Course details
MAR Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 5 credits
The course familiarises students with current theoretical and practical approaches of firm in the marketing area. The marketing mix elements and principles of strategic marketing management are discussed. The focus on industrial marketing issues is dominant.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 26 hrs exercises
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Knowledge and understanding acquired in the course will help students to be familiar with current marketing concepts, to gain an overview of possible approaches to marketing analysis and marketing planning in the changing conditions of our economy.
Learning objectives
The goal of the course is to provide students with a wide spectrum of knowledge from the area of marketing emphasising the current and future trends in marketing principles utilization. The course is based on the approach of well-established firms stressing the importance of customer satisfaction. The aim of the course is for students to master marketing terminology and concepts, as well as practical experience with marketing approaches in current firm conditions.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Knowledge of basic economic terms.
Fundamental literature
- KOTLER, P.: Marketing podle Kotlera. Praha: Management Press, 2000. 258 s. ISBN 80-7261-010-4
- MALLYA, T.: Základy strategického řízení a rozhodování. Praha: Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1911-5
Syllabus of lectures
- Marketing in the overall managerial activities context
- General conditions for effective marketing utilization
- Market segmentation
- Marketing mix elements
- Marketing research
- Marketing strategy
- Contemporary trends in marketing
Progress assessment
Výuka není kontrolována.
Controlled instruction
Attendance of students in class is governed by the valid study code.
Course inclusion in study plans