  • Competent to deal with:
    • For PhD students similar activities as solved by the Student's affairs
    • Counselling (in person or electronically, using the official (e-mail or MS Teams) or unoffical (Facebook or Discord) means) - for PhD students
    • ...
Who to contact?
  • Anyone on the list above will help - if he is unable to help you himself, he will help with others.
  • However, for quick and best answer of your questions and solution of your problems we recommend:
    • dr. Veigend, if you have any questions regarding your study (e.g. how and when to register courses and exercises, where to find some information, what to do if something went wrong, etc.),
    • Ing. Zaklová, if you see inconsistencies or a problem with the information on the web.,
    • dr. Nunvářová, if you have any questions or problems related to PhD studies.

Sources of information

  • Basic information for new freshmen
  • Link page with information for new freshmen (Czech only)
  • Guide for first year students from Student Chamber of the Academic Senate of the BUT (Czech only). Unofficial english version is available, version for Master students.
  • Study news - here, you can find important things that are subject to deadlines. It is advisable to use RSS (see below) to follow the news. News can also be followed directly in BUT IS here.
  • Course pages - each course has its own page that you can reach either from the list of courses or the schedule. The course page can then take you to the private and public course pages (not available for all courses). For more information on the courses, click on the relevant courses in the BUT IS (see below) and the e-learning (Moodle) document storage.
  • FIT IS (student access) - here you set passwords for school PCs and servers.
  • The BUT IS is divided into several parts, of which you will find useful especially the BUT Intraportal, where you can order your ISIC card, manage your scholarship account, book the university accommodation services etc. and the StudIS, which includes course registrations and exercise registration. You can also find here course materials, an overview of your studies, as well as language placement tests, courses offered by other faculties, e-learning etc.
  • Mailinglist Studinfo - bulk messages for students, which you should receive by e-mail and which should be sorted into a separate folder.
  • Information board of FIT - typically, you will need to follow especially the decisions of the Dean and the guidelines. The decisions of the Dean also include topics for State Final Examinations etc. If you look at last year's versions of these documents, you can often tell when this year's versions will be issued.
  • Regulations (including invalid ones).
  • Study and Examination Rules of Brno University of Technology
    • Do not miss the reporting of obstacles to studies in Article 55 - a delay in reporting an obstacle may have unpleasant consequences.

University e-mail and BUT messages

  • To communicate with teachers and other FIT staff, please use the university e-mail in the form - even if you can have other addresses provided by the BUT portal or use the "BUT messages". For teachers at FIT, all other addresses and means of communication other than the FIT e-mail represent a complication, as they have to go at great lengths to find out who is writing to them.
  • Please check your e-mail regularly at short intervals so as not to miss any important information.
  • You can use the web interface or IMAP to check your university e-mail. For more information, see the Computer Centre's manuals.
    • You can also redirect the e-mail to your private e-mail address. You have two options here:
      • Beginners: In the web interface, select "Filters" in the "Settings" menu. Then click "Create" at the top, name the filter "Redirect", set the conditions to "any match", and click "Add Condition". Select the condition type "FROM_MAILER" and set it to "Not contains" (i.e. do not forward mail server errors). Then set it to end filtering without a copy to inbox after executing actions, click on "Add Action", select "Safely forward to", and enter the email address to forwarding to in the value field. Saving the filter will generate a .procmailrc file in your home directory. Next, send yourself an email from a different address than the one you are forwarding the email to, or ask someone to send you an email, and verify that the forwarding works.
      • Advanced: In your home directory on the server, you can create or edit the .procmailrc file (for more information see the manual).
    • It is sufficient to redirect the e-mail via the web interface in most cases. If you will use the advanced manual, we recommend to set up a rule reporting an error to the original sender (the sender will learn your private address, but this is still better than the sender assuming that the mail has been delivered, based on which a deadline could apply).
      • If the manual is too complicated for you, just take the code in the frame, change the target address there and save it in the ".procmailrc" file (the name of the file starts with a full stop and has no extension) in your home directory on the server (can also be done via
    • Watch out for mistakes that could make you lose your mail! - after changing the settings, ask a friend to send you something to see if your settings work! Errors often result from typos in the address which can cause many problems.
    • Also note that email accounts outside the BUT organization (e.g. Gmail or Yahoo) now require a valid DMARC, i.e. at least one of the SPF and DKIM data must be valid. Messages must therefore be sent by a server that is valid for the sender's domain or that has a valid domain digital signature. So if the sender does not have an email address (but e.g. and the message is forwarded to somewhere other than, it may not be delivered to the forwarded email address or to the original recipient - it depends on the definition of the forwarding rule! In case of using mail forwarding to external email addresses, we recommend to define FIT mail as an additional server in the client.
  • BUT messages can be checked at the BUT portal or redirected to e-mail. However, they are inconvenient (unsuitable) to communicate with the FIT staff.

Student's Affairs Department

  • The Student's Affairs Department can be found in room C109.
  • The Student's Affairs Department website (the only one there is - any other site you may find via Google, is a fake).
  • At the Student's Affairs Department, you can submit applications, report obstacles to studies, receive confirmations of studies (if electronic, which can be requested in BUT IS here is not sufficient for you) and deal with other paperwork.

ECTS and credits

  • European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) allows to measure how demanding the part of your studies is, which allows part of your studies to be taken at another university and counted towards your current studies at FIT. Recommendations are listed in ECTS Users´ Guide.
  • The credit is 1/60 of average annual student load. It should correspond to about 1 hour and 20 minutes of work per week at the FIT, so it should be the number of hours of activities listed for the course divided by 13 weeks of the semester, multiplied by 1.2 (home preparation and learning for the exam) and rounded. The year is about 52 weeks long, after subtracting 8 weeks of holidays, it is 42 weeks, but holidays are about 9 weeks long according to the Rector's directive, and in the period of 2 weeks at the end of July when graduation is due, students have not yet registered for courses for the following year. So that leaves 39 weeks to remain. So we have about 1560 hours/60 = 26 hours/credit. It is necessary to obtain an average of 30 credits per semester, so 26*30 = 780 hours/semester. In a semester, there are 13 weeks of classes (1340 = 520 hours), 5 weeks of exam period (540 = 200 hours), 1.5 weeks outside of the semester to learn prerequisites and register for courses and seminars (60 hours). Students should have a reserve for overhead (moving between campuses, registering for IS activities, etc.). We want students to participate in other activities such as special lectures, seminars, conferences (Excel@FIT), etc. Therefore, we will not fill those hours. Therefore, we will not fill those hours. In addition, the exam period has first terms only in the first 3 weeks, so the remaining 2 are not usable for courses ending with an exam.
  • The following example for a 5-credit course will show the total student workload. On the course card, there are ("scheduled teaching"): 26 hours of lectures, 13 hours of exercises, and 13 hours for the project. Although not indicated on the course card, an additional 13 hours may be required for regular preparation, 13 hours reserve for projects and further preparation, and 6.5 hours for exam preparation. It is a total of 6.5 hours/week (84.5 hours per semester). If we include the 3 weeks of the exam period (6.5 hours/week), this is a total of 84.5 + 19.5 hours/course. Counting the whole exam period, where the last 2 weeks are a reserve, we have 104 + 13 = 117 hours (23.4 hours/credit out of a maximum of 26-28 hours), which is 90% of the student's working time fund with 9 weeks of holidays. If we include the 1.5 weeks for learning prerequisites, courses and seminars enrollment, it is 117 + 1.5 * 6.5 = 126.75 hours per course (equivalent to the ECTS User's Guide). Up to a maximum of 130 hours (26 hours/credit * 5 credits), a reserve of 2.5% (3.25 hours) remains. The student's working time fund per semester can be calculated as 126.75 hours per course * typically 6 courses (5 credits each - we get an average of 30 credits per semester). Thus, the student working time fund per semester is 780 hours.

Registration for and enrolment in courses

  • First, register for the course (this is like getting in a queue for enrolment in the course - more students can register than there are places in the course - if someone drops off, the students that registered after him/her over the capacity of the course can enroll in the course). Registrations exceeding the course capacity are deleted following the holiday complementary registrations!
  • Then, the first N registered students (where N equals the capacity of the course) are enrolled. You can see the courses in which you have been enrolled in your active courses for the relevant year.
  • Then, you can click on the course to register for projects etc.
  • The "re-registration" is different from registration in that it is automatic - if there is a free place in the course, you get immediately enrolled and the other way round (de-registration means cancellation of enrolment). The system does this automatically.
    • You may wonder why the registration phase is separate from the enrolment. There are 2 reasons for that. The first reason is that you can register for seminars after enrolment in the respective course and, because students often make a lot of changes in their registrations, there would be "dead souls" in the seminars and it would be necessary to remove them from there. Second, only a number of students corresponding to the maximum course capacity can enroll in a course - that means that if someone wanted to check whether a place had freed up, they would have to constantly monitor the capacity. With the current system, a queue is formed and everyone knows whether they will get into the course immediately or whether they are on the waiting list and what is their number in the list (i.e. whether it makes sense to stay in the queue).
  • The registration and re-registration is governed by the applicable rule.
Credit limits
  • The yearly credit limits defined by the valid guideline are stated in the table below.
  • The table is based on the assumption that the student studies in both semesters of the given academic year. If the student only studies in one semester, the limit is 35 credits regardless of the results.
  • If the relevant period has not been completed yet (the winter semester in case of registration for the summer semester in the first year), the credit limit will be increased continuously based on the input of the examination results.
  • The State Final Examination (ISZ/MSZ) can be taken by a first-year student if most of his/her courses are recognized from his/her previous uncompleted studies.
  • Whether or not the student will take his/her State Final Examination will be determined based on whether or not he/she has registered for ISZ/MSZ (and the limit will be set in accordance with that). If the number of credits allowed by the credit limit is not sufficient to complete the studies, the registration offer will not include the Bachelor's or Master's thesis and ISZ or MSZ.
Type of registration in Conditions Period in which the conditions must be fulfilled Credit limit then I have (credits)
Winter semester of the 1st year Registration or re-registration before the winter semester - - 65
Summer semester of the 1st year Registration or re-registration before the summer semester Successful completion of all courses,
at least 20 credits,
grade-point average less than 1.50
Winter semester of the 1st year Standard length of study 80
Successful completion of all courses,
at least 20 credits,
grade-point average less than 2.00
Successful completion of all courses (may be unsuccessful in one compulsory or selective, but not elective course),
at least 20 credits
- State Final Examination (ISZ/MSZ) in the 1st year 69
- - 65
2nd year Ordinary registration in the summer semester of the 1st year - - - 65
Holiday complementary registrations, or re-registrations in the first week of the winter or summer semester Successful completion of all courses,
at least 20 credits,
grade-point average less than 1.50
Summer semester of the 1st year Standard length of study 80
Successful completion of all courses,
at least 20 credits,
grade-point average less than 2.00
Successful completion of all courses (may be unsuccessful in one compulsory or selective, but not elective course),
at least 20 credits
- State Final Examination (ISZ/MSZ) in the 2nd year 69
- - 65
3rd year Ordinary registration in the summer semester of the 2nd year - - 65
Holiday complementary registrations, or re-registrations in the first week of the winter or summer semester Successful completion of all courses,
at least 20 credits,
grade-point average less than 1.50
Both semesters of the 2nd year Standard length of study 80
Successful completion of all courses,
at least 20 credits,
grade-point average less than 2.00
Successful completion of all courses (may be unsuccessful in one compulsory or selective, but not elective course),
at least 20 credits
- State Final Examination (ISZ/MSZ) in the 3rd year 69
- - 65
4th or higher year Same as for the 3rd year
  • The credit limits for the entire studies defined by the valid guideline are stated in the table below.
  • The limit for the entire studies apply together with the yearly limits (see above). In the last year, it often reduces the yearly limit.
  • If the limit drops after the winter semester of the last year, the student must de-register his/her elective courses in the summer semester in order not to exceed the limit and have his/her courses cancelled at random.
Programme Type of registration Conditions Number of credits
BIT All years accept for the last year - 184
Last year Successful completion of all courses,
grade-point average less than 2.00
Successful completion of almost all courses (failure to successfully complete a maximum of 2 courses) 189
- 184
MIT All years accept for the last year - 124
Last year Successful completion of all courses,
grade-point average less than 2.00
Successful completion of almost all courses (failure to successfully complete a maximum of 2 courses) 129
- 124
Dates of (re-)registrations
  • All of the dates below are intended just to give you an idea of the general schedule, they are based on the dates applicable to last year and may be different by a few days this year! You can always find the current dates in the important dates of the academic year.

