Overview of student requirements

Table of contents

The overview of the requirements for students below is derived from the study and examination rules of BUT amended by the dean's decisions and FIT BUT guidelines. Complete rules can be found on the information board and can change during your studies.

Bachelor study

  1. To advance to the 2nd semester of study, the student has to obtain at least 15 credits during the 1st semester of study from the enrolled courses. If the student does not obtain at least 15 credits during the 1st semester of study, the study can be terminated for the failure to meet the conditions for the continued study specified by the study program.
  2. To advance to the next year of study, the student has to obtain at least 30 credits in the current year. If the student registered courses for less than 60 credits, at least 1/2 has to be obtained. If the student does not obtain the stated minimums, the study can be terminated for the failure to meet the conditions for the continued study specified by the study program.
  3. Credits obtained during simultaneous study at the different BUT faculty, different university in the Czech republic or university abroad can also be used in the minimums stated above, if the study of such courses is approved first (by agreement between BUT faculties, by approving the request from a student, approved student exchange, etc.) and these courses fit into the study program. The way the courses are recognized and accredited is recommended by the council of the study program.
  4. If the student studies only in one semester in the given academic year, he has to enroll in courses for at least 15 credits and then obtain at least 15 credits for such semester. If a student does not obtain 15 credits, the study is terminated. For rules for 1st semester of study, see 1.
  5. If it is determined after the winter semester (see above) that the student cannot obtain the minimum required amount of credits, the study might be terminated.
  6. To successfully complete the study, the student has to obtain at least 180 credits in accordance to the credit composition.
    Course group Number of credits Note
    Bachelor thesis 13 group P
    Mandatory courses approx. 134 group P
    Mandatory elective „English language“:
    Before the final state examination, the student has to prove a sufficient competence in English language (on a B1 level) 2)
    at least 1 1) group PVA
    Mandatory elective „technical“ course at least 4 1) group PVT
    Elective courses the remainder to 180 group V
    Sum at least 180
    The credit composition for BIT study program
    1) Credits for courses in the PVA and PVT groups, that are above the minimum amount are transferred into a elective group (V).
    2) Providing a language level certification (language level recogniztion) or passing an exam (courses GEN, ZAN4) or by successfully passing the English language course on the B1 level (BAN4, BPC-PA1). Courses on the higher language level can be found in the study plan.

    The sum of all „P“ + „PV...“ credits (at least 1 course from each group) can be expected to be about 148 credits. The rest of the credits to the minimum amount (180) is filled by elective courses. All mandatory courses have to be completed. Not obtaining enough credits in one compulsory elective group cannot be compensated by more credits in any other group.
  7. Final state examination is govern by guideline n. 2/2023.
    Student can attend the final state examination, if the required amount of credits in the required composition is obtained (see 6.). The topics for the oral part of the examination are based on most of the compulsory courses and are published during the winter semester.
    The student can attend the defense of the bachelor thesis
    • with registered IBT course,
    • with a valid and accepted thesis topic (the topic is assumed accepted by downloading it from IS BUT) with a date of submission in May 2025, and
    • with submitted bachelor thesis in time specified on the thesis topic.
    All bachelor thesis topics are published on the schedule.

Master study

  1. To advance to the 2nd semester of study, the student has to obtain at least 15 credits during the 1st semester of study from the enrolled courses. If the student does not obtain at least 15 credits during the 1st semester of study, the study can be terminated for the failure to meet the conditions for the continued study specified by the study program. Credits from the recognized courses are not counted towards the minimum stated above.
  2. To advance to the next year of study, the student has to obtain at least 30 credits in the current year. If the student registered courses for less than 60 credits, at least 1/2 has to be obtained. If the student does not obtain the stated minimums, the study can be terminated for the failure to meet the conditions for the continued study specified by the study program. Credits from the recognized courses are not counted towards the minimum stated above.
  3. If the student does not obtain at least 30 credits (or 1/2 of enrolled credits), the study is terminated. Credits obtained during simultaneous study at the different BUT faculty, different university in the Czech republic or university abroad can also be used in the minimums stated above, if the study of such courses is approved first (by agreement between BUT faculties, by approving the request from a student, approved student exchange, etc.) and these courses fit into the specialization. The way the courses are recognized and accredited is recommended by the council of the study program.
  4. If the student studies only in one semester in the given academic year, he has to enroll in courses for at least 15 credits and then obtain at least 15 credits for such semester (the requirement to advance to the next year), if it's not the last semester before the state examination. Credits from recognized courses are not counted towards the minimum stated above.
  5. Student can attend the final state examination, if at least 120 credits are obtained in required credit composition which is based on specialization.
    The oral part of the final state examination is based on the compulsory courses of the given specialization. The organization of the exam is govern by guideline n. 2/2023 and additional rules.
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