Course details

Mathematical Software

0MS FSI 0MS Acad. year 2022/2023 Summer semester 3 credits

Current academic year

In this course we deal with secure programming in Matlab. For this, specific features of the language are used, especially the representation of the variable as an array, supporting algorithmization with the widest possible use of built-in matrix operations. We also mention the concept of graphical user interface and some other built-in tools.
We use Matlab R2020b and higher.


Language of instruction




Time span

  • 26 hrs exercises



Subject specific learning outcomes and competences

Productive use of MATLAB development and programming environment and writing secure programs.

Learning objectives

To teach students to program in MATLAB with productive use of its specific features and some built-in tools.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Knowledge and skills that meet the conditions for successful completion of the BASICS OF PROGRAMMING (SZP) and the basics of linear algebra are expected.

Syllabus of numerical exercises

1. Matlab environment, Matlab language and its elementary elements
2. M-function, function descriptor
3. Variables as arrays, dynamic declaration and resizing, indexing by arrays
4. Indexing by searching, sorting and set operations
5. Block matrices and operations
6. Matrices vs. cell arrays, matrix algebra
7. Expression of invariants by matrix algebra
9. More about rendering graphs
10. More about file operations
11. More about control commands, protected blocks
12. Event management, graphical user interface
13. Other data types, structure, symbolic type

At each seminar, at least one project is written or developed with the teacher's explanation and under his guidance, in which the constructions according to the current topic are implemented.

Progress assessment

Credit is awarded on the basis of point evaluation of an independently prepared semester project. The evaluation is fully in the competence of the teacher according to the valid guidelines of BUT.

Teaching methods and criteria

The preferred style is learning by solve simple tasks.

Controlled instruction

Absence from the seminar can be replaced by a separate elaboration of the project discussed at the seminar with a possible presentation.

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 1st year of study, Elective
  • Programme BIT (in English), 1st year of study, Elective
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