Course details
Agents and Multiagent Systems
AGSe Acad. year 2015/2016 Winter semester 5 credits
Concepts of artificial agent and multiagent systems, reactive and rational agents. The basic architectures of agent systems, layered architecture, subsumptional architecture. Agent's mental states, intentional systems and their models. BDI system architectures. Communication in multiagent systems, KQML and ACL languages, the basic interaction protocols. Physical and mental conflicts, general approaches to conflict solving, voting, negotiation and argumentation. Behaviour coordination and methods for distributed planning. Social aspects in MAS, obligations and norms. FIPA abstract platform, agent's life cycle. Development and realization of multiagent systems, GAIA methodology and JADE implementation tool.
Language of instruction
Time span
Subject specific learning outcomes and competences
Course graduate gains knowledge about recent approaches to building models with intelligent autonomous entities - agents.
Learning objectives
The aim of this course is to acquaint students with principles of operations and with designs of systems with agents - autonomous intelligent entities and also with systems containing more such agents.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
It is necessary to have fundamental knowledge of formal logic, artificial intelligence, system modelling and programming for this course.
Study literature
- Ferber, J.: Multi-Agent Systems, 1999, Adisson-Wesley, UK, ISBN 0-201-36048-9
- Russel, S., Norvig, P.: Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach, Pearson Education Inc., 2003, ISBN 0-13-080302-2
- Wooldridge, M.: Reasoning about Rational Agents, 2000, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, ISBN 0-262-23213-8
Fundamental literature
- Ferber, J.: Multi-Agent Systems, 1999, Adisson-Wesley, UK, ISBN 0-201-36048-9
- Russel, S., Norvig, P.: Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach, Pearson Education Inc., 2003, ISBN 0-13-080302-2
- Wooldridge, M.: Reasoning about Rational Agents, 2000, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, ISBN 0-262-23213-8
Syllabus of seminars
- Introduction to distributed artificial intelligence. Concepts of agent, environment, agent classification.
- Fundamental architectures of reactive and deliberative agents. Situated automata, Subsumptional architecture.
- Formal approaches to the agent systems. Modal logics, Epistemic, Temporal, CTL and BDI logics.
- Rational agent, agent's mental states, IRMA, AgentSpeak(L), dMARS architectures.
- Agint Oriented Programming (AOP), 2APL Tool
- Agent's programming in JASON
- Multiagent systems (MAS), general principles of cooperation and conflict solving, game theory for multiagent systems.
- Communication in MAS, KQML and ACL languages, interaction protocols.
- Negotiation, argumentation, voting. Algorithms, protocols and examples.
- Coalition forming, obligations and norms. An example of coalitin forming algorithm.
- Distributed planning.
- MAS modelling. Agent's roles, AUML, GAIA.
- Realisation of the MAS. FIPA abstract architecture.
Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students:
Individual project - design of an agent / essay on agent-relating topic.
Progress assessment
Study evaluation is based on marks obtained for specified items. Minimimum number of marks to pass is 50.
Controlled instruction
- Mid-Term written test
- Individual project