  • end of March trough the beginning of April - registration of courses for the next year (2nd or higher years) - you can register up to 65 credits, higher credit limits will be available only in the holiday complementary registrations.
  • beginning of July until the middle of August - holiday complementary registrations for the students in the 2nd or higher years.
  • the 1st of September - the 9th of September: registration of elective courses for 1MIT (they are already enrolled in their compulsory courses).
  • the weekend before the teaching starts in the winter semester - registration of elective courses for the 1BIT.
  • 1st week of the winter semester - re-registration of courses for the winter semester for all students.
  • the middle of January - registration for excercises in English courses in the summer semester
  • the end of January until the end of the first week of the summer semester - registration of elective courses for the summer semester for first-year students (a day earlier) and for all students.

  • The registrations for the next year always take place in waves favouring students in higher years and students with better results.
  • This means that the registrations are opened gradually in the following order (Art. 2 (1)):
    • immediately for students registering for courses for their last year of studies who comply with the standard length of studies,
    • 30 minutes later for students exceeding the standard length of studies,
    • another 30 minutes later for students in lower years except for 1BIT,
    • on the next day for students in the 1st year of BIT.
  • For students in the individual categories based on the year in which they study, the registrations are opened gradually in the following order (Art. 2 (2)):
    • immediately for students who completed all courses they enrolled in in the winter semester, obtained at least 20 credits and their grade-point average is no higher than 2.00,
    • 10 minutes later for students who completed all courses they enrolled in in the winter semester and obtained at least 20 credits
    • another 10 minutes later for all other students.
What to watch out for
  • If you fail a compulsory course in the summer term, you must re-enroll in it the following year. If you do not have sufficient credit, you must drop some of your electives. If you do not enroll in required courses and cancel overload electives in the first few days of re-enrollment, those electives will be randomly canceled and you will have to apply for enrollment in the course (that is, if there are spaces left in the course)! The purpose of this measure is to free up spaces taken by students who are not eligible to enroll in the course so that other students can enroll in the course.
  • If you fail a course in the winter semester of your last year of studies, you may no longer be eligible to finish your studies in that year, which will also lower your credit limit. The measures described in the previous paragraph will then apply to your above-the-limit courses.
  • Compulsory courses are only registered automatically for students in the 1st year.
Minimum number of students to open a course
  • The rules for calculation of the workload of teachers are specified in guideline 4/2019 Article C (2) of that guideline stipulates that a teacher may be reimbursed for teaching an elective or selective course for Bachelor's degree students if at least 20 students have enrolled in the course and for Master's students if at least 10 students have enrolled in the course. For courses taught in English, a teacher may be reimbursed for teaching if at least 5 students have enrolled in the course. The number of students is determined 3 business days before the start of the teaching semester and after the end of the re-registrations in the 1st week of the semester and the higher of the numbers is used to determine whether the minimum number of students has registered for the course.
  • If the number of students in a given course does not reach the minimum, the teacher may decide no later than 3 business days prior to the start of the teaching semester whether he/she will teach the course for free (without any remuneration) or whether he/she will cancel the course. The probability that the course will be cancelled is higher in case of courses with laboratory seminars, because the seminar leaders would have to be willing to work for free as well. If the teacher cancels the course, it will be cancelled for all the registered and enrolled students automatically and these can chose another subject no later than in the re-registrations in the 1st week of the semester provided that there is free capacity.
  • This does not apply to courses taught at other faculties, which the faculties open for their students. In that case, it is not a problem if only a few students from FIT choose the course.

Registration for excercises (mostly for courses offered by other faculties)

  • During the January registrations for English courses for the students of the 1st year, the stages of registration and enrolment are skipped (they are automatic) and the registration of excercises starts right away. If you fail to register for a excercise, the course will be cancelled for you. This saves you a lot of clicking and you will also not have to deal with capacity problems (everyone can chose their seminar at the same time, rather than just the first N students who were able to enrol in the course).
  • This means that students in the 1st year will be enrolled in English courses of the appropriate level (the levels can be found in the electronic index in StudIS) a few hours before the registrations open. The students can then register for the times and days on which the course will be taught.
  • The procedure for registration of excercises in other courses is the same as in the case of English, but the enrolment does not take place automatically (you need to enrol for the course first) and the course will not necessarily be cancelled if you don't register for a seminar (you will then get a failed credit/F grade).
  • In the case of re-registration, you first need to register for (and enrol in) the course at the registration site and only then you can register for an excercise. If you do not register for an excercise, you must cancel the enrolment in the course so that you do not block a place at the excercise for any other students that may be interested in taking the course.

Courses from other faculties

Courses from other faculties are divided into three categories, according to the manner of registration and enrolment. The courses in the first and second category may overlap - in that case, it is better to register for the course as an inter-faculty course.

  1. Inter-faculty courses are included in your study plan and you can register for them in the BUT IS just as you do for your other courses.
    • You will be able to recognise them easily - on the course details page, after the abbreviation of the course, there is also an abbreviation of a course from a different faculty; the course is taught as a part of the course in brackets. For example BPC-ZSL is abbreviated as "FEKT BPC-ZSL". If the abbreviation of the other faculty does not contain a link, you can find the course in the BUT Catalogue.
    • If the course is not one of the compulsory courses within the Bachelor's studies, its schedule may overlap with other courses - schedules of such courses are created independently of the schedules at the FIT; only courses attended by dozens of students of the FIT are consulted with the FIT, and the students usually get a special exercise times in the schedule. There is no point in complaining about the schedule - nothing can be done about it. The same applies to the dates of examinations; however, if more than one examination date overlaps for one course, a special date might be negotiated..
    • If there are activities available for the course in StudIS, register for them, even if it's just one.
    • If the course schedule is unavailable (for example, it is available in PDF format on the FAVU), you can contact Ing. Zaklová. However, keep in mind that some faculties prepare their schedules just before the start of the semester, or make last-minute changes.
    • Look for the information on such courses in the StudIS under the abbreviation of the course used by the offering faculties.
    • You can also see the detailed assessment in the StudIS.
    • Students must find the examination dates on their own in the StudIS. If the dates are not published in the StudIS, then contact the course teacher. The only exceptions are courses IDA, IMA, IPT and MSP, for which the dates will be published on their pages on the FIT website.
  2. Free electives are not in your study plan, and are only visible to you in the StudIS.
    • The available free elective courses will be listed in StudIS 12 calendar days before the beginning of the semester. The course capacities may keep changing until the last second of the registration. If the offering faculty has set up a registration in the BUT IS, the students register in the StudIS when registering for the free elective course. Ignoring the registration leads to the course registration being cancelled by the host faculty. If there are activities available for the course in StudIS, register for them, even if it's just one. After the registration, you will be enrolled.
    • Free electives are registered using StudIS, the registration period is always during the fifth calendar day before the semester from 8 AM until 10 PM.
    • You can enrol into free courses of maximum worth of 20 credits over one academic year, always as electives. Everyone is responsible for not exceeding this limit and any other credit limit stipulated for the FIT by the valid guideline - if the StudIS allows you to register for courses over the limit, registration of courses over the limit will be cancelled at random and a different compulsory elective course registered at FIT may be cancelled.
    • Regarding schedule of classes and examinations, same information as for inter-faculty courses applies (see above); information on the courses can be, almost exclusively, found in the StudIS.
  3. For self-paid courses with the possibility of recognition, first go to the BUT IS - StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications and submit your application along with a declaration stating that you have free credits available (i.e. that you will not exceed any limit after the recognition). Once your application is approved, register for the course as a self-paying student within life-long learning, pay, and study. After you have completed the course successfully, apply for recognition of the course and reimbursement. If your first application was approved, the second one will be approved automatically, and you will get the money in the form of extraordinary scholarship. You will not get any reimbursement for a course that you fail to complete successfully.

If you encounter problems in teaching courses from other faculties, you may want to get in touch with people responsible for the teaching for the FIT. It's not always clear who it is - a selection of the most frequently needed contacts follows:

Other contacts are not needed by the FIT students too often, but they can easily be found between FEEC heads of departments and secretaries and between heads of Students Affairs offices and vice-deans of other faculties.

Goverment decree no. 194/2022

  • Goverment decree no. 194/2022 on professional competence in electrical engineering, establishes levels of professional competence (hereinafter referred to as "qualifications") of workers involved in the operation of electrical equipment or work on it. In other words, it prescribes the education and training we need to have for activities where we work with electrical equipment. Laboratory computers are also electrical equipment, and some laboratories are also equipped with various devices where students are connecting cables and operating under small voltage.
  • Student might enrol in a bachelor's degree course from FEEC that requires a higher qualification - eg. courses BPC-FY1B and BPC-FYE requires min. §4. In this case, you need to use the options of training at FEEC.
    • In the BUT IS, you should find a fictive RBEZ course, which is being evaluated here (a course that is used as a fictive - its completion = you have succeeded in the test of Decree 194/2022). If you do not have this course, please contact dr. Veigend.
    • No sign-up should be required for training and testing - just come (but for sure at the earliest date - if there will be a problem here, please call dr. Dytrych or Ing. Gaďorek).
    • Note that you must be able to log in to the Active Directory, but you need BUTlogin and BUTpassword - so if you are able to log in to the StudIS, it would not be a problem, especially if you will look at
    • If you will not attend the Lesson from "Safety in Electrical Engineering", you will have to learn everything from materials on FEEC pages.
    • If students miss regular and alternative terms, doc. Steinbauer refers them to doc. Bajer. He will make a training and examination within an extraordinary substitute course and then he will report to doc. Steibauer, who will write it to the IS. Of course, FIT students can also take part in the substitute course. If the terms listed by UTEE also applied to FIT students, and the entry in the IS will be written by UTEE (UTEE is the guarantor of the course), then it is enough to ask doc. Bajer, and he will tell them the term of the nearest substitute course. Experience has shown that these courses need to be listed as a number of students will find the need to come across laboratories where they are controlled.
  • On the FIT a training can be provided by Lukáš Duránik (not as a lecturer, but as the responsible person who orders the lecturer), but training cannot be expected to take place on the next day. It is therefore necessary to speak to him about few weeks in advance and to agree with him when you can be trained (whether with a master's degree students or with a staff members). Recognition of training from the FIT at the FEEC is also not obviousness and it is necessary to get information from doc. Steinbauer.
  • You can see all the trainings validity in the BUT IS in the Study module within the table Awarded qualification.

Failed courses

  • If the course is compulsory, you have to register for it again the following year (unless you were granted an exemption to defer the obligation to repeat it for which you can apply in the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications).
  • If the course is selective, the rules for compulsory courses apply; however, next year, you can choose a different course from the same group.
  • If the course is an elective, you do not have to register for it again (but you can).
  • In case of a compulsory or selective course, the credit limit will not be raised to more than 70 credits. In case of 2 failed courses, the credit limit stays at 65 credits.
  • If the course is an elective, the annual credit limit stays at 65 credits. This means that "one failed compulsory or selective course is permissible", however, the rule does not apply to elective courses.
  • The credit limit for study will not be increased to more than 189/129 (BIT/MIT) credits. In case of two failed courses, it stays at 184/124.
  • If the course is compulsory or selective in the summer semester (and you do not have credits available for it in the following year), be careful about holiday complementary registrations (see below)
  • In case of a compulsory course that you are re-taking, your studies will probably be terminated (in some cases, an exemption can be granted - see below).

Second and further re-taking of a course

  • You can re-take a compulsory course only once (i.e. you have two attempts to complete the course in total), and you must re-take it in the following academic year, unless you were granted an exemption (e.g. because of the Erasmus programme). Your studies will be terminated if you fail the course twice.
    • You can apply for an exception for enrolment of the repeatedly failed compulsory course through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications. The application will be considered by the Dean, and if you do not provide a valid reason (such as long-term illness registered as an obstacle to studies), there is a very small chance of being granted the exemption.
  • You can re-take a selective course several times (e.g. three times) even without an exemption, and you can choose a different course from the same group instead.
    • If you register for 2 selective courses from the same group in the given year, one of them will be marked as a selective, and the other one as an elective course. If you complete one of them successfully but fail the other one, the successfully completed course will automatically be classified as the selective course. If you complete the given group of the selective courses with this last completed course, you do not have to re-take the one you failed.
  • You can re-take elective courses more than once, and even a repeated failure does not imply any particular consequences - you only run the risk that you will not achieve the minimum amount of credits for the given year. Other consequences apply to you as if you were taking the course for the first time.

Notification of quitting the studies ("Oznuk")

  • If you decide to terminate your studies at FIT, or if you want to accelerate the termination of your studies that were initiated by the faculty, you can do so by post or in person at the study department. The document can be found in the BUT IS - Notification of quitting the studies (PDF). After printing it, you must sign it in your own handwriting. Warning, this is a unilateral act on the part of the student, once the clerk registers the document at the study department, the step is irreversible!

