Course details
English for Europe
AEU Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 3 credits
The course is focused on the development of the students' verbal and written communication skills and their further professional application within the wider framework of both Czech and European job markets. The central elements of the course consist in practising communication in the European cultural, business and legal environment and activities designed to describe and question European cultures in comparison with the Czech Republic (taking the Euro-American cultural context into account). The course provides the overview of the European Union institutions and their functions and presents the English language as the universal tool providing access to education and jobs to the Czech and Moravian university graduates. The coursework is based on the interpretation of written and audio-visual sources, discussion and personal opinion presentation.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs exercises
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
The ability to find one's way in the European (and world) cultural and professional environment. The ability to use English in a wide range of everyday situations. The knowledge of various writing techniques. Improved ability to understand spoken English. the student is able to describe EU institutions and knows the basic facts about their functioning understands the relationships of the Euro-American cultural context explains and describes the structure of a firm and its functioning, introduces its products and services to potential business partners prepares documents connected with the job application procedures is prepared for different situations connected with the job interview responds adequately in problem solving (professional communication) makes basic formal documents discusses the problems of the legal system and environment compares cultural environment of different countries and understands cultural differences analyses the problems of the education system is able to communicate with the medical staff at an essential level prepares and gives a presentation on a European country or region
Learning objectives
Vocabulary development and practising the general ability to work with language Encouraging the students to communicate actively. Further broadening of European horizons. Teaching the techniques of writing.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
The knowledge of English at the intermediate level is required (BAN4 Bachelor´s study programme exam).
Study literature
- Wellman, G.: The Heinemann English Wordbuilder. Praha, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1991.
- ÚJAZ/FEKT: Podpůrné texty.
Fundamental literature
- Wellman, G.: The Heinemann English Wordbuilder. Praha, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1991.
Syllabus of seminars
EU – information about the history of EU and functioning of its institutions How to prepare a successful presentation Professional communication, introducing a company, the structure of a company, negotiations with a business partner Jobs, job application procedures, CV, job interview Telephoning, problem solving and replies to complaints Formal (business) communication Law, crime, justice, legal proceedings Cultural differences, intercultural communication Schools and education Health problems, health care and the related communication in a foreign country USA, Canada, Euro-American culture Presentations on the European countries and regions
Syllabus of numerical exercises
- Introduction. Everyday English I: Meeting new people, conversation topics. Taboo areas. Family life, housing, work and leisure across Europe.
- Everyday English II: Living in Europe. Meeting people, conversation topics. Food and eating out. Restaurants, hotels and hostels. Doing business in restaurants.
- Everyday English III: Meeting people, conversation topics. Shops and shopping.
- Across the continent: Employers and employees. Listening comprehension.
- Everyday English IV: English in the workplace. Interviews, starting a job.
- Everyday English V: How to manage a business meeting. Communication: Dealing with problems, responsibility. Coming into conflict and the difference of opinion: In and out. Writing: Business meeting papers and reports.
- Everyday English VI: English in the workplace. Writing: ads and offers. E-mails and fax messages. Speaking on the phone. Film: business communication.
- Everyday English VII: Role play and writing: How to apologize for..., letter of complaint.
- Social language. Role play: Accepting and declining an invitation. Welcoming a guest. Writing: Letters of invitation.
- English for authorities, housing and finance. The police and crimes.
- Informal language II: Across Europe.
- Course evaluation and revision.
- Semester test.
Progress assessment
Active participation in seminars (75%), semester test (min. 24, max. 40, semester test may be repeated only once), exam (min. 30, max. 60).
Controlled instruction
The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.
Course inclusion in study plans