Course details

Computer Graphics (in English)

PGRe Acad. year 2023/2024 Winter semester 5 credits

Current academic year

Introduction, OpenGL graphics library - basics of rendering, drawing of graphics primitives, their features, camera settings, materials and lighting, textures, MIP mapping, filtration, rendering, textures (generation, procedural textures, special textures), volume data rendering, ray tracing advanced methods, radiation methods, morphing - 2D raster and 2D vector, global visibility, virtual reality, simulation and visualization of particle systems, free deformation, soft tissue animation, articulated structures animation.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction



Examination (written)

Time span

  • 39 hrs lectures
  • 6 hrs pc labs
  • 7 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 51 pts final exam (written part)
  • 7 pts mid-term test (test part)
  • 16 pts seminars in computer labs
  • 26 pts projects




Learning objectives

To learn about theoretical background of spatial computer graphics. To get acquainted with tools for graphics scenes modelling. To learn limitations imposed by physical nature of light propagation in computer graphics. To learn principles of methods and algorithms of spatial computer graphics. To learn principles of computer animation. To get acquainted with OpenGL graphics library. To acquire practical skills needed for application development with computer graphics or computer animation features.
The students will learn about theoretical background of spatial computer graphics. They get acquainted with tools for graphics scenes modelling. They learn limitations imposed to physical nature of light propagation in computer graphics, principles of methods and algorithms of spatial computer graphics, and principles of computer animation. They get acquainted with OpenGL graphics library, too. Students also acquire practical skills needed for application development with computer graphics or computer animation features.
The students will learn to work in team. They will also improve their skills in development tools usage and also in practical C/C++ programming.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge of C/C++ programming, basic principles of computer graphics (vector and raster), basic operations of planar (2D) and spatial (3D) graphics, principles of main graphics application interfaces, methods and algorithms for rasterization of lines, circles and curves, filling of closed areas, methods and algorithms for pbject transformations, visibility solving, lighting, shading, and texturing.

Study literature

  • Sillion, F., Puech, C.: Radiosity and Global Illumination, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994, ISBN 1558602771
  • Ebert, D.S. et al.: Texturing and Modelling: A Procedural Approach, Academic Press, 1998, ISBN 0122287304

Syllabus of lectures

  1. Introduction, OpenGL graphics library - basics of rendering
  2. OpenGL graphics library - drawing of graphics primitives, their features, camera settings
  3. OpenGL graphics library - materials and lighting
  4. OpenGL graphics library - textures, MIP mapping, filtration
  5. OpenGL graphic library - advanced techniques, shaders
  6. Global visibility; Level of Detail
  7. Rendering and processing volumetric data
  8. Realistic rendering - Ray Tracing
  9. Realistic rendering - Radiosity, Particle methods, Path tracing
  10. Textures (generation, procedural textures, special textures)
  11. Point-based graphics
  12. 2D vector and raster morphing; Animation - particle systems
  13. Virtual and augmented reality

Syllabus of computer exercises

  1. 2D drawing, 3D objects, Camera setup
  2. Shading, Lighting, Materials, Texturing
  3. Animation, Selection buffer, Stencil buffer

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

  1. Individually assigned projects / Team projects

Progress assessment

  • Mid-term test - up to 7 points
  • Evaluated computer labs - up to 12 points
  • Individual project - up to 30 points
  • Written exam - up to 51 points

Mid-term test, evaluated computer labs, and individual project.

Course inclusion in study plans

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