Recognition of courses

  • Courses eligible for recognition are listed in the Rules for recognition of courses from previous studies
  • If your previous studies have been completed and a degree conferred, the courses may only be recognised for zero credits and you can ask to have them recognised instead of taking a compulsory or compulsory elective course. An exception is the recognition of Master's courses from a previous Bachelor's degree that have been studied beyond the minimum of 180 credits for the degree into the follow-up master's degree - these can be recognized including credits.
  • The application for recognition of a course must be submitted at least one week before the start of teaching in the semester, which the course is allocated in the study plan of the given programme. If the study wasn´t on FIT, FEEC, FME, FFA, or FBM BUT the request has to be supplemented by an authorised extract listing your courses from the previous studies with a stamp and original signature, which you can obtain at your former student's affairs department. In the case of FEEC, FME, FFA, or FBM , an ordinary extract from the IS BUT printed to PDF is sufficient. If your previous study was on FIT BUT, the authorized extract is not necessary.
    • Former students of other faculties of BUT and other higher education institutions (even if transferring from other studies in which they have been successful so far) must additionally prepare authorized annotations/course descriptions , either in PDF format with web links where they can be double-checked or with the stamp and signature of the school's study department.
    • Each compulsory or selective course for recognition at FIT is addressed by a separate application for recognition of a course from a previous study at another faculty as a FIT course in the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications. If you do not know what course can be recognized as a course from a previous study, it is advisable to consult with a study advisor before applying. Elective courses are accepted in bulk as part of a single application.
  • Successfully completed courses from other faculties that are included in the FIT study plan will be recognised, based on an application, for zero credits (credits can be counted only towards the first studies) for students studying in parallel studies at another faculty of BUT.
  • When studying in multiple FIT study fields, students must meet all the requirements for each of the parallel studies separately (according to Article 2) the credits for each course can only be counted towards one of the two studies (the student chooses which one). The course can be recognised in the second studies for zero credits.
The table of course recognition
The time passed since the exam or graded credit Study year of the previous studies completed the previous year (according to the length of the studies) Recognisable marks
0 to 1 academic year 5. 4. 3. A, B, C, D
1 to 2 academic years 4. 3. 2. A, B, C, D
2 to 3 academic years 3. 2. 1. A, B, C, D
3 to 4 academic years 2. 1. - A, B, C
4 to 5 academic years 1. - - A, B
longer - - - not recognised
  • Table for ac. year 2024/2025, Table for ac. year 2025/2026
  • An academic year starts on the 1 of September and ends on the 31 of August, meaning that if you passed the examination between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019, it is 0-1 year for recognising a course for the 2019/2020 winter semester.
  • Courses completed through a credit (including sports), language courses, courses studied as part of the life-long learning at BUT and courses completed as a part of student mobility programme can be recognised within 5 years of their completion (even with grade C, D, or E).

Schedules of teaching and examinations

  • Schedules for the winter and summer semesters in the 2024/2025 academic year are available at the FIT website. There is a website with the original draft schedule for the winter semester and summer semester, but that might not be up to date since uploading in the BUT IS, and does not contain all exercises and lectures of some smaller courses.
  • If there are two lecture groups in your year, it is up to you which schedule will apply to you and you can even combine them - for example take from 1BIB. The recommended group assigments, in study news before the start of the winter semester, is only illustrative and applicable in the event that the lecture room is full (which does not usually happen) - in that case, priority is given to students whose schedule overlaps with the other group, and the students placed in the given lecture group. You do not need to apply for a change of groups, just attend the group you chose.
  • Unless the information on the course state otherwise (e.g. credit granted for attendance), the attendance (of lectures and exercises) is voluntary. However, points are often awarded for the exercises, and not attending them might result in a lack of points for credit or completion of the course.
  • The dates of examinations will be available in the news section several weeks in advance.
Schedule items
  • There is a column marked Skup, determining the group. There are different groups for different lecture groups.
    • In the past, groups were used for exercises, especially in mathematics. Currently, they allow for a brief designation of the exercises included in them. Therefore, it is not necessary to say, for example, that everyone who attended the exercise on Monday at 7 a.m. in room XYZ will be examined in room ABC; it is enough to say that group 10 will be in room ABC.
    • If a lecture from a course is in the 'all' group in BIT, the course is compulsory for that year.
    • Groups are used for specializastions in MIT. In the past, it was necessary to allocate the number of the groups according to the order in the "Study plan" table at the TIN course page, nowadays, they are specified directly in the schedule.
    • If there is an MIT lecture for the given group, the course is compulsory for the given specialization.
    • Group xx means something like "other". It includes lectures for elective courses, exercises where one of N schedules can be selected, etc. There are also courses for the previous year included in the xx (for students re-taking them) and in 1BIT also IZG and ITU in 2BIT, which students with better study results can register one year in advance.
  • If an item of the schedule is shown in the table at the course page, but is not specified in the schedule , this is because no lecture group has been assigned to it. For example, if a teacher enters a one-time demonstration exercise, the lecture group is often not assigned to the lecturer for the sake of simplicity (otherwise the exercise would have to be added as multiple items in the schedule for each lecture group). If you want any such thing to appear in the schedule, you can contact Ing. Zaklová, who will edit and add the item.
  • Význam zkratek v rozvrhu je rozepsán pod rozvrhem:
    • seminar is something like a lecture, the teacher solves problems, makes practical demonstrations etc.,
    • the excercise serves to improve and deepen the knowledge gained on lectures. You'll most commonly solve example tasks and are directly involved,
    • hw. laboratory is the laboratory excercise without working directly with a computer (you'll work with some other equipment),
    • computer laboratory is the laboratory excercise while using the computer.
  • Unless explicitly stated for a course, the odd and even weeks are determined according to the calendar.
  • If more than one room is listed in the schedule, the teacher will only be in the largest one, and if they are the same size, then in the one marked by lower number (if there is E104 and E105, the teacher will in E104, but if there is E112 + E104 + E105, the teacher will be in E112). Picture and sound will be broadcast to the other rooms.
Creation of a schedule
  • The examination schedule for the winter semester is created around 25 October, and for the summer semester around 14 March. The schedule of teaching in the winter semester of the following year is planned around 2 May, in the summer semester around 16 May. The dates are only indicative, and the actual ones can differ by 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Development of each schedule has 5 stages:
    • Collection of the teachers' requirements and preparation of materials (about 2 weeks).
    • Planning (about 2 to 4 weeks).
    • Comments by the FIT SU and the students on Discord (about 1 to 3 days).
    • Comments by the teachers (about one week).
    • Upload in the BUT IS (where the changes are the most demanding) and subsequent fixing according to the rules (so that examination date is known and certain in advance).
  • There is space for changes in the stage determined for commenting by the FIT SU. Because the schedule is a compromise (improvement for the first year or specialization often leads to worse schedule for others), not everyone will be happy, but certain improvements can always be made because hundreds of students can create a combination that one person may not be able to discover even with the help of a computer. Please, do not expect that all the suggestions will be incorporated (it will always be considered whether it is feasible given the capacities of the rooms etc., and whether more people will benefit from it that be disadvantaged by it); however, take time to think and make suggestions for improvements in the discussion. You suggestion might be chosen and you would help both yourself and others; or the idea might be used for another improvement.
  • There are various criteria taken into account when developing each schedule. These are partially discussed in Ing. Alena Tesařová's Bachelor's thesis and Ing. Marek Kuchynka's Master's thesis, however, they do not cover the whole issue. There are "hard criteria" for the planning (non-collision of compulsory courses and examinations, prescribed room capacity, non-collision for teachers etc.), requirements of the teachers with different priorities (for example, they cannot examine students when on ordered business trip; they do not want to examine at 7 a.m., even though it is possible when necessary; they prefer afternoon after it 1 p.m.), various restrictions (e.g. an event that takes up all the rooms and there is no room for the examination) and "soft criteria" (there should ideally be 2 days off between examinations, no examinations on a Friday evening, ...). If you are going to suggest any improvements, it is advisable to look at the bottom of the page with a full schedule visualisation, where the requirements and other planning materials are listed.

Mailing lists and RSS

Lecture recordings

  • Some of the lectures are recorded, and the recordings are then available at the video server.
  • It is up to the lecturer to decide whether the lecture will be recorded, where he/she has to decide at least 15 minutes before the lecture starts (3 days in advance for extraordinary lectures).
  • The recording is then processed by Mgr. Skokanová based on her current workload, typically within 2 or 3 weeks. Any "when is it going to be ready" questions and other meaningless e-mails only prolong the time, as she could spend the time it takes to reply to all your e-mails processing the recording. We therefore strongly recommend not to send her such e-mails.
  • Whether or not the recording is made public is up to the lecturer on the recording, and they can only publish it after it has been processed. Because of GDPR, they have to do it manually for each recording separately.
  • The maximum number of recordings downloaded per day is limited to ensure fair use of the resources (students with faster connection...). You can download more recordings per day than you can watch at normal speed, but if you want to watch them faster or skip parts when revising for an examination, it is advisable to think of the limits and download them at regular intervals in advance, and not all at once before the examination.
  • Uploading the recordings to YouTube, and other servers is forbidden and always leads to negative consequences. Some teachers are discouraged from making the recordings public by it, students are penalised, negative measures are taken (such as the limit for the number of downloaded recordings per day) etc. Please avoid such unlawful conduct.
  • The processed recordings can be found at the relevant video server website
  • More information (details on recording rights, the processing, when the recording can be downloaded, how to play it etc.) can be found in the video server FAQs.

Student card

  • You can pick it up at study affairs department and at Start@FIT event.
  • The card serves for access to the lecture rooms and opening some of the corridor doors
    • Please note that it does not work late in the evening - if you stay too long on campus, do not go to the courtyard with the fountain and the adjoining area with the door to the street (you will not be able to get out), but go through the inside corridors on the 2nd floor, across the footbridge and around the reception! If you make a mistake, get stuck, and can't call reception, there is still a way through the car park outside E112, but this is not allowed due to the risk of collision with vehicles ;-)
  • The card is also used to pay in the canteens (you can charge it directly at the canteen), for printing and copying in the library etc.
  • There are 2 kinds:
    • The BUT Student card - issued to every student; it has no special use outside BUT. It is recognised as a proof of studies only by few institutions. Its validity is renewed free of charge by a stamp at the Student's affairs Department.
    • ISIC (International Student Identity Card) - is an internationally recognised student card, but you need to pay for it; you can prolong its international validity by a paid stamp each year. You can order it at the BUT Intraportál. ISIC is not just a student card, you can also use it to get discounts. The discounts are listed at You are only entitled to an ISIC if you are a full-time student. A free revalidation stamp will turn it into an equivalent of the BUT student card.
  • Students can only have one valid document serving as a proof of studies (confirmed for the following years by a stamp). If you order two, you can only use the one that was activated last.

Scholarship account

  • Before you are granted any scholarship, you need to register your Scholarship account, which you enter into the BUT portal.
  • The scholarship cannot be paid without a scholarship account set-up and confirmed by the 15th of the month for which the scholarship is to be paid.

Scholarship for outstanding study results

  • Scholarships for outstanding study results are intended for excellent full-time students of Bachelor's and Master's study programmes. The decision on granting the scholarship is always based on the student's weighted grade-point average in the previous semester of his/her studies. They are not intended for first semester students.
  • The limits for the weighted grade-point average and the amount of the scholarship are determined in the Scholarship Rules of the Brno University of Technology and the supplementing guideline of the Dean of FIT.
  • In addition to the weighted grade-point average, it is also taken into account whether the student has earned at least 20 credits in the courses with classification in the given semester, whether he/she has successfully completed all courses in which he/she was enrolled and continued the studies in the following semester in the same study programme.
  • The illustrative limits of grade-point average for granting scholarships for the winter semester are typically published during March or during the 1st week of April, in September for the summer semester (the preliminary information has sometimes exceptionally been available in July). The amounts are calculated along with the illustrative limits. Any questions along the lines of: "When is it going to be available?" or "Am I going to be granted the scholarship?" are pointless, because the illustrative limits are determined as soon as possible, and immediately published via e-mail to the Studinfo mailing list.
  • To give you an idea of the limits of grade-point average on the past years, here are the limits for the winter semester 2020/2021 - the numbers may differ significantly in the following year.
    • 1BIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.08 = CZK 18,126; GPA less than or equal to 1.21 = CZK 6,042
    • 2BIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.22 = CZK 20,331; GPA less than or equal to 1.58 = CZK 6,777
    • 3BIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.20 = CZK 24,504; GPA less than or equal to 1.37 = CZK 8,168
    • 1MIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.40 = CZK 24,024; GPA less than or equal to 1.62 = CZK 8,008
    • 2MIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.10 = CZK 27,246; GPA less than or equal to 1.21 = CZK 9,082
  • For the summer semester 2020/2021, the limits were as follows:
    • 1BIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.17 = CZK 18,174; GPA less than or equal to 1.35 = CZK 6,058
    • 2BIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.13 = CZK 19,926; GPA less than or equal to 1.38 = CZK 6,642
    • 1MIT: GPA less than or equal to 1.28 = CZK 26,157; GPA less than or equal to 1.36 = CZK 8,719
  • Scholarships for outstanding study results are granted by the Dean of the faculty, usually based on the proposal of the Vice-dean for Study, and administered by the Student's Affairs Department.
  • The payment of the scholarship ends when the student interrupts his/her studies, fails to fulfil his/her study duties, is penalised for disciplinary offense, or exceeds the standard period of study.
  • The scholarship is paid in bulk for the given semester in the following semester. It is paid by wire transfer in the first week of the following month after the decision. It is necessary to have the account number for scholarships set up (see above).
  • It is not possible to be granted the scholarship for outstanding study results for the summer semester of years 3BIT and 2MIT, but financial awards are granted for outstanding results at the state exam (see guideline, Article 4, paragraph 1 - in 2020, the amounts were as follows: CZK 12,000 and CZK 3,000 in the Master's study programme and CZK 8,000 and CZK 2,000 in the Bachelor's study programme). In addition to these automatic awards, other awards related to study results can also be obtained, such as the Rector's Prize granted to BUT graduates according to Directive No. 3/2021 (available only in czech).

