Course details
Digital Systems Design
INCe Acad. year 2015/2016 Winter semester 5 credits
Binary digit system: positional notation, conversion of base, binary codes, binary arithmetic. Boolean algebra, logic functions and their representations: logic expressions, reduction methods, design of combinational logic networks. Analysis of logic networks behaviour: signal races, hazards. Selected logic modules: adder, subtractor, multiplexer, demultiplexer, decoder, coder, comparator, arithmetic and logic unit. Sequential logic networks, latches and flip-flops. State machines and their representations. Design of synchronized sequential networks: state assigment, optimization and implementation. Register, counter, shift register, impulse divider. Design of simple digital equipment: design CAD tools, description tools, design strategy. Integrated circuits families: SSI, MSI, LSI. Programmable logic devices: gate arrays, PROM, PLA, PAL. Simple asynchronous networks: design, analysis of behaviour, hazards.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 39 hrs lectures
- 13 hrs exercises
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
A practical use of selected methods for specification of combinational and sequential logic networks. An encompassment of analysis and design of simple combinational and sequential networks. An encompassment of analysis and design of simple digital equipments using combinational and sequential circuits and blocks.
Learning objectives
To obtain an overview and fundamental knowledge of a practical use of selected methods for description of combinational and sequential logic networks which are inside digital equipments. To learn how to analyze and design combinational logic devices. To learn how to analyze and design sequential logic devices. To learn about design of digital circuits consisting of combinational and sequential logic devices.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
The sets, relations and mappings. Basic terms and axioms of Boolean algebra. The elementary notions of the graph theory. Rudiments of electrical engineering phenomena and basic active and passive electronic elements.
Fundamental literature
- McCluskey, E.J.: LOGIC DESIGN PRICIPLES. Prentice-Hall, USA, ISBN 0-13-539768-5, 1986.
- Cheung, J.Y., Bredeson, J.G.: MODERN DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN. West Publishing Company, USA, ISBN 0-314-47828-0, 1990.
- Bolton, M.: Digital Systems Design with Programmable Logic. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Cornwall, GB, ISBN 0-201-14545-6, 1990.
- Sasao, T.: SWITCHING THEORY FOR LOGIC SYNTHESIS. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, ISBN 0-7923-8456-3, 1999.
Syllabus of lectures
- Binary digit system: positional notation, conversion of base, binary codes, binary arithmetic.
- Boolean algebra, logic functions and their representations, logic expressions.
- Reduction methods: Qiune-McCluskey tabular method, Petrick's cover function.
- Reduction methods: Karnaugh maps, logic and functional diagrams.
- Analysis of logic networks behaviour: signal races, hazards.
- Selected logic modules: adder, subtractor, multiplexer, demultiplexer, decoder, coder, comparator, arithmetic and logic unit.
- Sequential logic networks, latches and flip-flops.
- State machines and their representations. Design of synchronized sequential networks: state assigment, optimization and implementation. Register, counter, shift register, impulse divider.
- Integrated circuits families: SSI, MSI, LSI. Programmable logic devices: gate arrays, PROM, PLA, PAL.
- Simple asynchronous networks: design, analysis of behaviour, hazards.
Syllabus of numerical exercises
- Binary digit system: positional notation, conversion of base, binary codes, binary arithmetic.
- Boolean algebra, logic functions and their representations, a behaviour analysis of contact-switch networks.
- Logic expressions. Qiune-McCluskey tabular reduction method, Petrick's cover function.
- Reduction methods: Karnaugh maps, logic and functional diagrams.
- Logic functions implementation using SSI i.cs. Behaviour analysis of logic networks: signal races, hazards.
- Selected logic modules: adders, subtractor.
- State machines and their representations. Design of synchronized sequential networks.
- Design of logic networks based on MSI and LSI i.cs. Programmable logic devices: gate arrays, PROM, PLA, PAL.
Progress assessment
Study evaluation is based on marks obtained for specified items. Minimimum number of marks to pass is 50.
Requirements for class accreditation are not defined.
Controlled instruction
Test, mid-term exam and final exam are the monitored, and points earning, education. Test and mid-term exam are without correction eventuality. Final exam has two additional correction eventualities.