Course details
Scripting Languages
Language of instruction
Time span
Assessment points
- 51 pts final exam (written part)
- 9 pts mid-term test (written part)
- 40 pts projects
Recommended prerequisites
Study literature
- Harms, D., Macdonald, K.: Začínáme programovat v jazyce Python. Computer Press, ISBN 80-7226-799-X.
- Lutz, M., Ascher, D.: Naučte se Python - Pohotová příručka. Grada, 2003, ISBN 80-247-0367-X.
Fundamental literature
- Beazley, D.M.: Python - Podrobná referenční příručka pro programovací jazyk Python. Neocortex.
- Abelson, H.: Structure and interpretation of computer programs, Cambridge. MIT Press, 2002.
Course inclusion in study plans