Accommodation scholarship

  • The BUT students are granted the accommodation scholarship pursuant to Section 91 (2)(e) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended, Article 7 of the Scholarship Rules and the conditions stipulated by guideline governing the accomodation scholarhips.
  • Students of Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral study programmes are entitled to the scholarship. The students must study either in the first study programme or in the follow-up study programme (or have transferred from one study programme to another, with the previous study recognized) or complete the study programme by 31 October of the same year in which they enrolled.
    • If the students study in more study programmes at the same time, the scholarship is only granted once.
    • The students must not exceed the standard period of study (not even in any of their parallel studies).
  • Their permanent address must not be registered in the districts of Brno-město or Brno-venkov.
  • The amount money granted in the scholarship is determined by the Rector 3 times a year on the basis of number of students who fulfil the requirements and the volume of funds available. The amount of the grant is stipulated by Decision No. 7/2017 and Annex 1 thereto, as amended. For example, in the September - December 2020 period, the accommodation grant was paid in the amount of CZK 580 per month, and in the January - April 2021 period, it was CZK 560 per month.
  • Students apply electronically at It is necessary to have the account number for scholarships set up (see above).
  • The scholarship is always paid retroactively for the previous four months. The grant for the January - April period is usually paid on 20 May, for the May - August period on 20 September, and for the September - December period on 20 January of the following year. Payment of the accommodation grant to the first year students for the May - August period is carried out in January of the following year. The lag is necessary because of the quarterly output from the SIMS national Student Register. The scholarship payment is made only to the accounts kept in Czech crowns and by banks with their registered offices in the Czech Republic.
  • In case of doubts, look directly into the answers to frequently asked questions on scholarships prepared by the BUT Rectorate.
  • Students are obliged to notify the Student's Affairs Department of the faculty of any changes in the decisive facts for granting the accommodation grant no later than 30 days of the day of occurrence of the facts. Failing to notify of the changes is considered a disciplinary offence.
  • Granting, the amount and the manner of the payment of the scholarship falls within the competences of the BUT Rectorate. The accommodation grant is granted by the Vice-rector in charge of scholarships.

Accommodation (dormitories)

  • Why have I scored zero or only a few points for accommodation, even though my friend lives even closer and was granted hundreds of points?
    • According to the ACS, the number of points is not important. It is not used anymore, as there are enough places and everybody can get a room. Students who sign up first will have more choice, but it does not happen that students who live far away are not granted accommodation at the dormitories
    • As the number of points is not important, the data for calculating them are not updated. For example, the commuting distance for individual municipalities may not be up to date or may not be available at all. The number of points is therefore wrong and irrelevant.
  • When I chose my dormitories, what and where is "Hotel (hostel) Palacký"?

Canteens (catering)

  • Find the list of the BUT canteens at the ACS website (including the menu and the opening hours).
  • Menus and opening hours.
  • To get the student discount, you need to pay with your student card. You can charge your card:
    • with money by cash at the canteen,
    • by credit card at KaM portal. Mastercard and Visa is supported, the bank account has to have on-line payments enabled.
    You can use the money on your card for printing, copying in the FIT library and other places at BUT as well.
Canteens of other universities
  • Masaryk University - when you go the a MU canteen for the first time, you need to go to the economist office at one of the following canteens: Vinařská 5, Veveří 70, Academic canteen Moravské náměstí 9 or Academic restaurant Netroufalky 14-16. We recommend to go there in September, right after the beginning of the semester (the sooner the better, to avoid queues), with a certificate of study and your ISIC (BUT study card which is different from the ISIC might not always be accepted - it depends of the period, the state of the card and other circumstances), and have a catering card issued (you will need to pay a fee of CZK 70). You can then eat the canteens just as the MU students. Find the list of canteens and their operation at the Accommodation and Catering Administration website.
  • Mendel University in Brno - it is possible to activate your current ISIC in the MENDELU system based on your application, and to charge your account.
  • University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno - we are trying to find out what the possibilities are.
  • Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno - there is a restaurant with 30 places at the Astorka dormitories however, it is private, so it does not offer student discounts - similar to the café at the FIT reception.
  • University of Defence only as an external boarder for CZK 131.33 or CZK 145.33 per lunch, depending on the selected dish.

Registration for sports at CESA

  • The registration for sports organised by CESA, usually starts before the start of the semester and a second round after the semester starts. You can register via the the BUT information system.
  • Sport schedules in BUT IS, select CESA and the correct academic year and semester.
  • For dates of sports registrations, see the study news.
  • You can take two sports in one semester free of charge - any others are subject to a fee.
  • You can get at most two credits for sports per semester (by enrolling in two different sports). The goal is to motivate students to participate in a variety of sports. Therefore, if a student chooses two terms within one sport, he/she will only receive 1 credit even if he/she spends 2 hours per week on that sport.
  • Since 2020/2021, sports are a part of the study plan (bulk import after CESA registrations). Failure (or rather absence, since the credit is not conditioned by performance or results) affects scholarships, credit limits etc.
  • Sports in BUT IS cannot be cancelled in the registration form where other subjects are registered - it is an import from CESA. Therefore, registered sports can only be cancelled by CESA - the FIT study department, FIT Vice Deans or anyone else at FIT does not have the authority to do this and will not help you in doing so. Any discrepancies regarding sports must be resolved directly with CESA. When you submit an administrative procedure in StudIS to cancel a sport's registration, an approver will be set up with the CESA director and await her decision, which takes longer than direct communication with CESA.

Alfons Counselling Centre

  • The Alfons Counselling Centre helps students with specific needs. It provides assessment of the impact of the disadvantages on one's studies, diagnostics of SLD (specific learning difficulties), assistance services - guides, spatial orientation; interpreting and taking notes services.

Public transport in Brno

  • The most frequently used for mass transit in Brno are trams, buses and trolleybuses. During the day, the trams are riding about every 5 minutes, and less often in the evening. The last tram runs around 10:30 PM, and then only buses are riding.
  • Students can benefit from discounts on urban public transport using the so-called tramcard. For obtaining it, the student first registers at, where they fill in basic personal information and uploads a photo. After filling in the personal data, it needs to be verified. The student does this by uploading a scanned ID card (Czech and Slovak students can use their ID card, foreign students can use their passport, permanent residence permit, etc.) to the "My Account" section of and saving the scan via the "Submit image(s) for online verification" button. Those who don't want to use the online verification function can personally verify the identity with an ID card at a DPMB (transport company) branch. After verifying the identity, it is necessary to go to the "My Account" section of, select "verify student status" and enter BUT personal number. Verification of the study will be carried out automatically by connecting with the BUT IS and will be automatically verified every month. There is no entitlement to a discount for the duration of the interruption of studies.
  • To tramcard it is necessary to purchase a non-transferable prepayment ticket, either monthly, quarterly or yearly. Before purchasing it, it is necessary to add a ticket carrier. Any contactless card issued either by VISA or by Mastercard can be used as a ticket carrier. If you wouldn‘t want to use your contactless card, you can buy an anonymous card on any DPMB (transport company) branch. This card will serve only as a ticket carrier.
  • More detailed instructions for setting up a tramcard are available here.

Bachelor's studies

1st year +


Enrol in your studies
Activate your account via an electronic application at the BUT portal (get the initialization password from application and use on the bottom of the login page).
Upload a colour photo for the card in the portal (try to get as close as possible to the requirements of the OMVV BUT, or what is put on the ID card - but unlike some ID cards, the photo should be in colour).
If you are not going to commute daily, reserve accommodation at the dormitories following the instructions of the ACS or arrange a different accommodation (do not forget the matriculation and the Start@FIT event below).
Get your FIT IS password via your account in the BUT portal at
If you want an English exam (FCE, CAE,...) to be recognised, follow the instruction in the FEEC decree.
Study the faculty web site.
Read the study plan, click through the courses and think about the elective courses that you would like to take during your studies. Based on that, choose your strategy for the elective courses registration. For example, you will need 15 credits for the IW1, IW2 and IW5 courses. During your studies, you have to take at least approx. 154 credits worth of compulsory and selective courses (according to your entry level of English), which makes about 30 credits left for elective courses - if you take 10 in your first year, ...
  • We recommend not to waste credits to students who find the topics of the compulsory courses easy. To students who do not have such strong basics from secondary schools and they do not know the topics of the compulsory courses of the first semester, we recommend to choose some supporting seminars (especially ISM, but it does not just support courses in the first semester).
  • If you spend too many credits for all the seminars in the first year, you cannot expect that the credit limit will be increased for you in the third year only to allow you to register for an interesting course (e.g. for a course leading to gaining the minimum teaching qualification). We therefore recommend to choose carefully and according to the contents of the courses rather than to choose as many credits as possible..
If you will choose course BPC-FY1B or BPC-FYE, see information on Decree no. 194/2022 Coll. - you will need §4.
Registration for the winter semester elective courses for first year students will open in the information system from NOT SPECIFIED. However, it is not necessary to rush the registration, because there is enough space in the seminars. Important registrations start on NOT SPECIFIED. We recommend considering the Circle Consultations (IKK) course, which is beneficial as an introduction into the academic community.
Create your own schedule
  • Have a look at the schedules of both lecture groups with regard to the elective courses of your choice. The lecture group is determined alphabetically (the division will be available in the study news), and is only recommended. If, because of an overlap in the schedule or another reason, you need to attend the other group (for certain courses), just do so. You do not have to apply for a change of groups. If the lecture room is full (that usually does not happen), priority will be given to the students whose schedule overlaps with the other group, and then those who were alphabetically placed in the given group.
  • Please note that it is strongly recommended to attend mathematics lectures in the group corresponding to the exercise of your choice (i.e. is in the schedule of the same lecture group as the time of the exercise).
Before the semester starts, attend matriculation and the Start@FIT event (see freshmen page).
The placement test in Introduction to Programming Systems and the test from Operating Regulations of FIT Computer Centre start on the Thursday before the first week of the semester at 8:00 AM. Both tests are in Introduction to Programming Systems e-elearning.
Registration of excercises and labs starts on the Saturday before the first week of the semester (the day after the matriculation) at the times specified in brackets: Discrete Mathematics (1:20 PM), Linear Algebra (1:40 PM), Introduction to Programming Systems (2:00 PM), Electronics for Information Technology (2:20 PM) and Introduction to Software Engineering (2:40 PM). This is followed by registration for Circle Consultations (4:00 PM). Registrations will be performed using BUT IS.
On the same day, registrations for the elective courses are going to take place. These are ISM (3:00 PM), IFS (3:20 PM) and ISC (3:40 PM).
Registrations for the exercises in the math courses and IZP ends on Sunday evening, registrations for other courses can end later. The teaching in the semester starts on Monday morning. Before you finish with the registrations, make sure that you have registered for everything you want and nothing overlaps in your schedule. It will be difficult to make changes later.
Register for other exercises following the instructions for individual courses.
Come to the first IZP exercise. At the latest before this exercise, you have to pass a test in the Introduction to Programming Systems e-elearning to prove you are familiar with the Computer Centre operating rules.
You must complete theEnglish placement test in the StudIS by the end of November, otherwise you will not be able to register for English in the 1st year, and you will not be able to start AIT later (it may be necessary that in the future, you will have to start BAN2 in this situation).
It is advisable to register for English in the summer semester. There are fewer places for students in higher years in English courses, and a bigger choice of elective courses (English then takes up credits for the credit limit). The registration has the form of "seat registration".
After completing all of your exams, you can to fill out the teaching assessment questionnaires, which help to improve the quality of teaching in the future.
  • Please, do not expect changes based on the questionnaire immediately - some things can be improved right away, but some need time (and money). However, completing the questionnaires is really worth it, and various changes are being made.
  • Please, be concise and objective.
  • Please, write not only negative but also positive reviews. If the majority of the students were satisfied but did not write anything, and some were dissatisfied, we may make changes based on the reviews of the dissatisfied students that the majority of the following year will not like.
After the summer semester, anyone who completed all the compulsory courses may register for the topic of their Project Internship. This is an internship in a research team of the faculty employees (not an internship with a company) and the student will work on a project determined by the faculty - not on his/her own project. Each semester is concluded by drawing up a scientific article and a presentation at an institute seminar. It is possible to participate in up to 3 Project Internships IP1, IP2 and IP3 for 5 credits each. Enrolment in the second internship is conditional upon attaining at least grade C at the first internship. Your Bachelor's thesis may follow up on the Project Internship. In that case, you will take IP3 in parallel with ITT.
You need to enrol in the next year during the holidays. Electronic enrolment for the academic year 2025/2026 will be launched in the BUT IS on NOT SPECIFIED and will close on NOT SPECIFIED. You can find further steps in the card for the second year.


