Course details
Visualization and CAD
VIZ Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 5 credits
Overview of visualization and CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems. Specification of basic principles and functions of the systems for: work in 2D, work in 3D, accuracy providing, 3D scenes modeling, preparing scenes for visualization and scenes visualization. Methods of scenes visualization. Methods of data exchange between CAD systems with link to visualization. Data representation for CAD systems and visualization. Specification of user interfaces of CAD systems. Specification of basic principles of programming in CAD systems.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 12 hrs pc labs
- 14 hrs projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Subject specific knowledge and abilities:
- Student acquaints with the basic principles of visualization and CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems
- He/she acquaints with work in 2D CAD system
- He/she acquaints with work in 3D CAD system
- He/she learns the 3D scenes modeling
- He/she learns to prepare 3D scenes for visualization
- He/she acquaints with scenes visualization methods
- He/she acquaints with problematic of data exchange between CAD systems with link to visualization
- He/she learns basic principles of programming in CAD systems
Learning objectives
Basic attribute of ECTS:
To provide overview of visualization and CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems. To acquaint with the basis principles and functions of the systems, namely: work in 2D; work in 3D; accuracy providing; 3D scenes modeling; preparing scenes for visualization; scenes visualization. To acquaint with problematic of data exchange between CAD systems with link to visualization. To learn the basic principles of programming in CAD systems.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
There are no prerequisites
Study literature
- Žára, J., Beneš, B., Felkel, P.: Moderní počítačová grafika, ComputerPress, 612 s., 2005, ISBN 80-251-0454-0
- Watt, A., Watt, M.: Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques: Theory and Practice, Addison-Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-54412-1
- Moeller, T., Haines, E.: Real-time Rendering, AK Peters, 1999, ISBN 1-56881-101-2
Fundamental literature
- Farin, G.: Curves and Surfaces for CAGD, Academic Press, 1997, ISBN 0-12-249054-1
- Sillion, F., Puech, C.: Radiosity and Global Illumination, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994, ISBN 1-55860-277-1
- Ebert, D., S. et al.: Texturing and Modelling: A Procedural Approach, Academic Press, 1998, ISBN 0-12-228730-4
Syllabus of lectures
- Introduction to visualization and CAD
- Basic principles and functions of CAD systems
- Data representation in CAD systems
- Types and applications of CAD systems
- Data sharing in CAD systems
- User interfaces of CAD systems
- Development in CAD systems
- Connection between CAD and visualization
- Visualization scenes specification
- Scenes representation in visualization
- Traditional visualization methods
- Rendering methods for visualization
- Future development of CAD and visualization systems
Progress assessment
Výuka není kontrolována.
Controlled instruction
A mid-term exam evaluation and evaluation of projects.
Course inclusion in study plans