Course details

Robotics and Robotic Manipulators

BPC-RBM FEKT BPC-RBM Acad. year 2024/2025 Winter semester 4 credits

The course is designed as a general introductory overview, focusing on the fundamental principles, methods, and challenges within various subfields of modern robotics. As part of this "Introduction to Robotics," we will explore the essential building blocks on which robotics is based, describing their characteristics, challenges, and common solutions and approaches for each. The goal of this course is to provide a broad foundational understanding of the entire field of robotics.

In the laboratory exercises, you will gain hands-on experience with some of these foundational elements. This overview course is followed by the practically oriented course BPC-PRP in the next summer semester, which allows you to connect the foundational elements covered in this course into a cohesive framework. This framework serves as a solid base for further studies in the master’s program (MPC-RBT, MPC-MAP).



Language of instruction



Credit+Examination (written)

Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 8 hrs laboratories




Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to equip students with fundamental general knowledge in various areas of robotics, covering both industrial and mobile robotics. Students will be introduced to the basic structural components of stationary and mobile robots, manipulators, internal and external sensors, actuators, control systems, computational units, programming methods, and practical applications of robotics.

A successful graduate of the course should possess sufficient knowledge to program the trajectory of a robotic manipulator or assemble a mobile robot capable of autonomous movement.


Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic knowledge from previous courses on matrix calculus, microcontroller programming, communication buses, measurement of quantities, and sensors. 

Study literature

  • SNYDER, Wesley E. Industrial robots: computer interfacing and control. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, c1985. ISBN 01-346-3159-5.
  • SPONG, Mark W. a M. VIDYASAGAR. Robot dynamics and control. New York: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-61243-8.

Study supports

All study materials can be found in the subject's e-learning platform. 

Syllabus of lectures

P1: Úvod do robotiky
P2: Souřadnicové systémy a transformace I
P3: Souřadnicové systémy a transformace II
P4: Robotické manipulátory I
P5: Robotické manipulátory II
P6: Základní problémy mobilní robotiky, Pohony v mobilní robotice
P7: Kinematika mobilních robotů
P8: Proprioceptivní senzory v mobilní robotice
P9: Exteroceptivní senzory v mobilní robotice
P10: Komunikace a výpočetní jednotky v robotice
P11: Softwarové frameworky v robotice
P12: Algoritmy v mobilní robotice  

Syllabus of laboratory exercises

Cv1: Souřadnicové systémy a transformace
Cv2: Programování robotických manipulátorů
Cv3: Komunikace mezi senzory a výpočetními jednotkami
Cv4: Komunikace mezi senzory a výpočetními jednotkami 

Progress assessment

Structure of Point Evaluation (Total 100 points):

  • Up to 40 points – Assessment of laboratory exercises (4x10 points)
  • Up to 60 points – Written exam

Requirements for course credit and exam eligibility:

  • Attendance at all laboratory exercises (no unexcused absences)*
  • A minimum of 5 points from each laboratory exercise

Requirements for passing the exam:

  • Obtaining course credit
  • Scoring at least 25 points on the written exam (out of a maximum of 60 points)

* = Any absence from a laboratory exercise must be justified and properly excused (e.g., a doctor’s note). The student is then required to make up for the missed exercise at another session covering the same topic. If this is not feasible, the student will undergo an oral examination on the topic of the missed exercise. This oral examination can award up to 10 points.



Tue exam 2025-01-21 T12/SD 2.100 08:3010:30 3. termín (jen opakování)
Tue lecture lectures T12/SD 2.100 10:0011:5060 2BIA 2BIB 3BIT xx Chromý
Tue exam 2025-01-07 T12/SD 2.100 13:0015:00 2. termín
Wed exam 2024-12-18 T12/SD 2.100 09:0011:00 1. termín
Fri laboratory lectures T12/SE 2.132 08:0009:5020 2BIA 2BIB 3BIT xx Chromý, Lázna, Svědiroh
Fri laboratory lectures T12/SE 2.132 10:0011:5020 2BIA 2BIB 3BIT xx Chromý, Lázna, Svědiroh
Fri laboratory lectures T12/SE 2.132 12:0013:5020 2BIA 2BIB 3BIT xx Chromý, Lázna, Svědiroh

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 2nd year of study, Elective
  • Programme BIT (in English), 2nd year of study, Elective
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