  • Not taking the English placement test within the deadline:
    • You will have to register for English the following year, and you will not be able to start AIT.
    • If you proved an obstacle to studies (e.g. long-term illness - must be submitted to the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications and proven at the Student's affairs Department), you can file an application for exemption for passing the test after the deadline (about 2 to 4 weeks after the deadline for passing the test). However, this cannot be allowed without serious grounds because it is necessary to determine the capacity of the courses, which can only be changed by small numbers of students.
  • Problem with passing the placement test - an incorrect submission leading to insufficient number of points (if you have to leave urgently during the test, you do not have to submit it - the test can be generated 3 times, but submitted only once):
    • If you think that your result does not correspond to your abilities by one level, you can submit a request for a change of level within 14 days of taking the test in BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications - requests are usually complied with.
    • If the result does not correspond your abilities by more than one level, you must file an application for exemption in the BUT IS - StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications. You will have to supply, for example, your school-leaving certificate that proves your knowledge of English at the level you wish to attend. To grant the exemption, you need to apply for it immediately after completing the test.
  • Failure to earn the minimum amount of credits in the first semester of your studies:
    • You may apply for an exemption to continue your studies with insufficient amount of credits, but if you do not prove an obstacle to studies that could be taken into consideration, the exemption will probably not be granted.
    • From the 11th day of the exam period, registered courses and courses you are enrolled in can be cancelled for the summer semester (e.g. based on not earning the credits). The cancellation will be carried out continuously throughout the examination period for the winter semester based on the results of the examinations. If you filed an application, the courses will be cancelled after the application has been processed.
      • Only the person who cancelled the courses can re-register them.
      • If your place in the course is taken by another student after the cancellation and the course's capacity is full, it can not be re-registered.
    • Your studies will be automatically terminated, but only after the checks and after expiry deadlines for applications, and after expiry of all the deadlines in the administrative procedure. By dropping your studies by a written notification to the Student's Affairs Department as soon as possible, you will save money on any future study extension fees (previous studies that were not completed are included). It is also good to waive your right to appeal on the spot, so that the termination is really effective immediately and there is no further deadline running.
  • Failure to earn the minimum amount of credits per year:
    • Same as for failing to earn the minimum amount of credits in the first semester, but cancellation of the courses takes place a little later.

2nd year +


You need to enrol in the 2nd year during the holidays. Electronic enrolment for the academic year 2025/2026 will be launched in the BUT IS on NOT SPECIFIED and will close on NOT SPECIFIED. Enrolment in person (for those who for some reason could not enrol electronically) takes place on an announced date at the Student's Affairs Department after the electronic enrolment closes.
  • A confirmation of the study results in the previous academic year is required for the electronic enrolment. In StudIS, you need to go to the electronic index and there, if everything agrees, confirm the correctness of the results. If you find an error in the results, you can report it using the form.
  • Students who enrol electronically can pick up their results sheets at the Student's Affairs Department after the 1st week of the semester.
Prolonging the validity of the ISIC
  • If you are interested in prolonging the ISIC licence and all the advantages:
    • You need to order a revalidation stamp via Intraportál - Cards. on 1 September at the earliest. Choose an ISIC revalidation stamp in your order and check the validity - it should be from 1 September to 12 December of the following year.
    • Find the amount, account number and the variable symbol in the order details or in your student e-mail, and make the bank transfer.
    • The processing of your order may take up to one week. Once your order has been processed, go to the Student's Affairs Department and pick the revalidation stamp up.
  • If you only want to use ISIC as a BUT student card, i.e. without the advantages:
    • You do not have to pay anything. You will automatically receive the BUT revalidation stamp upon picking up of your results sheet at the Student's Affairs Department.
Certificate of study
  • If you need a certificate of study and an electronic one from IS BUT is not enough for you, there are empty forms at the table at the Student's Affairs Department or in the BUT IS. Fill them in first, and then have them confirmed (stamped).


  • Failure to enrol electronically within the deadline and failure to appear at the personal enrolment
    • Immediately send and e-mail with an explanation to the Student's Affairs Department (if you fail to do so within five days, there is a risk of termination of your studies according to the Study and Examination Rules).
    • Go to the Student's Affairs Department for a personal enrolment as soon as possible.

General information

  • Registrations for IMA2, IPT and English excercises will take place during the week before the semester, staring gradually in 10 minute intervals. The registration will end on the Sunday before the teaching starts (after 8 PM).
  • Starting with the end of the winter semester, it is possible to consult a subject/assignment of the Bachelor's thesis for the 3rd year with a thesis supervisor. The winter semester of the 3rd year is quite difficult, so starting to work on your thesis early would be a great advantage.
  • If you cannnot register for IBT+ISZ for the third year (if these are not in your offer), this is because you do not have sufficient credits to finish your studies in the following year - in such an event it is usually necessary to extend the studies.
    • Any exemptions from the credit limit must be well substantiated.
      Please, have a look at the average and maximum amount of the credits earned in the previous semesters and at what courses you will have to enrol in, and consider whether it is realistic to handle such workload. Do not forget your Bachelor's thesis, writing of which will take a lot of time.
  • If you fail a compulsory or a selective course in the summer semester of the second year, you must register for it again during the holiday registrations and then de-register as many elective courses as needed in order to avoid exceeding any credit limit (otherwise the elective courses will be de-registered at random).
  • You need to enrol in the next year during the holidays. The enrolment for the academic year 2025/2026 is electronic and is done in BUT IS. It will start on NOT SPECIFIED and end on NOT SPECIFIED. Enrolment in person (for those who for some reason could not enrol electronically) takes place on an announced date Student's Affairs Department.
    • A confirmation of the study results in the previous academic year is required for the electronic enrolment. In StudIS, you need to go to the electronic index and there, if everything agrees, confirm the correctness of the results. If you find an error in the results, you can report it using the form.
    • Students who enrol electronically can pick up their results sheets at the Student's Affairs Department during the period between the 1st week of the semester to the beginning (approx. 2) October (i.e. at the start of the next year), where they will also receive revalidation stamps for their student cards.

3rd - 6th year +

If the 3rd - 5th year is not the last one (which you decide by registering for ITT + IBT + ISZ), it is the same as the 2nd year, but you have a choice from more elective courses. The minimum of credits required for a given year is determined by how many credits a student enrols for:

  • If a student enrols for 60 credits, he/she has to earn at least 30.
  • If a student enrols for less than 60 credits, he/she has to earn a half of them.

The (expected) last year +


If you do not have your assignment of the Bachelor's thesis, register for it in time or consult with your supervisor. The deadline is usually in the 1st week of October.
Approximately mid-November (for an additional issue after an e-mail notification) download the bachelor's thesis assignment from BUT IS.
Download the template for the thesis and read the ITT Instruction
  • Thesis template (applicable to Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and dissertations).
  • You do not submit the ITT unless your supervisor requires it. If he/she does, submitting is compulsory for you.
Defence of ITT according to the supervisor's instructions must take place by the end of the examination period for the winter semester.
Read the instructions for Bachelor's thesis (IBT) and the Bachelor's State exam (ISZ) and the instructions for the drawing up of the thesis.
  • Tip: Read through the links in the .bib file of the thesis template.
Decide whether you want to postpone publication of the thesis. If so, you need to apply for it in the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications (not later than 30 days prior to submission of the thesis, so as to be certain that the application will be processed in time). If your assignment has been prepared by a company, you should attach a statement from the company to the application. In such a case, the law requires that 1 copy of the thesis including a data storage medium will be immediately sent to the Ministry of Education.
If you are finishing your thesis in the summer semester, be careful(the deadline for submission can be found in the schedule of the academic year) - if the supervisor does not read the final version of the thesis in advance before you submit it, he/she should not grade it A (there is a point in the report for that)!
Have the thesis printed and bound and submit it in the BUT IS and in paper form:
  • If you wish to postpone publication, submit two printed, book-bound copies with a data storage medium.
  • If you do not wish to postpone publication, submit 1 printed, book-bound copy with a data storage medium.
You will receive credit no later than the day after the paper submission. If you don´t receive it within 3 days of submitting it, complain to your student counselors!
Complete any summer semester exams on time - final results must be available no later than 48 hours before the State Final Examination.
Admission examination for the Master's study programme usually takes place on the last date of the examination period.
In the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications you have to submit the Request for electronic confirmation of the graduate exit sheet. Please keep in mind, that the confimation of the exit sheet might take a little time (interested parties are informed the next morning after you submit the request). The following will be confirming the request:
  • supervisor of the thesis,
  • Computer Centre (No. L131)
  • library - after the confirmation, you will not be able to borrow anything.
After finishing all exams, confirm your study results in IS FIT.
Read the reports on your thesis and prepare a presentation for the defence (it should be consulted with the supervisor).
Pass the State Final Examination - be careful when calculating the time of your examination. , You should always calculate you examination time from the beginning of the examinations because the schedule includes spare time in the end of the examinations. Trying to calculate the time from the end may result in you missing your turn and failing by default!
Pay the graduation fee (if you are interested in it). You can usually enrol in the Master's study programme and get a certificate of study at the same time. If you do not enrol then, come to the ordinary date of enrolment (if you were admitted to the Master's programme).
Graduation (in late June).


  • Failed course in the winter semester - necessary to extend the studies (see below).
  • Failed ITT defence - necessary to extend the studies.
  • I cannnot submit my Bachelor's thesis in time:
    • If you have reported an obstacle to studies (illness etc.) or if you are on Erasmus and you can submit the thesis with no more than a week of delay, submit a request for deferral of submission by a week through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications.
    • If you have reported an obstacle to studies (illness etc.) or if you are on Erasmus and you can submit the thesis before the end of July, submit a request for deferral of submission to the end of July and deferral of the State exam to August through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications.
    • If you do not have any documented justification for an exemption, or if you cannot finish the thesis before the end of July, request the ISZ to be cancelled. In such a case, you will repeat the IBT course and you will defend the thesis the following year.
      • The supervisor may be willing to give you the same assignment in the next year. Otherwise, you will have to choose a different assignment (in that case, you will need to work through the winter too, even though you have already completed the semester project and you will not need to defend the draft after the winter semester - the minimum scope of the thesis is independent of the number of the associated courses).
      • If you have no courses in the winter semester, you can - but do not have to - interrupt your studies (meaning you will not be considered a student); however, uninterrupted studies are included in the period of studies with the possible consequence of you having to pay for exceeding the standard period of studies.
      • If you register for 60 credits or more for the current year, you must obtain 30 credits during the year. If you register for less than 60 credits, it is enough to obtain a half of the registered credits. Otherwise it is necessary to apply for an exemption in order to continue your studies with insufficient credits and there is a real possibility that your studies will be terminated.
    • A failed elective course before the State exam with 180 credits obtained even without this course
      • That is not a problem, you still can confirm study results and take the State Final Examination.

