Course details
Economics for Managers
MEK Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 5 credits
The course is a follow up of general economic theory in particular from company management, microeconomics, statistics, mathematics, finance and accounting. The course provides basic theoretical knowledge of and practical skills in the sphere of managerial economy. It is focused on characteristics of basic corporate activities, property and capital structure of the company, financial management and economics, questions related to property and company valuation, revenues and costs from the managerial point of view, corporate activities (production, financial and investment activities) as well as personal management. The emphasis is laid first of all on the decision making process. The course addresses especially the economic aspect of given topics as well as mastering the professional terminology.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 26 hrs exercises
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
The course offers students the knowledge and skills in the field of managerial economics. The students will learn how to apply their knowledge of economic theory as well as various mathematical methods. They acquire basic skill necessary for the practical application of taught topics in the sphere of business and managerial decision-making.
Learning objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills from the sphere of managerial economy, such as capital and property structure of the company, individual corporate activities and their mutual relations. At the same time, the course is a follow up of number of courses regarding corporate finance, microeconomics and corporate management.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Knowledge of basic economic terms from the sphere of microeconomics, mathematics, corporate management, marketing, production management, accounting as well as mathematical and statistical methods.
Fundamental literature
- SYNEK, M. a kol. Manažerská ekonomika. 3.vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, s.r.o,2003. 466s. ISBN 80- 247 - 0515-X.
- WÖHE, G. Úvod do podnikového hospodářství. 1. vyd. Praha: C.H. Beck, 1995. s.748, ISBN 80-7179-014-1.
Syllabus of lectures
- Requirements to examination. Managerial economy - interpretation basic conceptions.
- Purposes company and his function.
- Rights in property and capital structure company.
- Yields, costs, income from operations.
- Gain and iterrelations between basic economic quantities.
- Managerial conception loads.
- Productive activity of a company.
- Financial activity of a company.
- Company capital activity .
- Company investments.
- Capital budgeting. Investment efficiency.
- Personal work
- Accounting. Analyses, controlling
Progress assessment
Výuka není kontrolována.
Controlled instruction
Attending lectures and seminars.
Continuous preparations for seminars (individual research from literature).
Researching case studies.
Preparation for final exam.
Written exam, optional oral exam.
Course inclusion in study plans