Course details

Rudiments of Project Management

ZPR Acad. year 2014/2015 Summer semester 3 credits

Current academic year

One of the features of the post-modern age is a decrease in significance of permanent institutions and a dramatic increase in activities, concrete and limited in time, called "projects". The ability to articulate the project parametres , to elaborate and successfully complete the project, is one of the main qualifications of a good manager.
A social science course consed to Programme in persuance of the Rector's Decision 03/2004.


Klapetek Milan, ThMgr. (CVP-Sekce HV)

Language of instruction




Time span


Subject specific learning outcomes and competences

Ability to work out a project, to find ways of resource acquisition, and to complete the project.

Learning objectives

Acquisition of rudiments of project management.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

No prerequisity knowledge is called for.

Study literature

  • Přednášející doporučí studentům k prostudování vybraná pojednání a články v hospodářsky orientovaných časopisech.

Syllabus of seminars

Syllabus of lectures:
  • Definition, aim, goals and principles of project management.
  • Basic terms of project management.
  • Individual phases of projects.
  • Methods for network analysis.
  • Logical framework method.
  • Team work method.
  • Significance of computer support

Progress assessment

  • 70% attendance at lectures.
  • A written essay on an economic topic.

Controlled instruction

There are no checked study.

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