Master's studies

1st year +

General information

  • If you are transferring from a faculty other than the FIT BUT, go over the list of tasks a first-year student of the faculty must perform in the information for the first-year students in the Bachelor's programmes.. A majority of the steps apply to you by analogy, just with different deadlines, a different study plan and different courses and exercises you need to register for. English courses and lecture groups do not apply to you.
  • Registration for courses for the 1st year commences on 1 September and goes on for about 10 days. Further changes can be made during the re-registrations in the 1st week of the semester.
  • Beginning with the end of the winter semester, you can also register for a topic/assignment of the Master's thesis for the 2nd year.
  • After the winter semester, students who have obtained the set number of credits may register for a Project Internship for the summer semester. This is an internship in a research team of the faculty employees (not an internship with a company) and the student will work on a project determined by the faculty - not on his/her own project. Each semester is concluded by drawing up a scientific article and a presentation at an institute seminar. It is possible to participate in up to 2 Project Internships PP1 and PP2 for 5 credits each. Enrolment in the second internship is conditional upon attaining at least grade C at the first internship. Your Master's thesis may follow up on the Project Internship. In that case, you will take PP2 in parallel with SEP.
  • If you cannnot register for a Master's thesis (DIP) + Master's State exam (MSZ) for the second year (if these are offered to you), this is because you do not have enough credits to finish your studies in the following year - in such an event it is usually necessary to extend the studies.
    • Any exemptions from the credit limit must be well substantiated.
  • If you fail a compulsory or a selective course in the summer semester of the first year, you must register for it again during the holiday registrations and then de-register as many elective courses as needed in order to avoid exceeding any credit limit (otherwise the elective courses will be de-registered at random).
  • You need to enrol in the 2nd year during the holidays. The enrolment for the academic year 2025/2026 is electronic and is done in BUT IS. It will start on NOT SPECIFIED and end on NOT SPECIFIED. Enrolment in person (for those who for some reason could not enrol electronically) takes place on an announced date at the Student's Affairs Department.
    • Students who enrol electronically can pick up their results sheets at the Student's Affairs Department during the period between the 1st week of the semester to the beginning (approx. 2) October (i.e. at the start of the 2nd year), where they will also receive revalidation stamps for their student cards.

Change of specialization

The change of specialization is carried out using the Request for change of the specialisation of study in the information system. The change can be carried out, if all compulsory courses can be completed without extending the study or rising the credit limit. The request is only meaningfull, when the course enrolment can be changed (eg. during the summer break, during the September registrations before the 1st semester of study, or in the time between the 3rd week before the semester begins until the beginning of the 1st week of the semester).
How to handle a change
During the registrations before the 1st semester of study (beginning of September):
  1. Student requests the change.
  2. Vice-dean approves the change.
  3. Students affairs department changes the specialization to the new one.
  4. Student registers new missing compulsory courses and cancels registration of the courses that were compulsory in the previous specialization (if they are not wanted). Enrollement of the compulsory course cannot be cancelled during this period.
At the beginning of the semester:
  1. Student requests the change.
  2. vice-dean approves the change.
  3. Students affairs department changes the specialization to the new one.
  4. Before re-registrations in the first week of the semester, student waits. During re-registrations, student can change the registration of courses.

2nd - 4th year +

General information

  • If you register for 60 credits or more for the current year, you must obtain 30 credits during the year. If you register for less than 60 credits, it is enough to obtain a half of the registered credits. Otherwise it is necessary to apply for an exemption in order to continue your studies with insufficient credits and there is a real possibility that your studies will be terminated.

The (expected) last year +


If you don´t have your assignment of the Master's thesis, register for it in time or consult with your supervisor. The deadline is usually in the 1st week of October.
Approximately mid-November (for an additional issue after an e-mail notification) download the master's thesis assignment from BUT IS.
Download the template for the thesis and read the SEP Instructions
  • Thesis template (applicable to Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and dissertations).
  • Please note that, as opposed to the Bachelor's ITT you need to submit a text in the scope of approx. one half of the Master's thesis in SEP, and it is often required that the text must contain the complete proposed solution (in accordance with the assignment, which lies down the steps which need to be completed after the winter semester).
  • The text of the SEP is submitted to the BUT IS. The supervisor can require also printed version.
The SEP defence takes place in the examination period for the winter semester according to a schedule prepared by the thesis advisors, their research groups, or institutes. The committee you are to appear before for the defence will be published in the BUT IS.
Read the instructions for the Master's thesis (DIP) and the instructions for the drawing up of the thesis.
  • Tip: Read through the links in the .bib file of the thesis template.
Decide whether you want to postpone publication of the thesis. If so, you need to apply for it in the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications (not later than 30 days prior to submission of the thesis, so as to be certain that the application will be processed in time). If your assignment has been prepared by a company, you should attach a statement from the company to the application. In such a case, the law requires that 1 copy of the thesis including a data storage medium will be immediately sent to the Ministry of Education.
If you are finishing your thesis in the summer semester, be careful (the deadline for submission can be found in the schedule of the academic year) - if the supervisor does not read the final version of the thesis in advance before you submit it, he/she should not grade it A (there is a point in the report for that)!
Have the thesis printed and bound and submit it in the BUT IS and in paper form:
  • If you wish to postpone publication, submit 2 printed, book-bound copies with a data storage medium.
  • If you do not wish to postpone publication, submit 1 printed, book-bound copy with a data storage medium.
You will receive credit no later than the day after the paper submission. If you don´t receive it within 3 days of submitting it, complain to your student counselors!
In the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications you have to submit the Request for electronic confirmation of the graduate exit sheet. Please keep in mind, that the confimation of the exit sheet might take a little time (interested parties are informed the next morning after you submit the request). The following will be confirming the request:
  • supervisor of the thesis,
  • Computer Centre (No. L131)
  • library - after the confirmation, you will not be able to borrow anything.
After finishing all exams, confirm your study results in IS FIT.
Read the reports on your thesis and prepare a presentation for the defence (it should be consulted with the supervisor)
Pass the State Final Examination - be careful when calculating the time of your examination.. You should always calculate you examination time from the beginning of the examinationsbecause the schedule includes spare time in the end of the examinations. Trying to calculate the time from the end may result in you missing your turn and failing by default!
Pay the graduation fee (if you are interested in it).
Attend graduation (in late June).


  • Failed course in the winter semester - necessary to extend the studies (see below).
  • Failed SEP defence - necessary to extend the studies.
  • I cannot submit my Master's thesis in time:
    • If you have reported an obstacle to studies (illness etc.) or if you are on Erasmus and you can submit the thesis with no more than a week of delay, submit a request for deferral of submission by a week through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications.
    • If you have reported an obstacle to studies (illness etc.) or if you are on Erasmus and you can submit the thesis before the end of July, submit a request for deferral of submission to the end of July and deferral of the State exam to August through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications.
    • If you do not have any documented justification for an exemption, or if you cannot finish the thesis before the end of July, request the MSZ to be cancelled. In such a case, you will repeat the DIPa course and you will defend the thesis the following year.
      • The supervisor may be willing to give you the same assignment in the next year. Otherwise, you will have to choose a different assignment (in that case, you will need to work through the winter too, even though you have already completed the semester project and you will not need to defend the draft after the winter semester - the minimum scope of the thesis is independent of the number of the associated courses).
      • If you have no courses in the winter semester, you can - but do not have to - interrupt your studies (meaning you will not be considered a student).
      • If you register for 60 credits or more for the given year, you must obtain 30 credits during the year. If you register for less than 60 credits, it is enough to obtain a half of the registered credits. Otherwise it is necessary to apply for an exemption in order to continue your studies with insufficient credits and there is a real possibility that your studies will be terminated.
    • A failed elective course before the State exam with 120 credits obtained even without this course
      • That is not a problem, you still can confirm study results and take the State Final Examination.

Doctoral studies

Study application +

Recommendation for study applications

  • Rules, valid guideline
  • The admission procedure takes place in three rounds:
    • in the first round, you can apply until 31 May 2024, in the second until 30 August 2024 and in the third until 31 January 2025
    • the admission procedure takes place during the following month, ie in June, September and February,
    • enrolments are mostly held during the summer holidays in August / September for the first round, in October for the second round and in February / March for the third round.
  • If you can, we recommend signing up for the first round. Because the second round of admissions is only completed after the beginning of the semester, you may have the following difficulties:
    • communication with the supervisor and other employees: all xlogin accounts will be blocked until your enrolment,
    • access to the faculty: Your access cards will also not work, so you can not get into classrooms in CVT, for example,
    • pedagogical practice: You may not be able to teach computer exercises that run from the first week of the semester to a later enrolment.

Student status (Czech students)

Students aged under 26 years
  • Student status is preserved and the state covers the health insurance costs.
Students aged over 26 years
  • As of January 1st, 2018, doctoral candidates are eligible for state-paid health insurance regardless of their age under these conditions:
    • they are enrolled in a doctoral study programme carried out by a Czech university within the standard study period of full-time study,
    • they simultaneously are not employed or self-employed (including Agreement to complete a job or Agreement to perform work that is "over the limit").
  • An insured person is obliged to notify their health insurance company that they are eligible for this benefit, within 8 days and they need to have a valid confirmation of study copy.
  • Other students aged over 26 years are not eligible for health insurance costs covered by the state.
General advice
  • If you are uncertain, reach out to your insurance company, they should always provide you with current information.
  • If you are employed, your employer can help you, but generally, he will be the one paying for your health and social insurance.

Student status (Slovak students)

General advice
  • Similar to Czech students, we recommend you reach out to your health insurance company or alternatively ask your employer.

1st year +

First-year enrolment

  • The dates of enrollment are set as part of the announcement of the admission procedure: Guideline 1/2024.
  • Student receives next instructions for enrolment together with the decision on admission to study. We recommend you read this document carefully, as you will learn when you can come and enroll as well as what you need to enroll. This is also where you get copies of confirmation of study, that needs to be submitted to your health insurance company if you are over 26 years of age.
  • To enroll, you need to fill in the Individual study plan (ISP).
  • If you have already studied at the BUT and have been assigned the so-called xlogin, you will receive an e-mail after the registration informing you that you have been enrolled in the "Doctoral students" conference where you will receive useful information about the study and instructions how to apply for an ilogin employee account.
  • If this is your first time at BUT, you will receive information about your xlogin allocation and what to do next.


  • A student in the Information Technology study programme enrols in two courses of their choice; at least one must be theoretical (currently, these are courses with the following abbreviations: DMA1, TKD, MLD, MID, OPD, TID, TAD, APD, KRD and RGD). Completing these is a prerequisite for taking the State Doctoral Examination, for which the student registers in the 3rd semester.
  • The form of the subject varies, lectures, seminars, or regular consultations can be set. Also, conditions for graduation may vary - you can take an oral/written exam, write an article, or implement a project, there are also frequent presentations on the subject of your dissertation. If you are not sure what is expected from you, you can contact the guarantor of the course or ask your older colleagues. Some information can also be found in the course card.
  • Every year, besides the courses, there is also a mandatory presentation of your dissertation. Here you will also present your publication results and involvement in teaching. It is always necessary to contact the supervisor regarding the presentation of the dissertation.


  • Students take an English-language exam or attend the English for Ph.D. students, whose completion is equivalent to the exam. It is recommended that you enroll this course if you want to practice your knowledge or want to learn more about presenting scientific results in English.

Changes to the study plan

  • During the study, you can change an individual study plan if you need to re-register the course. Changes needs to be consulted beforehand with the supervisor. Then you can apply for a change in StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications. In this way, you can choose another course or ask for an additional course.

State exam

  • In the Information Technology study programme, the student takes a state doctoral examination in 2 subjects, at least one of which must be theoretical. The state doctoral examination also includes the defence of the dissertation.

Difference between xlogin and ilogin accounts

  • xlogin serves for your own doctoral study, you have a duty to check it regularly,
  • ilogin for everything else faculty related (teaching, research, ...).
  • You can also use ilogin to access the information system for employees Login to FIT Information System as an employee
  • We recommend you read the Information and manuals -> Informace pro nové pracovníky a doktorandy (Information for new employees and doctoral students - only in czech but colleagues from your department will help you to translate it) section of this system.

Pedagogical practice and practice hours

  • If you are a full-time doctoral study programme student, you must complete pedagogical practice. This means teaching in form of lab exercises, lectures and demo exercises, project supervision, creating and evaluating exams, and theses supervision. You will get practice hours through this practice.
  • The minimum practice hours for each year is stated in a Dean's decreee.
  • The calculation of practice hours is described in the guideline 4/2019.
  • If you earn more practice hours than the required minimum in a year, you can transfer them over to the next academic year or have them paid for. Last year students are paid automatically.
  • To complete your studies successfully, you need to earn a total of practice hours for individual years of your full-time study.
  • Which courses you will take part in as a teacher and how exactly depends on the agreement with your supervisor. However, it is your responsibility to make sure that you have earned enough practice hours.
  • Check your emails too as you will receive a call for teaching and helping out in some courses from time to time, and again, you can earn practice hours this way.
  • Attention: students, that are faculty employees have to earn additional 20 practice hours per academic year.

Tips for study

  • Elective course Scientific Publishing A to Z : Completing smaller tasks, this subject will be carried out by you the world of scientific publishing, and you can apply that knowledge immediately when creating your first article.
  • Imatriculation: During the winter semester, you will be invited to Professor Hruška's lecture on Ph.D. studies, which will give you much more information, such as how to calculate the practice hours.

Where can I find more information?

