Course details
Bachelor's Thesis
IBP Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 9 credits
Students will receive an individual project specification from various computer science areas in order to work them out individually under the supervising of some skilled leaders. Students will proceed as follows: problem analysis, solution, verification, implementation, documentation, presentation. During their work, the students will follow all the required instructions concerning requests on contents and volume of the project, the project adjustment, the literature, the language quality and written report typography as well as project parts consigned in the electronic form. BSc Thesis is defended in front of the official committee at the end of the study.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 117 hrs projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Knowledge and experience with engineering project building and its documentation.
Learning objectives
The fundamental goal of this course is to support the individual creative student work during the engineering project solving and its formal description.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Without the successful passing of the prerequisite course "ISP - Term Project", the BSc Thesis cannot be defended. The knowledge from the whole study supports to be successful.
Study literature
- Odborná literatura podle pokynů vedoucího práce
- ČSN 01 6910: Úprava písemností zpracovávaných textovými editory (aktuální verze je dostupná na WWW knihovny FIT
- ČSN ISO 7144: Dokumentace - Formální úprava disertací a podobných dokumentů (aktuální verze je dostupná na WWW knihovny FIT
- ČSN ISO 690: BIBLIOGRAFICKÉ CITACE, Obsah, forma a struktura (aktuální verze je dostupná na WWW knihovny FIT
Syllabus of seminars
Progress assessment
Submitting the BSc Thesis technical report in given term.
Controlled instruction
Consultations with a supervisor.
Course inclusion in study plans