Course details
Modelling and Simulation
IMS Acad. year 2015/2016 Winter semester 5 credits
Introduction to modelling and simulation concepts. System analysis and classification. Abstract and simulation models. Continuous, discrete, and combined models. Heterogeneous models. Using Petri nets in simulation. Pseudorandom number generation and testing. Queuing systems. Monte Carlo method. Continuous simulation, numerical methods, Modelica language. Simulation experiment control. Visualization and analysis of simulation results.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 39 hrs lectures
- 4 hrs exercises
- 9 hrs projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Knowledge of simulation principles. The ability to create simulation models of various types. Basic knowledge of simulation system principles.
Learning objectives
The goal is to introduce students to basic simulation methods and tools for modelling and simulation of continuous, discrete and combined systems.
Recommended prerequisites
- Introduction to Programming Systems (IZP)
- Algorithms (IAL)
- Signals and Systems (ISS)
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Basic knowledge of numerical mathematics, probability, statistics, and basics of programming.
Fundamental literature
- Fishwick P.: Simulation Model Design and Execution, PrenticeHall, 1995, ISBN 0-13-098609-7 Law A., Kelton D.: Simulation Modelling and Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1991, ISBN 0-07-100803-9 Ross, S.: Simulation, Academic Press, 2002, ISBN 0-12-598053-1
Syllabus of lectures
- Introduction to modelling and simulation. System analysis, classification of systems. Systems theory basics.
- Model classification: conceptual, abstract, and simulation models. Multimodels. Basic methods of model building.
- Simulation systems and languages, basic means of model and experiment description. Principles of simulation system implementation.
- Generating, transformation, and testing of pseudorandom numbers. Stochastic models, Monte Carlo methods.
- Parallel process modelling. Using Petri nets in simulation.
- Models o queuing systems. Discrete simulation models.
- Time and simulation experiment control, "next-event" algorithm.
- Continuous systems modelling. Overview of numerical methods used for continuous simulation. Introduction to Dymola simulation system.
- Combined/hybrid simulation. Modelling of digital systems.
- Special model classes, models of heterogeneous systems. Model optimization.
- Analytical solution of queuing system models.
- Cellular automata and simulation.
- Checking of model validity, verification of models. Analysis of simulation results. Visualization of simulation results.
Syllabus of numerical exercises
- discrete simulation: using Petri nets
- continuous simulation: differential equations, block diagrams, examples of models
Progress assessment
At least 10 points you can get during the semester
Controlled instruction
Within this course, attadance on the lectures is not monitored. The knowledge of students is examined by the projects and by the final exam. The minimal number of points which can be obtained from the final exam is 30. Otherwise, no points will be assigned to a student.
Course inclusion in study plans