  • Doctoral study is a lot more self-study than for example the master's study. You are expected to be responsible and it's primarily up to you, to keep track of your obligations, tasks as well as actively search information necessary for your studies. During your studies, you can turn to the following entities for help:

Additional information

Submission of applications +

  • Applications are submitted through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications.
    1. If you have more than one study on FIT or other BUT faculty, check if the correct study is selected in the Studies → Choose a study. The study selected as latest is used by default.
    2. First, select the application type. If you have not found a suitable type, you may use the universal "other application" type, however, in such a case there will be no instructions and no template available, and there may be a delay in processing the application (it is necessary to manually set up a process of dealing with the application, while there already is such a process prepared for the other types of applications).
    3. Read the instructions for the selected type of application. You can also use the button to insert the text of the template.
    4. Choose a course, qualification project etc. if needed.
    5. Fill in the text of the application do not forget to include a good reasoning (see below). You can edit the template as you like, but don't forget to add the required information (typically as "..." in the template).
    6. Save the application.
    7. Insert annexes (documents, confirmations, medical reports, certificates...).
    8. Confirm the application (initiate the proceedings), so the processing can begin.
  • The faculty has 30 days to process the entire application. So don't be impatient if you are waiting more than a week for a decision. Approvers vary in procedures, e.g., exceptions for 3rd enrollment of the course or for continuing studies with a lack of credits are granted by the Dean himself.
  • The proceedings are handled by the officers from the study department. If your proceedings are in a decided status, you need to wait until the officer e. g. manually sets a new credit ceiling for the given academic year. This does not happen automatically!
  • If you need to add an attachment to your proceedings and the system does not offer you this option, write to the study department to ask for a call for supplement as part of your proceedings.

States of administrative procedures and applications

  • include:
    • concept = the procedure can be modified and has not yet been officially launched, so no one will deal with it yet
    • started = the procedure is officially initiated, study advisors/officers (depending on the type of procedure) follow the set processes
    • notified = in administrative procedures, e.g. in the procedure "Cancellation of summer semester courses", the time limit for the student's statement runs
    • objections = the upcoming state, if the student in the "notified" status has raised objections
    • settlement = the upcoming state, if there is a state of "objection" in the proceedings, as these must be settled under the law
    • approving = the state in which a procedure is typically approved; it follows the "started" state and is entered by inserting an internal statement (gathering materials for the approver)
    • supplement = if the student has not provided all the necessary information, he or she is asked to complete it, usually within 14 days
    • supplemented = the student was prompted to complete and responded in the system, thus moving to this state
    • decided = the approver has made a decision in the application; note that this is not the final state, it is followed by the execution of the decision itself
    • dispatched = a decision was sent to the student
    • delivered = the student has received a decision
    • appeal = the student has appealed the decision - so there is an appeal procedure that must be decided before the decision can be implemented
    • doesn't withdraw = the student has waived the right to appeal or the statutory time limit for appeal has expired
    • ended = the procedure has been processed and is in its final state; if you are in doubt (e.g. wrong credit ceiling), it is appropriate to contact the study department
    • stopped = the student has asked the study officer to withdraw his/her application, or there are no facts to continue the procedure (e.g. the student has cancelled a course which he/she was unable to cancel), therefore it has been stopped
    • canceled = the proceeding was probably initiated in error, and was therefore cancelled

Impairments during studies

  • Primarily they include health complications, but other limitations such as the need to be accompanied for serious health reasons, providing care for a household member, death in the family, marriage and other legal reasons according to Act No. 262/2006 Coll. and Government Regulation No. 590/2006 Coll.
  • According to Article 55 of the Study and Examination Rules of BUT, it must be reported immediately, but no later than within 3 working days of the removal of the impairment preventing the excuse. Late reported impediments may no longer be taken into account. It is therefore advisable to initiate the procedure of recording an impairment during studies as soon as the impairment occurs. You can only submit attachments afterwards (e.g. after a doctor's appointment) - the study officer from study department will ask you to submit them within a few days of the application (which will result in a 'supplement' status - see above - and you can add attachments). If you are unable to complete within the 30-day time limit for a long-standing impairment, you will indicate this in the text of the completion and she will ask you again.
  • Any impairment during your studies must be properly documented. A medical obstacle must be proved by a medical report (either directly with a diagnosis, a certificate of hospitalization or just a certificate from a general practitioner or specialist), a death by a death certificate or parte, a move by a document with a changed address of permanent residence, etc. Therefore, if you fall ill, it is sensible to see a doctor, as a 14-day self-medication as an impairment during study cannot be reported. If the impairment is not properly documented, the proceedings will be stopped.
  • After the impairment has been registered by the study department, a confirmation of registration is inserted in the procedure.
  • The teacher does not see all the information, but only the extent of the impairment (from-to date) and its character (e.g. "health reasons", "family reasons", etc.). This information is given in the study notes. The note is inserted from the moment the student is asked to complete the documents - it is then clarified (and deleted if not completed).
  • If you want to extend the deadline, an alternative deadline or other compensation for disadvantages in the study of a particular course, you must contact the teacher or the course guarantor directly after registering the impairment. The Dean may then grant you an exception to continue your studies based on the impairment.
    • The course guarantor should take the impediment into account, however, there is no entitlement to an alternative date for a mid-semester exam or other activity. The decision to make up missed classes is at the discretion of the course guarantor, and an alternative means of earning points for the missed activity may be offered (e.g., a midterm exam may be substituted by an extension of the final exam - i.e., writing it at the same time, a recalculation of points for the final exam, or perhaps a make-up project).
  • In the case of illness that you cannot document, you cannot register an impairment during studies, but you can enter an Apology. Apologies do not have to be accompanied by any documents at FIT (if they are inserted, no one checks them and the teacher does not see them) and it is up to the teacher or course supervisor whether or not to take the apology into account. The apology is actually an alternative to sending an apology email to all the teachers - it is visible in the student list and the teacher can see that you are not expected in class.
  • In case of an application for a change of the field before the beginning of the 1st semester of Master's studies, the reasoning may be very brief (it is likely that the application will be granted for almost any reason). If, however, you are applying for an exemption from some decree (e.g. to continue in your studies with insufficient number of credits), it must be apparent from the reasoning why and how your situation is exceptional. For example, missing a bus on your way to the exam is not exceptional (you will lose the examination attempt, which is why we usually have 3 attempts for each exam, so that do not only have one chance to pass the exam), but a hospitalisation for the first three weeks of the examination period is exceptional. It is appropriate (and even necessary) to document any statements you make (e.g. by a medical report - unless it was already submitted as part of the report of an obstacle to studies). If you do not have direct proof of your claim, indirect evidence may be accepted in some cases (in the case of an e-prescription without a medical report, e.g. a photo of a box of prescription antibiotics and a receipt from the pharmacy for the purchase of ancillary medicines, etc.) - the assessment of such an impairment during study typically takes longer and such evidence is not always sufficient.
  • One of the frequently asked questions is whether it is possible to justify an application with the fact that the student had to be at work etc. - in full time study, this is usually not appropriate and typically such justifications are not taken into consideration, because employment is a free choice of the student and working students cannot be favoured over students fully committed to their studies, trying to achieve the best results (this would amount to undermining the quality of studies). The school motivates its best students by scholarships.
  • If a step of the procedure contains an attachment (i.e. a PDF generated by the study officer), it will also appear in StudIS after creation. To download, just click on the link with the PDF document icon. This can be useful, for example, if you need to send a written application by post or are dealing with an appeal and need to find out the case number from the decision.
  • If you need help with the application, contact a study advisor.

Extending in the last year of study +

When extending studies in the 3rd year of BIT or the 2nd year of MIT, you should do the following:

  1. If you enjoy working on your thesis and want to complete it, go to step 2. If you need to obtain the credits for the ITT/SEP in order to advance to the next year (see point 8), or if failing to complete the ITT/SEP would lower your credit ceiling (see Art. 3 (3) and (4) and the above information) which would cost you credits you need for something (an interesting course), go to step 4. Otherwise go to step 6.
  2. Ask whether the supervisor would be willing to give you the same assignment next year (meaning that you can finish it in the current year or continue working on it all the way until the defence attempt in the next year, ...).
  3. If the supervisor is not willing to give you the same assignment, consider whether you want the credit. There are 2 reasons why you would not want the credit and about 2 why you would. With the credit, it will be harder to obtain your own assignment next year and you will lack the motivation and feedback from the defence in the winter semester, even though the amount of work you will need to do on the new assignment will be the same - the defended thesis must always be in the same scope regardless of whether you had to pass the ITT/SEP, or not. However, without the credit, your credit ceiling may fall (you may even be missing credits for advancing to the next year, although this does not happen very often) and you will lose an ITT/SEP attempt (which may not be significant, if you take time to work on the ITT/SEP, it should not be hard to pass it next year). If you do not want the credit, go to step 6.
  4. Obtain the credit for the ITT/SEP (before advancing to the next step - you will not be able to obtain it later).
  5. The supervisor is willing to give you the same assignment again. Ask your supervisor to put the current assignment to the "unfinished" state (if he wil not do it, doc. Bidlo will do it some time after the IBT/DIP is canceled). Then ask him to create a new same assignment for you for the next year, but without conditions to meet after the winter semester. It is unwise to postpone this, because if you only ask in September, the supervisor may not have any free capacity for you. Simultaneously proceed with step 7.
  6. Let the supervisor know that you do not wish to receive credit for the ITT/SEP (in the case of the SEP also notify doc. Bidlo via e-mail that you do not want to use the defence attempt).
  7. Cancel your IBT + ISZ (or DIP + MSZ), and if you have too many credits registered (higher limit for the last year), cancel some elective courses too. If you don't cancel, you will lose one attempt at IBT/DIP, and if you don't cancel even ISZ/MSZ, the committee will give you a (contumacious) F, which will make you lose your 1st state exam date.
  8. If you register for 60 credits or more for the current year, you must obtain 30 credits during the current year. If you register for less than 60 credits, it is enough to obtain a half of the registered credits. For further information, see the regulations.
  9. Next year, register for a thesis assignment (unless you are keeping the current one) and finish your studies.

How does the termination of studies work? +

How does the termination of studies due to the failure to complete the requirements of the program, works?
  • Missing accreditation can be (theoretically) obtained until the end of the examination period.
  • As soon as during the examination period, it is possible, based on not having the accreditation, to cancel courses for the following term. This does not constitute the termination of studies, rather, it is a way for other students to obtain a seat in attractive courses. Cancellation of the course is mostly reversible.
  • Approximatly 14 days after the end of the examination period, the examination reports are finalized, and the study check begins.
  • The result of the study check forms the basis for the administrative procedure that ends the study. The result of the study check and other materials are under review for several days.
  • After the procedure begins, student has, by law, 14 days to respond.
  • Procedure continues by faculty's reaction to the responce. The desicion is then drafted and revied (the process again takes several days, the desicion has to be printed out and signed).
  • The desicion has to be deliverd to the student (by mail, envelope with blue bar), limit (15 days) for appeal begins.
  • If the student does not appeal the desicion, after the limit the desicion becomes lawfull and the study is ended. The confirmation of studies is then sent to the student (with information about the time period of the study).
  • If the student appeals, the faculty prints out all the documents associated with the administrative procedure and other materials needed for the appeal procedure and sends everything to the Rectorate, that has 30 days for processing.
  • The entire process usually takes at least two months.

  • If you want to accelerate the process (for example due to the fees in the future studies), you can:
    • until the desicion is released, personally end the studies at the Student's affairs department using the Confirmation of Withdrawal from Studies. It will be printed out for you, you just have to sign the printed out form.
    • after the desicion is released and delivered to you, do not appeal.

Failing the State Final Examination (i.e. the ISZ or the MSZ) +

  • If you successfully defend your thesis but fail your oral exam in June, it is possible to submit an application through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications for a repeated exam in August. The application is practically always granted.
  • If you pass your oral exam but fail your defence in June, it depends on the conditions for repeating the defence:
    • If the thesis is to be supplemented, it is possible to apply for another defence in August through the BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications (a statement is requested from the supervisor, who must declare that he/she will be available at the end of July for submission of the thesis and that it is possible to complete the thesis in time).
    • If the thesis is to be reworked and drawn up under a different assignment, it would probably be pointless to ask for an August date - such applications are almost never granted, because there would be a real possibility of another failure and termination of studies otherwise.
  • If you fail both your oral exam and the defence, you are facing a combination of the above two scenarios and it is improbable that an application for an August date would be granted.
  • If you took your first attempt in August due to a deferral, the earliest date for the next attempt is in the following June.
  • If you fail your oral exam or defence twice, your studies will be terminated.
  • If you are about to wait for the next date in June, you can interrupt your studies after the failed attempt (it is suitable primarily for the students in the 5th year and higher due to the study extension fees). In the winter semester, it is advantageous to apply for the registration of a TIN course from a master's degree study programme (for this purpose, it is also possible to apply for an increase of the credit ceiling) and to study a more demanding course for 7 credits in advance to the follow-up master's study.
  • If you fail the ISZ in the 4th year or at the MSZ in the 3rd year, the Rectorate will bill you for the study extension fee . A decision on the assessment of tuition fees may be appealed within 15 days of its delivery. Instructions and forms are available at the Rectorate website.

