Course details
Typography and Publishing
ITY Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 4 credits
Students learn basics of typograhpy and tools for creating documents. We concentrate on LaTeX system for preparing professional documents and publications. The course consist of six lectures (one 100 minutes long lecture per two weeks). Students practise their knowledge within five LaTeX projects. The final test is in the last week of teaching part ot the term.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 13 hrs lectures
- 26 hrs projects
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Students learn typography basics and how to create documents by the LaTeX system.
Learning objectives
To understand common principles of typography. To take overview of tools for creating documents of high typographic quality. To be familiar with the system LaTeX for preparing professional documents and publications.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Text editors, language HTML.
Study literature
- Rybička, J. LaTeX pro začátečníky [LaTeX for Beginners]. 3. edition. Konvoj, Brno, 2003. ISBN 80-7302-049-1. (In Czech)
- Kopka, H., Daly, P. W. LaTeX podrobný průvodce [A Guide to LaTeX Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users]. Vydání první. Computer Press, Brno, 2004. ISBN 80-722-6973-9. (In Czech)
- Kottwitz, S. LaTeX Beginner's Guide. Packt Publishing, Birmingham, 2011. ISBN 978-1847199867.
Fundamental literature
- Hanáček, P., et al. Jak publikovat na počítači [How to Publish by Computer]. SCIENCE, Velentiny, 1996. ISBN 80-901475-77. (In Czech)
Syllabus of lectures
- Goals and structure of the course, typography fundamentals, review of tools for document prepatation.
- Introduction to LaTeX system - philosophy, software, plain and hybrid composition, paragraph composition.
- Document composition - comon rules for structuring, LaTeX commands for document structuring, composition of mathematical expressions in LaTeX.
- Table formating and image inserting in LaTeX.
- Standards for references, references in LaTeX.
- Basics of presentation preparing, presentation tools in LaTeX.
Progress assessment
Students get points in the projects during the term and in the final test at the end of teaching part of the term. It is necessary to get at least 50 points for the accreditation. Classification is according to standard ECTS scale.
Plagiarsm as well as non-permitted cooperation on projects and/or cheating during final test will cause that involved students are not classified and disciplinary action may be initiated.
Controlled instruction
No attadance on lectures is monitored within this course. The knowledge of students is examined by the projects and by the final test.
Course inclusion in study plans