Course details

Data Communications, Computer Networks and Protocols

PDS Acad. year 2023/2024 Summer semester 5 credits

Transport protocols. Routing algorithms. Switch and router design. Principles of P2P communication. Network traffic classification. Packet processing in the operating system. Network protocol identification and anomaly detection. Reputation systems. Data centres, software defined networks, virtual network functions. Content delivery networks. Privacy and anonymity in computer networks.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction

Czech, English


Examination (written+oral)

Time span

  • 39 hrs lectures
  • 4 hrs exercises
  • 2 hrs laboratories
  • 26 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 60 pts final exam (oral part)
  • 15 pts mid-term test (written part)
  • 25 pts projects




Learning objectives

Understand the principles and implementation of network algorithms in computer networks. Become familiar with the design of common network devices. Learn advanced methods for network traffic classification and analysis. Understand the architecture of P2P networks, SDN and network programming. Get an overview of network security and privacy.

Why is the course taught

The course prepares students to solve advanced engineering tasks in area of network communication, network applications and infrastructure.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The set theory, graph theory and relations. Fundamentals of communication protocols. Principles of Internet.

Study literature

Fundamental literature

Syllabus of lectures

  1. Introduction to networking.
  2. Routing theory.
  3. Transport layer, flow-control and congestion-control.
  4. Switch design.
  5. Router design.
  6. IP address lookup and packet classification.
  7. Peer to peer networks.
  8. Packet processing in operating system.
  9. Data center. Software Defined Networks.Virtual Network Functions.
  10. Network traffic identification and anomaly detection.
  11. Reputation systems.
  12. Privacy and anonymity on the Internet.

Syllabus of laboratory exercises

  • P4 network programming.

Progress assessment

Written mid-term exam and submitting project in due dates.
Mid-term exam, laboratory practice and/or homework supported by project completion, and final exam are the monitored, and points earning education. Mid-term exam and laboratory practice are without correction eventuality. Final exam has two additional correction eventualities. The minimal number of points that can be obtained from the final exam is 25. Otherwise, no points will be assigned to a student.

Exam prerequisites

Requirements for class accreditation are not defined.


Thu exam 2024-05-23 C304 C311 08:0012:50 2. termín
Fri exam 2024-05-17 C304 C311 08:0016:50 1. termín
Fri exam 2024-05-31 C311 08:0010:00 3. termín
Fri lecture 1., 2., 3. of lectures E104 08:0010:5070 1MIT 2MIT NCPS NGRI - NNET NHPC NISD NNET xx Veselý
Fri lecture 4., 5., 6., 7., 11., 12. of lectures E104 08:0010:5070 1MIT 2MIT NCPS NGRI - NNET NHPC NISD NNET xx Matoušek
Fri lecture 9., 10., 13. of lectures E104 08:0010:5070 1MIT 2MIT NCPS NGRI - NNET NHPC NISD NNET xx Grégr
Fri exercise 2024-02-09 E104 11:0012:5075 1MIT 2MIT xx Veselý
Fri exercise 2024-02-16 E104 11:0012:5075 1MIT 2MIT xx Matoušek
Fri laboratory *) 2024-04-12 C304 11:0012:5020 1MIT 2MIT INTE NCPS - NSEC NGRI - NNET NHPC NISD xx Grégr Prezentace a cvičení na programování v jazyce P4
Fri exam 2024-04-05 E112 13:0015:00 Půlsemestrální zkouška PDS
It is not possible to register this class in Studis. (Some exercises may be opened later if needed, but this is not guaranteed.)

Course inclusion in study plans

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