Studying abroad (Erasmus+) +

Information is available at the following websites:

  • Studying abroad - instructions, terms, documents etc.,
  • Foreign mailinglist,
  • FEEC offer,
  • Information and the BUT offer,
  • Individual study plan for the FIT courses, that are studie while abroad is defined by guideline. Individualized study plan allows for example replacement of mid semester exams by a project etc.
  • ECTS Users´ Guide.
  • If you want to have a course you have taken abroad recognised as a compulsory or selective course in your FIT study programme it is necessary to submit a separate application for each course. The scanned Transcript of Records (ToR) must be atached to the application and the original handed in on the Student's Affairs Department. We strongly advise you to submit applications and hand in ToR approx. before the 20 August, because entering the courses taken aboard after the 1 September is exceedingly complicated.
    • Students who spent the previous academic year abroad and have yet to deliver the original of the ToR to the FIT should proceed analogously.
  • Courses taken abroad count against the minimum for the academic year. If not enough credits can be taken abroad to reach the minimum for an academic year (e.g. a Master's thesis on a university abroad which awards 0 credits for the thesis), it is possible to apply for an exemption.

Regulations +

  • Act on Higher Education Institutions (the applicable version as of the 1 January 2018)
  • Study and Examination Rules . In particular read the following:
    • Art. 10 (2) (repeating a course)
    • Art. 12 (1) - (7) (obtaining credit and the consequences of failing to obtain credit)
    • Art. 13 (examination), paragraph 9 (repeated), 14 and 15 (excuse), and 16 (cheat sheet at an examination)
    • Art. 15 (method of calculation the grade-point average)
    • Art. 16 (credit minimum specified by the Guideline below, in case of failing to obtain it see paragraph 4)
    • Art. 17 (2) and (6) (mind the registrations! - forgetting means losing (s)elective courses)
    • Art. 18 (interrupting studies, in case of repeating the State exams see paragraph 8)
    • Art. 19 (recognition of courses), those who are transferring from LLE especially paragraph 7
    • Art. 23, (4) (repeating the State Final Examination (SZZ)) and (5) (permissible duration of studies - two times the duration of studies pursuant to Art. 4)
    • Art. 25 and 26 (defence of the Bachelor's thesis and evaluation at the State Final Examination
    • Art. 27 (graduating with honours, also known as the "red diploma")
    • Art. 55, reporting obstacles to studies - at the FIT use BUT IS in the section StudIS - Administrative procedures and applications
      • If you fail to report an accident, illness or another problem in time, it may not be take into consideration while assessing applications for continuing studies with insufficient credits etc.!
    • Art. 56 (finishing studies and the exit sheet).
  • Rules on Organisation of Studies at the FIT - In particular read the following:
    • Art. 2 (2) (in the case of a failure at a selective course it is possible to register for another one from the same group in the next year; successful completion of a repeated selective course does not lead to termination; excess selective courses are considered elective)
    • Art. 3 (1) (examination after obtaining credit)
    • Art. 3 (2) (recognition of projects and exercises is up to the guarantor)
    • Art. 4 (1) (the deadline for the confirmation of the results of study is before the registration - do not forget to confirm the results, or you will not be able to enrol in the next year!)
    • Art. 5 (1) (individual projects are meant for a single student - collaboration is forbidden)
    • Art. 5 (2) (rounding of points for graded credit)
    • Art. 6 (1) (rounding of points for an exam; the reason why at least 51 points are required in exams)
    • Art. 6 (2) (third attempt at an exam)
    • Art. 6 (3) (exams with five dates have a smaller capacities for each date - watch out - the variant dates may be filled and there may not be room for three attempts)
    • Art. 6 (4) and (5) (how long the examination dates will remain open)
    • Art. 6 (8) (unused attempts expire without replacement)
    • Art. 6 (9) (further attempts for a better grade after a successful exam)
    • Art. 6 (10) (substitute examination date in case of an obstacle to studies - such an examination may be carried out not later than 14 days after the end of the examination period)
    • Art. 7 (1) (rounding of the weighted grade-point average)
    • Art. 8 (1): A student must obtain:
      • at least 15 credits for the 1st semester of study
      • at least 30 credits for each year of study for which the student registered for 60 credits or more
      • at least half of the registered credits for each year of study for which the student registered for courses for less than 60 credits
      Recognised courses do not count against the set minimum.
    • Art. 9 (1) - Lecture groups may be created by the guarantor of the course. If the guarantor does not do so:
      • the lecture groups are a recommendation only - there is no point in asking for a change
      • for mathematics and other courses where the groups are connected to exercises, you need to register for an exercise correctly and in time
    • Art. 13 (1) (cancellation of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in case of failing the semester project and the assignment becoming invalid)
    • Art. 13 (2) (a Bachelor's or Master's thesis can be cancelled before the end of the first week of the summer semester - otherwise it is necessary to submit it before the deadline and defend it next year - students who fail a compulsory course in winter and fail to cancel or submit the Bachelor's thesis)
    • Art. 14 to 21 describe the doctoral studies
    • Art. 23 (1) (automatized registration for exam dates and disclosure of the IS login details to third parties is strictly prohibited).
  • Registration for courses in bachelor's and master's studies at the FIT BUT
    • Rules for the registration of courses
      • first the repeated compulsory and selective courses
      • then the compulsory and selective courses
      • then the elective courses (unless all compulsory, no more than 1 elective per semester - it is possible to apply for exemptions in the BUT IS).
    • Credit limits - applications for an exceptional increase may be submitted in the BUT IS:
      • Unless you are in the last year of study and unless the exemption is for the purpose of being allowed to attend the State Final Examination, there is no point asking sooner than after a successful winter semester
    • English classes.
  • Foreign language classes at the FEEC for the students of the FIT
    • How to have English recognized.
    • Information on Erasmus.
For additional study rules, see the overview of the important ones.

Accounts, passwords and WiFi +

Changing the FIT IS password

  • You can change your password directly in IS FIT on the page Passwords - Change FIT password or in a console on a Unix server.
  • The procedure for changing the password through the console on Unix servers is described here:
    • Log in to through the ssh - In Linux use the console command "ssh", just replace xlogin00 with your login; in Windows you can use Putty on Android you can use ConnectBot etc.
    • Enter the command "passwd".
    • When prompted, enter your current password and then your new password twice. For a new password to be secure (many users chose trivial passwords which then leads to their account being hacked), not just any password can be entered. It has to start with one of the (randomly) generated chains displayed.
    • The change of password will then take effect in the FIT IS and other servers within the hour.
    • The Microsoft Active Directory password (i.e. for the computers in the classrooms and Windows servers) is subsequently changed through the page Accounts and passwords in the FIT IS.


  • The procedure for connecting to the WiFi is described in the description of WiFi networks from the Computer Centre and the Computer Centre manual.
  • There are 2 WiFi networks available at the FIT:
    • VUTBRNOthis network is accessible in the majority of BUT buildings and is primarily designated for guests and emergency use. Connecting is simple - after selecting the network in the operating system, you will receive an address through the DHCP, open a web browser, the login page will appear, enter an VUTlogin and the BUT PIN you can receive from the intraportal, and you can get to work. This network is unsecured - a strict use of HTTPS is necessary. Using this network is therefore not recommended. The volume of the transferred data is severely limited!
    • eduroam - this network should be used whenever available. The volume of the transferred data is limited (there are cable connections available for large transfers in the Computer Centre rooms M104 and M105). The connection to eduroam is secured. After a correct configuration the connection should also work on the grounds of other schools participating in the eduroam project. There are 2 possible authentications:
      • FIT authentication - uses a login in the format of and the password for the FIT Radius server.
      • BUT authentication - uses a login in the format of or and the BUT PIN. Detailed guide is available at the BUT portal.

Obtaining a BUT CA certificate

  • Certificate from the BUT CA can be used for encoding and signing e-mails and for other purposes. However, the BUT CA is not a qualified certification authority - the certificate is therefore suitable only for internal purposes or for use within affiliated organisations (such as the VŠB TUO in Ostrava)
  • Guides are available directly at the BUT CA website (links below).
  • A brief guide to obtaining the certificate:
    1. Go to the BUT CA website for certificate application and select the Application for a certificate with login identity verification.
    2. Log in using the same login details as when logging into the FIT IS.
    3. Wait for an e-mail with details.
    4. Download the certificate - this must be done in the same browser as the one through which the application was submitted (the exact same/identical - meaning the same computer, account and browser).
    5. It is advisable to back up the certificate (password protected), then install the certificate where needed.


  • For the FIT VPN setup instructions, check the CVT pages CVT
  • For the BUT VPN setup instructions for Windows and MacOS, check the BUT intraportal
  • Instructions for (Ubuntu, GNOME) Linux (based on the guide)
    • Start the Terminal app and run the following commands
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install network-manager-l2tp
      sudo apt-get install network-manager-l2tp-gnome
    • Start Settings and select Network
    • Click the + sign next to the VPN label
    • Select Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
    • In the Identity dialog, fill in the following:
      • Name: name of the connection, can be arbitrary
      • Gateway:
      • User Name: VUTLogin
      • Password: VUTPin
    • Click on the IPsec Settings button and fill in the following
      • Check the Enable IPsec tunnel to L2TP host
      • Pre-shared key:
      • Phase1 Algorithms: 3des-sha1-modp1024
      • Phase2 Algorithms: 3des-sha1
    • You can connect using the newly created connection.

Free licence for the FIT students +

Service Login/password Note
GitHub VUTMail/VUTPassword Free private repositories for student projects and other software (applications on cloud, GitKraken, Unreal Engine, ...).
Google Apps Google cloud services
Office 365 Microsoft cloud services, Office for 5 devices + 1 TB OneDrive.
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching Microsoft account ( The software under the DreamSpark licence is available (i.e. in particular the OS and developer tools, however, Office and other applications are NOT included). Licence is for the students´ personal use, not to be used commercially. During the registration process, the "Success! your academic status was verified" message has to be displayed. Further information (czech only).
Matlab Campus Wide BUT and Mathworks account Complete version of MATLAB with all toolboxes.
Overleaf BUT account ( Online editor for LaTeX.
WARNING: when creating a new account using BUT SSO, please make sure to add additional (personal) email address in the Overleaf settings after the account is created to make sure that you maintain access to your projects after the end of study at BUT. If you have used Overleaf previously, please make sure that you have an anlternate email adress in your profile.
Grammarly BUT account ( Tool for checking English text, more information in the manual; link for verification and linking with BUT FIT license.
CESNET use VUT authentication ownCloud (up to 100 GB), FileSender, Web conferences, Foodle, metacentrum), poster register using email the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices
JetBrains register using email or by using ISIC CLion application, which is a multiplatform C editor for programming in the first semester. The JetBrains editors are used as the standard by many companies. It may take a while to receive the licence, it is therefore necessary to apply in advance.
LastPass 6 months of free premium
Spotify 0.99 EUR for three months, only for new users
Bitbucket an unlimited number of collaborators; you can transfer any existing account to Academic licence
more Altap Salamander, ASPI (Automatised system of legal information), Maple, RHEL, Student design kit 2015, ... (some applications on the website are for employees only - read the licence details).

If you discover another software with student benefits, please contact the FIT Student's Affairs Department or the student counsellor Ing. Veigend and the software will be added to this overview.

Students´ personal websites +

  • Students may create their own websites, which will then be available at (formerly visible alphabetical list of students with created sites was removed due to GDPR).
  • According to the Computer Centre manual (13.) you can create your website by creating a WWW folder in your home folder on the server and copy the relevant files into it. It is then necessary to properly set permissions for the whole directory. It is also necessary to use the proper encoding (14) for the page to be readable.

Requirements for photos in IS BUT+

  • Shoot from the front (very slight body rotation with respect to the photographer is possible) with a background of solid grey (roughly corresponding to Pantone Cool Grey 6 or Pantone 429).
    • The photo should be in portrait mode, and the figure should be captured from the middle of the torso upwards. The head should be positioned so that there is enough space above it (about 0.7 times the height of the head).
    • The photo for the ID should be cropped so that it has an aspect ratio of 207/266 (width:height), and at the same time so that only the top square portion, in which the head would be centred, can be taken from the resulting photo.
    • If you are not sure what the photo should look like, take a look at several photos of employees on the BUT website (e.g. photos of the Rector and Vice-Rectors).

Links +

International students

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