Course details
Microprocessors and Embedded Systems
IMP Acad. year 2015/2016 Winter semester 6 credits
Embedded systems, introduction, applications. Microcontroller architecture. Memory subsystem. Programmers model, programming in assembly language. Instruction and directives. Stack utilizing. Interrupt subsystem and its programming. On chip peripheral devices and their programming: system clock generator, timer, communication interface SCI, IIC and SPI, AD converter, RTC module. Programming techniques for embedded systems in C language.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 39 hrs lectures
- 6 hrs exercises
- 8 hrs laboratories
- 12 hrs projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
- Students are familiar with general structure of microcontrollers and with the techniques of embedded systems design.
- Students are capable to design and debug the routines and initialization routine for each peripheral device. They are skilled in utilizing of basic debugging techniques for the application programs written in assembly language or C language.
Understanding of design specificity of embedded systems and techniques of application debugging.
Learning objectives
To give the students the knowledge of architecture of different microcontrollers. To acquaint with performance of individual subsystems namely CPU- programming model, flash memory, timer, interrupt subsystem, communication interface, AD converter. To learn the important instruction subset and their application in programming and debugging of assembly applications. Make students familiar with basic rules and programming techniques in a high-level language C as well as with embedded system design.
Recommended prerequisites
- Machine level programming (ISU)
- Design of Computer Systems (INP)
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
To be familiar with the structure of CPU and with programming in assembly language. The basic knowledge of programming in C language.
Study literature
- Přednáškové materiály, materiály z democvičení a HW cvičení.
- J.W. Valvano, Embedded Systems: Real Time Interfacing to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers, ISBN 978-1463590154, 2017.
- K60 Sub-Family Reference Manual, dostupné on-line:
- ARM Cortex-M4 Processor Technical Reference Manual, dostupné on-line:
Syllabus of lectures
- Introduction into Embedded systems.
- CPU HC08/HCS08.
- Subsystem of interruption.
- Interface for communication.
- Timer system.
- System clock, RTC and COP modules.
- A/D converter, display, kyeboard.
- Programming I in C.
- Programming II in C.
- Real time system.
- Survey of microcontrollers.
- Microcontroller application in fuzzy systems.
Syllabus of laboratory exercises
- Programming of SCI module.
- Programming of LCD and keyboard
- Programming of timer
- Programming of AD converter
Progress assessment
Project designing with obligatory storing into IS and getting at least 5 points for the project.
Controlled instruction
Within this course, attendance on the lectures and group practice are not monitored. Laboratory practice and project are monitored.
Course inclusion in study plans