Course details
Compiler Construction
VYPe Acad. year 2015/2016 Winter semester 5 credits
This course discusses the construction of compilers in detail. This discussion concentrates on the following three topics: (I) Advanced topics of classical compilers: LR-table construction, general precedence analysis, general methods of syntax analysis, advanced methods of optimization. (II) Principles of parallel compilers: parallel compiler structure, fundamental methods of parallel syntax analysis, basic models of parallel translation. (III) Formal translation models and their properties: transducers, translation grammars, properties of syntax directed translation, formal language properties relevant to compilers, modern translation models.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 39 hrs lectures
- 13 hrs projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Ability of an advanced compiler construction including parallel compiler. Deep familiarity with the theory and practice of programming language translation.
General knowledge of formal models for translation and their applications.
Learning objectives
Thorough grasp of compiler construction, including modern parallel compiler construction. Deep familiarity with the theory behind the translation of programming languages.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Basic knowledge of discrete mathematics.
Study literature
- Češka, M., Ježek, K., Melichar, B., Richta, K.: Konstrukce překladačů, Praha, CZ, ČVUT, 1999, 636 p., ISBN 80-01-02028-2 (in Czech)
Fundamental literature
- Cooper, K.D. : Engineering a Compiler, San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004, 879 p., ISBN 155860698X
Syllabus of lectures
- Introduction: compiler structure.
- Deterministic bottom-up syntax analysis: LR table construction.
- Deterministic bottom-up syntax analysis: general precedence analysis.
- General syntax analysis: important backtrack parsing methods.
- Advanced optimization.
- Parallel compilers: parallel compiler structure.
- Parallel syntax analysis: principles.
- Deterministic methods of parallel top-down syntax analysis.
- Deterministic methods of parallel bottom-up syntax analysis.
- Parallel code generation.
- Modern formal tools for language specification: regulated and parallel models.
- Formal tools for language translation: transducers and translation grammars.
- Expected future trends; summary; conclusion.
Progress assessment
Study evaluation is based on marks obtained for specified items. Minimimum number of marks to pass is 50.
Controlled instruction
A written exam, creation of a project.
Course inclusion in study plans