Course details
Microeconomics 2
MI2 Acad. year 2015/2016 Summer semester 5 credits
Microeconomics seeks to understand the forces influencing the choices individuals make as they cope with the problem of scarcity. Much of the analysis here is based on the assumption that human behavior is predictable. In analyzing economic phenomena, many simplifications are made to isolate the basic constraints under which persons must make decisions. The role of prices in influencing economic decisions is studied extensively in microeconomics. The aim of the subject is to teach students use the theory in practice and course will focus on consumer behavior, theory of the firm, production and costs, perfect competition, imperfect competition, game theory and factor market.
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 13 hrs exercises
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Student will know on advanced level systematic interpretation micro - economic tools, by the help of them it is possible analyze concrete cases market behaviors individuals and firms. In terms of subject I'll students also familiarized with using tools micro - economics analyses to evaluation effects economic policy (especially then in her structural or micro - economics parts ) on act individuals and firms.
Learning objectives
Economic theories make assumptions about the way people behave. The implications of these assumptions for human actions are then traced, using logic.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Expect of knowledge from economics range baccalaureate studies.
Study literature
- FRANK,R.H. Mikroekonomie a chování, 1. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství Svoboda, 1995. 765s. ISBN 25-042-95
- SOUKUPOVÁ, J. - HOŘEJŠÍ, B. - MACÁKOVÁ, L. - SOUKUP, J. Mikroekonomie. Management Press, 2. vydání, Praha 1999, 548s., ISBN 80-7261-005-8
Fundamental literature
- LUŇÁČEK, J., BENEŠ, J.,Mikroekonomie, 2006 CERM Brno, ISBN 80-214-3293-4
Syllabus of lectures
- Introduction to the Microeconomics.
- Consumer Theory.
- Theory of the firm.
- Production and Costs.
- Perfect competition, Market Equilibrium.
- Imperfect competition Monopoly.
- Monopoly and Price Discrimination.
- Oligopoly.
- Monopolistic Competition.
- Alternative Theories of the Firm.
- The Market for Factors of Production - Perfect and Imperfect Competition.
- The Market for Factors of Production Supply and Demand.
- Investment, Time and Capital Markets.
Progress assessment
Study evaluation is based on marks obtained for specified items. Minimimum number of marks to pass is 50.
Controlled instruction
Participation in exercisings continuously take control of.
Course inclusion in study plans