Course details
KRY Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 5 credits
Introduction to cryptography, basic cryptographic algorithms, secret key encryption, public key encryption. Data transmission security.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 13 hrs projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Students will learn basic principles of applied cryptography, including classical cryptography and modern secret key and public key cryptography.
Students will learn the role of security and functionality in information systems.
Learning objectives
The goal is to make students familiar with the basic concepts applied cryptography, including classical cryptography and modern secret key and public key cryptography.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
There are no prerequisites
Study literature
- Hanáček, P., Staudek, J.: Bezpečnost informačních systémů, ÚSIS, Praha, 2000, s. 127, ISBN80-238-5400-3
- Savard, J. J. G.: A Cryptographic Compendium, 2000, available on WWW
- Nechvatal, J.: PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY, NIST Special Publication 800-2, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, 1991, available on WWW
- Menezes, Van Oorschot, Vanstone: Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press Series on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Hardcover, 816 pages, CRC Press, 1997, available on WWW
Fundamental literature
- Menezes, Van Oorschot, Vanstone: Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press Series on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Hardcover, 816 pages, CRC Press, 1997.
- Stallings, W.: Cryptography and Network Security, Prentice Hall, 1999, ISBN 0-13-869017-0
Syllabus of lectures
- Classical cryptography.
- Modern cryptography, symmetric and asymmetric ciphers.
- Symmetric ciphers. Key length, brute force attack.
- Examples of symmetric ciphers. Feistel, DES, modes of operation.
- Typical application of symmetric cryptography.
- Asymmetric cryptography.
- Electronic signature.
- Examples of asymmetric ciphers, RSA.
- DSS, function, attacks, optimization.
- ElGamal, keyed hash, MAC.
- Asymmetric cryptography application examples.
- Key management for symmetric cryptography.
- Key management for asymmetric cryptography, certificates, X.509.
Progress assessment
To obtain at least one point in each project.
Controlled instruction
A written mid-term exam, a regular evaluation of projects.
Course inclusion in study plans
- Programme IT-MGR-2, field MBI, MIN, MMI, MMM, any year of study, Compulsory-Elective
- Programme IT-MGR-2, field MBS, 2nd year of study, Compulsory
- Programme IT-MGR-2, field MGM, 2nd year of study, Elective
- Programme IT-MGR-2, field MIS, 2nd year of study, Compulsory-Elective
- Programme IT-MGR-2, field MPV, MSK, 1st year of study, Compulsory-Elective