Course details
Molecular Genetics
MOG Acad. year 2015/2016 Winter semester 3 credits
The course is an introduction into molecular biology and genetics. It describes the organization of genetic information of procaryotic and eucaryotic genomes. It explains the principles of transcription and translation of genetic information and regulation of gene expression. Molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis and recombination, repair mechanisms of damaged DNA and mobile elements are also presented. The second part of the lecture is focused on the basic methods of molecular genetics and their applications in gene engineering in industry, agriculture and health care delivery.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Students will obtain the basic knowledge of genetic information, expression of genes, its regulation and the methods allowing to modify genetic information.
Understanding the field which is not the main study component in a computer science-based study programme.
Learning objectives
To understand the basic knowledge of genetic information, genes and genomes, expression of genes and its regulation. To understand the methods used in molecular genetics and gene engineering in research, industry, agriculture and medicine.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
The knowledge of biology and chemistry at the level of a high school study programme.
Study literature
- Rosypal S. a kol.: Úvod do molekulární biologie. I.-IV. díl. Brno 1999-2002 (třetí vydání), 2006 - I. díl (čtvrté vydání)
- Rosypal S. a kol.: Terminologie molekulární biologie, Brno 2001.
- Alberts a kol: Základy buněčné biologie, Espero, 2000, 2005.
Fundamental literature
- Šmarda J. a kol.. Metody molekulární biologie, Brno, 2005.
- Lewin B. Genes VII, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, Tokyo 2002.
- Alberts et al.: Molecular biology of the cell. Garland Publ. 2004.
- Clark D.: Molecular biology, Elsevier, 2005.
- Watson J.D. et al., Recombinant DNA, 2nd ed., W.H. Freeman, New York 1992.
Syllabus of lectures
- History of molecular genetics
- Genetic information and the genetic code
- Molecular structure of procaryotic and eucaryotic genome
- Replication and transcription of procaryotic and eucaryotic genome
- Postranscriptional modification and processing of RNA
- Translation and posttranslational processing
- Regulation of gene expression
- Molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis and recombination. Repair mechanisms of damaged DNA
- Mobile elements
- Basic methods of molecular genetics
- Basics of gene engineering
- Gene therapy. Genetic diseases and their diagnostics.
- Applications of molecular genetic
Progress assessment
Study evaluation is based on marks obtained for specified items. Minimimum number of marks to pass is 50.
Controlled instruction
There are no checked study.
Course inclusion in study plans